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Generic Name: Acetaminophen for Pain (acetaminophen)

Acetaminophen for Pain Reviews

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "In the early nineties, I was taking Tylenol for severe headaches. We had first responders in our workplace that pushed me to larger strengths and doses. 'You're a big guy, you need it, you can take it.' Don't listen. Never go over the recommended dose for your weight. It will permanently damage your liver. My liver transplant was Dec. 19, 1996."

"Tylenol (or in its generic form APAP) is a decent pain killer on its own, but obviously, it won't touch severe pain where an opiate is needed. I find it helpful for any minor aches or pains, including lower back pain, though Soma and Flexeril work better. I take 1g at a time and try to keep it to a couple of times a week. I was at the ER a year back, and the doctors were giving EVERYONE Tylenol and Ibuprofen, even people who needed an opiate. Tylenol has NO place in pain management, which is severe pain, unfortunately. For minor things, it works great, and the generic versions are very cheap: $8 for 500 capsules."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "It’s one of the most worthless medicines I know of. I have tried Tylenol on numerous occasions throughout my life for migraines, back pain, menstrual cramps, post-surgical pain, arthritis pain because some doctor or friend has recommended it. Each time it did absolutely nothing for me. Aspirin is a better pain reliever. Now, with severe chronic pain, my doctor wants me to try it again. No thank you. I give it 1 star because I never suffered any side effects from it."

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) "It is the ABSOLUTE WORST PAINKILLER to take when you have period pain. It does did not ease my period pain at all. I would not recommend it to anyone . DON'T TOUCH IT. I am very lucky now that I do not take Paracetamol anymore."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "I had a sudden experience of lower back pain, to the point where it hurt to breathe, and I wasn't able to sit because it meant bending my back. I took 2 pills of the extra strength. After about 15-20 minutes, I could breathe without crying, it was still extremely painful to sit, but after another 15 minutes or so, 90% of the pain was completely gone. So thankful for Tylenol extra strength!"

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "Only over-the-counter pain med I can take with Crohn's disease. All other painkillers have some degree of aspirin in them. For those with stomach diseases, acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the only thing we can take."

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) "I have found Tylenol and other equivalents to be relatively ineffective in reducing pain associated with my degenerative disk disease (neck pain, severe headaches, lower back pain). I have had some success with tramadol coupled with muscle relaxants, Tylenol with codeine, and Vicodin (5 and 7.5 mg). I also had good results with Aleve until I started to have stomach problems."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "I was prescribed 1 gram (2 extra strength) by mouth every 4-6 hours for a severe tooth problem, cracked tooth in half, until I see my dentist on Friday. (It's Tuesday.) Does absolutely nothing for the pain."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "I have gotten migraines from childhood. I also am very active and sometimes suffer neck and shoulder pain resulting in yet another headache. I have used tylenol for my entire adult life and I cannot even think of what life would've been without it. I have always gotten high fevers with no other symptoms when others get sick. Tylenol has helped me thru all of it. From migraines, to horrible monthly cramps. Crazy when I think about it...It allowed me to function normally through some of the worst moments of life. I am, thankfully, a perfectly healthy 51 yr old and 2 hrs ago I woke with a sickening headache from 3 days of hard yard work. All gone now. Got to thinking...I should say..."Thank you Tylenol.""

Tylenol Arthritis Pain (acetaminophen) "My doctor won't prescribe medication for my fibromyalgia and arthritis pain. He told me to take Tylenol Arthritis. Well, it works sometimes, but most of the time it barely touches the pain. If I take aspirin with it, it works better. But I'm still in a lot of pain. I don't like using creams, because I had a cat die from Icy Hot poisoning, so that's not really an option. I need something else."

Tylenol Extra Strength (acetaminophen) "I had my rotator cuff repaired and I was sent home with a block in my arm that did not even last 24 hours. Also I was sent home with a liquid bulb of pain medicine around my neck with the tubing inserted into my shoulder. In less than 24 hours the tubing leaked twice and finally just fell out. I had one pain medicine prescription. I had to half each one into 4. It was terrible pain and the doctors advised me to take extra strength Tylenol. It does noting for me. I don’t understand why there’s a push to take Tylenol. I’m certain Tylenol would work for me if I exceeded the recommended does. Thus, why so many people have liver damage. Tylenol and extra strength Tylenol is like taking nothing. I even tried going without it and then taking Tylenol. No difference!!! Nothing!!"

Tylenol 8 Hour (acetaminophen) "I use it a few times per week for pain flares with my chronic pain. It seems to work better than extra strength and longer. I don't need to rely on my oxycodone as much now that I take this for some pain flares. That being said, not every pain flare is the same and I end up still using one of my oxycodone. I'm allowed up to 4 per day, but now I take one or two since I started to use Tylenol 8 hour. I use the store brand of it too and it works just as well."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "Tylenol is the most useless pain reliever I have ever tried. It does nothing for even the slightest discomfort. I would not recommend it to anyone. A combination of aspirin and ibuprofen with a cup of strong coffee is a better alternative."

