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Generic Name: moexipril

Brand Name: Univasc oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

It works for me with changes in my diet and exercise I reduced the mg intake

1 time a day

I had center head pressure and face across my nose pressure and waves after three years, was treated for allergies. when went off all things dissapeared, no allergies...terrible side effect and on low doseage.These drugs can act up even on them for a long time.It did the job but couldn't stand the side effects.Felt like I lost 8 months of my life trying to figure out what was wrong and it was this drug.....terrible...still trying to get one to work with no side effect. has been a challange all my life.

this treatment is awsome. I love drugs.

Starting out, I had nausea, headache and upset stomach for about a week. But those went away and my BP has been under control for years with no recurrance of side effects.