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Generic Name: ofatumumab

Brand Name: Arzerra intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have experienced 5 of 6 main SAEs on this medication which I am taking with Zydelig in a clinical trial. I had very bad diarrhea after the second infusion, and after completing the weekly rounds have found that I am having a bad diarrhea, vomiting,chills, fever situation for the past four months shortly after the infusion reaction, I have spent countless hours I'll while on this product and am in the hospital for several days again as I write due to more medication interaction.

I just finished my second infusion of Arzerra, So far, I have had the same experience with this drug and application as with Rituximab, which I tolerated well. I have had none of the side effects that were listed in the Arzerra information. I have six more weeks of infusions before I will get some follow up testing to see if it is effective.