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Generic Name: oxycodone-acetaminophen

Brand Name: Tylox oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

this time release capsuel took care of my terrific pain for 2 days,giving me good relief for awhile!

surgical pain

with my back, neck and knees this med helps take the sharp pain away. But in the last 2 months the phamacy has been unable to get the brand name stripts in and I can really tell a difference in my pain.

Given rx for post op recovery. Worked well for pain. Crazy dreams tho and could not sleep for more than 2 hrs. Withdrawl not so pretty.

Oral surgeon gave me Tylox after having my wisdom teeth out. It caused me to black out for breif periods up to a week after I quit taking it. It was weird because oxycodone, vicadin never effects me at all.

I took this medication for neck pain and PTSD. It greatly reduced my pain in a matter of minutes, and it helped me sleep through the night.


I have been taking percocet for four months but, they have always been the white tablet. today my doctor prescribes the same meds but in different milligram of acetaminophen. The pills were red an an hour after taking a pill I got really nauseaus. The I startd vomiting for hours on end. The itching I exoerience is beyond words.I scratched until I bleed and it still itched.

Within 30 mintues after taking became severely nauseated, sweating, and SEVERE back and abdomenal pain.

I have a torn ACL in my knee,I have had surgery 2X and goin for #3 so I have had a variety of pain meds.very impressed with how well a low dose med has helped.it didnt take long to work and lasted longer than other pain meds ive been on.I would def encourage others in pain to try tylox

I was given this medication for broken ribs . It helped me get some rest . I still have a dull pain but the doctor told me it would not take the pain completly away , so with that in mind it did a very good job at pain control . Althourh i really did not like the swimmy feeling in my head .


Makes me tired but gets rid of my neck pain from a bulging disc

In 2003 I was in a boating accident and fractured 3 bones in my neck. Now I have pain running down to my back.