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Generic Name: norfloxacin

Brand Name: Noroxin oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

This always works whe nothing else does. Wonderful med!!

The side effects of this drug is worse than the bloated stomach. The tendons in the back of my legs feel like they are shrinking, I have severe arthritis, made my joint pain worse. I felt depressed, slept ten hours a day and the left side of my face swelled severely. I stopped taking the drug and feel 100% better

it worked really fast, after taking the first dosage i felt brand new!

I've had to chosoe 1 star, but if I could choose MINUS 5, I would. I took this poison for six days for a SUSPECTED (non-existent) UTI. My tendons and joints are disintegrating, I can hardly walk or even move, have lost previously good eyesight and now need strong glasses, have lost a lot of hearing, am always out of breath even if I don't do anything, am vague and confused as though I had Alzheimer's, my previously invisibnle veins are huge, have lost most of my hair, my muscles have "melted" and skin looks as though I'm 120 years old, hanging in flods. I have vertigo, tremor, twitching, nightmares, terrible neuropathic pain and burning and tingling... Really, there's nothing that isn't wrecked. And I didn't even have an infection! Quinolones and fluoroquinolones should be banned - I'd rather have died than this, but i wouldn't have died, as I had no infection! I've chosen UTI, but it was only SUSPECTED.

This drug works great for me. I have been on it before when I had a reaction to sulfa drug. Don't like the after taste though and hard to time it between meals.

took this drug over 7 years ago---terrible chronic tendon/joint pain in knees, hips, legs, Achilles, shoulders lasting over 7 years; former healthy runner in chronic disabling pain---trouble standing and walking for long periods; also caused peripheral neuropathy in lower legs that is irreverible after over 7 years; also double vision, floaters in left eye, blurring vision in/out lasting over 7 years; this drug destroyed my life and left me disabled and needing home care. a big price to pay for a suspected infection; i would give anything to get my life back. i am only 37

I had a complicated u t i for over two months, no other usual antibiotics worked. This in conjunction with an antiflamitory(voltarin rapid) worked for me, so far.

worked well as supressant