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Generic Name: pemetrexed disodium

Brand Name: Alimta intravenous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

Can’t rate effectiveness after 2 rounds but the nausea and vomiting is severe. Can’t imagine how anyone does this long term. Dosage is high (?) 600 - 900 for chordoma. Dexi, zofran, maxalon, and olanzapine all working hard to stop nausea but still can’t get out of bed from day 4 on. Hope this works :-)

Started on Carboplatin and alimta in April, 2012. Now off Carbo, just on alimta. Doing well. No major side effects. Flushed cheeks, swollen ankles (take diuretic), watery eyes. No nausea. I drive to and from my appointments by myself. Dr. says I'm "in remission" for now. Continuing Altima every 3 weeks -- indefinitely. I am given a steroid before each alimta treatment. That's what causes the flushed cheeks, I'm told, not the Alimta. At this point my doctor and I are satisfied with the results/ I pray they will continue to be good results.

second round of chemo for my husband. Has done well. He has had 27 treatments so far but now had to stop because of fluid retention of body and around lungs. Had to have both lungs tapped to drain fluid but body is still up. Not sure if treatments will resume or not. A little worried cause it has kept cancer quiet, now that he is off, the question is will it start to grow again. He was diagnosed a little over 3 years ago.

Have only had 3 treatments thus far. Wont know for another month if it made a difference. First 2 treatments went good and this last one I was sick for 9 days! Dont know why.

Second round of chemo for my husband. This time he's being given carboplatin IV along with Alimta IV. First time in 2006 he was given Carboplatin IV, Avastin and had to take Tarceva daily (pill form).Too soon to tell if this combination is effective. His appetite is good, no nausea, no hair loss this time. Will do x-ray later this month and go for third treatment. One more treatment after that. I believe in "miracles". This thing called "cancer" will go into remission.

This is my husband's second line of Chemo after Carbo and Taxotere which worked well until it was doing more harm than good. Now he has anemia and neutropenia? but neither are in dangerous category. His appetite is starting to come back and he has only a little nausea with Alimta. So far we are very pleased, but he will have scans after his next round on the 23rd of Nov. 2010 and we will better know how it's doing. Renegade, is this your first time Chemo or maintenance or just second line Chemo?

I just had my 7th monthly treatment as part of monthly maintainence plan. My cancer was tumors around the lymph nodes of my bronchial tubes. So far, no serious side effects other than a little tiredness. Have had 2 PET scans and both results have been NO CANCER! PRAISE GOD!

After 3rd treatment, too soon to tell effectiveness. Noticed some weakness and ill feelings starting 4 days after treatment and lasting for a week. Had nausea but proton pump inhibitors worked fine. Am starting Tarseva so must eliminate Prevacid and find another means to control vomiting

I have all the classical symptons. It has zaped me from the start. I have taken one dose with the next one in a week. Never have I been so weak. Hoping this drug helps me and others.Wondering if the drug is worth the pain.Perhaps if the outcome is good I will report differently, but if it doesn't then taking this isn't worth all the suffering. I rather just let the cancer take its course and let the life cycle end.

My second chemo session in remission since Jan 08 Had mouth ulcers bad, first treatment found gardeling with salt water after each meal helped,Just had my third tretment had head and costipation sorted this OUT with Lactocur and coloxyl tabs finding itdifficult to stop nausea.Had a scan Cancer has decreaased in size hope it keeps up I keep happy only way I can cope. Can not walk far Good Luck and health too you all

It's hard for me to rate Alimta because I've only had 1 treatment. This is my second chemo session. My cancer was only in remission for about 6 months. I have a ton of mouth sores and I also have a skin rash. I'm somewhat depressed, but I think that's more from the fact that I have to go thru chemo again more than the drug causing the problem. I;m also very tired. I hope tht this time works for me and I pray that I never have to have chemo again. I'm praying that Alimta does the trick, no matter what the side effects.

I've had it twice and all I can see is that the lymph Nodes in my neck are getting bigger and more sore, and my COPD has gotten worse. Two days before my first treatment I did 20min on a treadmill and lifted weights for 1/2 hour, and did Cardio after that for 20min.. Now I can't walk across the room.