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Generic Name: mefloquine

Brand Name: Lariam oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I was given this medication upon deploying to the Middle East after 9/11. I took it weekly for a year while in country and another month after returning home. The worst side effects were the strange, vivid dreams that upon waking left me unable to realize the difference between the dream and reality. This was nothing compared to nightmares from PTSD. The side effects were worth it and a mild nuisance compared to contracting malaria. A proper risk/benefit analysis should be used to make a decision on the use of this medication but I will take it agin if I ever have to travel to area where malaria is found.

I have taken the medication as needed since 1989 without issue. I have not had malaria. I acknowledge that some of my friends have had issues.

An extremely dangerous drug. Caused severe anxiety and depression to the point of becoming suicidal (of which I previously had no history). Terrible dreams, night sweats, nausea, etc. This drug is psychological poison.


This drug is awesome. I love drugs.

My son, 20, took Larium while volunteering in Africa for 2.5 months. He came back nervous, paranoid, unable to sleep, headaches, pressure in the head, diarrhea, halos in vision. Even now a year later he still has many symptoms. DO NOT take Larium.

I took this for 6 months in Nigeria in 2006. Suffered panic attacks, insomnia,extreme anxiety, suicidal thoughts and depression. I had extreme fear of everything and thought everyone was out to get me. I felt desperate to leave Nigeria and shudder when I think about my time there. I would strongly advise people not to take this medication. The only warning my doctor gave me was that I might have bad dreams but it was much worse than that. I had no history of anxiety or depression and it took at least 3 months after I came back to the states to feel like a normal person again. In all fairness, culture shock may have had something to do with it-but I had traveled before to various countries and never experienced this kind of anxiety.

I last used this drug in 1997 on a trip to India to visit my family (I was 13 at the time). Fortunately, the medication prevented me from getting malaria. Unfortunately, it made me so psychologically miserable those three weeks I was there that I haven't been able to bring myself to visit my extended family there ever since. Not only did I have the depression and an extreme longing to return home to the States (one that I never had on prior trips), I was also sweating like a horse at normal ambient temperatures (this gets even worse when there's no air conditioning and the heat index is 130F!), and vomiting a LOT (the pills taste horrible and even if you can get one down, it wants to get back up ASAP!). Careful with this med, esp. w/kids. People say it's "tried and true" for 40+ years, but that doesn't mean it's fun. Just hearing the word "Lariam" makes me shudder these days.

I have been taking it for my voluntary trip to Africa and have taken it for some time now. I have had no problem with it - No dreams, mood changes or mental issues. Generally when you go to a doctor to get it prescribed to you, you go on a trial so they can observe any changes or you can feel any differences to your mood, physical features and mental features. They did that with me and I have been okay whilst using it. People try to scare you or warn you before taking it to prepare you for side effects but I have had no problem being a young, healthy 18-year-old. Just make sure you get the right Doctor to help you and talk you through it like they did for me.

My wife & I took larium for 2 years on V.S.O. in Ethiopia and had no problems with it. V.S.O. said it had only been cleared for 6 months usage but knew of no problems for longer use.

Suffered severe Anxiety, Depression and Paranoia while taking this drug. Took me many years to stop wanting to kill myself, let alone enjoy life at all. I had no previous problems with mental illness, but there is a history in my family. DO NOT TAKE this drug if you have a family history or any problems with mental illness yourself. It ruined as many as 10 yrs of my life.

Took it in 2003 and found myself in a deep, dark pit that took me years to crawl out of. In addition to the usual symptoms, tinnitus, anxiety, panics attacks, etc, my emotions disappeared (except terror - that stayed). I guess you cannot imagine what it must be like not having emotions, until you experience it. And then pain disappeared. I could injure myself without feeling it.

I took this drug when I went to volunteer in Africa for 6 weeks. It turned out to be a complete disaster for me. IT RUINED MY LIFE. What was supposed to be a special time for me was wrecked by Lariam. I had insomnia, troubles breathing, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, alchohol intolerance, liver damage, suicidal thoughts, and personality changes. I was not properly informed about these side effects when I was perscribed Lariam. DO NOT TAKE IT. Only a few people have these effects, but if you are one of those people it will wreck your life.

My son went to Africa on a church missions trip and had suicidal psychotic episodes until we stopped him from taking any more of this drug. It is a horror.

i took this in 1996 while going to live in thailand.within 7 weeks i was a wreak.panic attackk ,also had a convulsion.to my mind this drug caised all this and before all this i had never had any health problems.also noticed alcohol intolerance as in even after a couple of drinks i would suffer terribly the next day and i still do to this day

DO NOT under ANY circumstances take this medication! My father-in-law took this medication before taking a trip to Africa. A month after returning, has had several psychotic episodes and hallucinations do to this drug. He had no mental problems prior to taking this drug. This company is down-playing the horrible risk and side-effects this drug causes. Stay away from this medication!!