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) "Administered an IV bolus of 600mg of Paracetamol to a patient in severe to moderate pain and patient suddenly started sleeping off but that was not expected so I checked and found the pulse unrecordable and BP not measurable. Quickly gave and IV bolus of saline and restored vitals and subsequently monitored patient for the next six hours. I think the effect of rapid administration IV should be hammered on."

Tylenol Extra Strength (acetaminophen) "This is called "extra strength" but it does NOTHING? Every six hours because it's a big, bad painkiller. I can't take anything but Tylenol right now and that's really, really sad. I may as well not take anything and suffer through."

Tylenol Cool Caplet Extra Strength (acetaminophen) "Took one capsule before going to bed for a week to help sleep (arthritis). Had a reaction of hypertension and tachycardia. Stopped taking anything extra beside regular meds. Took it again about a month later. Had the same reaction, only much worse. Ended up in the OR. Realized what the cause was. I have never taken anymore and condition has not returned after three months. My doctors were not aware of this reaction from Tylenol until I found this site."

"I have chronic pain from Fibromyalgia, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, plus three kinds of Arthritis plus a low-grade fever. Ibuprofen helps the pain from those things if I want to add severe heartburn. I take Tylenol (acetaminophen) sometimes when I'm desperate for relief. It never has helped pain, but sometimes I just to be do something. There is one thing it always does, though. It always causes nausea."

"It cannot be overstated how dangerous this medication is. Over 100 teens DIE yearly in the USA ALONE from an Acetaminophen OD. I believe personal experience is illustrative & common so I'll share. The child was not truly trying to harm herself, as with most, they don't think it can harm them, their desire is to regain control. They may vomit - regardless, they wake the next morning feeling embarrassed but fine, unaware their liver is dying inside them - & by the time they realize they are sick, nothing can be done. Please EDUCATE YOUR CHILDREN ON THE DANGERS of this is liver-killing POISON! NEVER EXCEED recommended dosage, I never go above 3 doses daily, & NEVER MIX WITH ALCOHOL! I also avoid APAP meds, 5Mg oxycone, not Percocet, etc"

"Tylenol PM helps me so much with my pain at night because at night my back pain is the worst and every once in a while I take a Tylenol PM and I feel great and can sleep well and I also feel better the next couple days. "

Tylenol Extra Strength (acetaminophen) "I started taking Tylenol Extra Strength for pain after a deep puncture wound requiring skin glue. It's powerful stuff, so I never took more than 1,000 milligrams (2 pills) at a time. The max daily dose is 4,000 milligrams, but I never need(ed) that much; about half of that does the trick for me. I haven't had any negative side effects, but I worry I may become dependent on it if I don't taper off soon. I've read what it can do to a person's liver..."

Tylenol 8 Hour (acetaminophen) "I used to take regular Tylenol two at a time, when I needed I got up to taking 3 to 4 times a day. I switched to taking the 8 hour version and it really works fairly well. It is OTC medicine and reasonable price and it works."

Tylenol (acetaminophen) "The 2021 commercial is very sincere and touching. I use tylenol and it works well for me. After see the commercial I feel like the company is in business for more reasons than just the revenue. It has worked well for me through a variety of medical issues and I will continue to use this product. Thanks"

"Tylenol has never worked even a little for me. It seems to be the go-to pain reliever at hospitals and emergency rooms here in Canada, but really does nothing, even when it's Tylenol-3. It has never even got rid a headache for me, let alone real pain. I can't count the number of times it's been prescribed for me following surgery for broken bones (for use after I'm off morphine or other opiates). It might as well be a sugar pill. My sister is the same — it just does nothing. I don't know why they still give this to people as a pain reliever. I always end up buying naproxen or ibuprofen instead."

"I take acetaminophen for various reasons, mostly headaches though. I was advised to stay away from all NSAID medications due to the risk of GI bleeding when mixed with anti-depressants. Acetaminophen isn't the best pain relieving substance but it works well enough for me."

"I am unable to take NSAIDs so when I have severe headaches/migraines and body pains, I take Tylenol (or a generic acetaminophen, they act the same for me). Have done so since I was a kid, and I have always been careful to follow the dosage directions. My main issue has always been how long it takes to kick in, regardless of the brand. If I'm lucky, my pain will start to go away after half an hour. Usually it will take at least an hour to start working, and in worst cases it will take two or more hours. The pain does go away, but with the side effect of feeling 'out of it'--foggy and a little clumsier, like I'm only 2/3 there. But I would much prefer to feel that than having the severe pain. I've learned to take it when I can feel a mild headache getting worse, so that by the time it hits severe, the medicine will have kicked in. It's best to take with food, because on an empty stomach, there will be some bad nausea right after."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous analgesics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Acetaminophen drug information
  • Acetaminophen injection
  • Acetaminophen rectal
  • Acetaminophen (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Acetaminophen (Oral, Rectal) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Paracetamol, Tylenol, Tylenol Arthritis Pain, Ofirmev, ... +35 more

Professional resources

  • Acetaminophen monograph
  • Acetaminophen Injection (FDA)

Other brands

Tylenol Arthritis Pain, Ofirmev, Children's Tylenol, 7T Gummy ES Chewable Tablets

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Dengue Fever
  • Chiari Malformation