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Generic Name: Botox for Urinary Incontinence (onabotulinumtoxina)

Botox for Urinary Incontinence Reviews

"The injection of Botox was totally invasive but tolerable. The initial side effects have been terrible. I immediately had urinary retention and could not urinate without a self-administered catheter every 3-4 hours round the clock. Can you imagine using a catheter before going to bed, then getting up from sleep two times during the night, and then right then I get up? If this goes on much longer, I will lose my mind."

"I first received Botox for urinary problems under local anesthetic in my doctor's office in November 2018. It was not horribly uncomfortable. I went to work and was experiencing UTI symptoms. By the afternoon, however, those symptoms diminished, and I felt like I could already see positive results from the Botox. I was pad-free within a week. Results only lasted 3 to 4 months. In June 2019, I had surgery for vaginal and rectal prolapse and a mesh sling put under the neck of my bladder. The hope was that I would not need Botox again. I went back into surgery in October 2019 to administer Botox and remove the mesh sling (it became exposed in my body). This is now 2 weeks later... NO improvement with urge incontinence. I feel I am wetting myself MORE. Two days ago, I started a prescription for UTI. The past 3 nights have been miserable... up to pee 7 to 8 times, and usually wetting myself before I make it to the toilet. I’m so worried and sad about my future."

"I just recently went through the Botox procedure for overactive bladder. This has been wonderful for me! I no longer need to worry about accidents. The procedure was done as an outpatient. I encourage anyone who is experiencing OAB to seek help."

"Please stay well clear of this horrible drug. The hospital never told me the risks, they said, 'You'll be fine, it will help you.' Botox in the bladder is pure torture, regardless of needing it. The reviews speak for themselves, and I wish I had read all these 1-star reviews before I had the procedure done, it's ruined my life and has only been one month. I was advised it would help my condition, it's made my life worse. Anyone reading this, do not have this procedure done regardless of your condition, it will torture you slowly. I can only pray that this horrible drug will wear off in time, every day is a struggle. The healthcare providers haven't the slightest clue, they are meant to help people, not make them worse, and they should have explained the 7 risks, not just said, 'Sign the consent form, you'll be okay.' Stay well clear of Botox, it will make your life hell."

"I had Botox for my AOB. In the days after, I was going every time I got up. I had a catheter and bag inserted for 5 days, which was very uncomfortable. Constantly going to the bathroom, sometimes more than 20 times per day. Back to the urologist 3 times for bladder scans. The doctor's assistant gave me catheters to use for 2 weeks. It's now 6 plus weeks, and I can't see not using them any time soon. So Botox was a bust. I had no choice but to try it."

"My 1st Botox treatment for urinary incontinence has been so very successful. What a life changer! Removing the stress of finding restrooms or wearing pads has given me freedom and peace of mind. A lovely miracle."

"I’ve had MS for 27 years. Tried everything, nothing helped. My doctor said I needed to seriously consider Botox. I read all reviews on this site and was convinced it was a no. Doc convinced me otherwise. BIG MISTAKE. 3 UTIs in 1 month. Getting up 3x/night, every 2-3 hours. Procedure was painful. I’m now at wit's end as nothing helps my neurogenic bladder."

"Had Botox injected in my bladder over 2 months ago and am still catherizing myself 5 times a day! I have had 2 UTI's! The spasms pains are the worse pain ever! I can barely even walk! Why don't the doctors warn you of this? If you are considering this, don't do it!"

"I had a Botox procedure on 4/22/24. I am insanely happy. Everything works like it should, whether it be coughing, sneezing, carrying groceries. Went for my check-up today and we are already planning my next procedure around Sept. or Oct. depending on how long it lasts. I will happily go through it twice a year. I was completely under anesthesia, zero aftereffects."

"First, let me state that all of us need to be our own advocates and educate ourselves regarding this procedure. Don't just go by what the doctor says. Read the literature, the research, and make an informed decision. I have MS and had bladder problems (neurogenic bladder) for over 20 years. I tried every single medication; nothing worked. Acupuncture didn't help. My doctor and I discussed Botox. This was my choice: office (local) or hospital (general) anesthetic? General. It was great. Total time under? 11 minutes. The next day, my incontinence was gone!!! No self-cath. No UTIs. No pads. Slept through the night! I had it in April. I would have had a second injection, but have had a bad cold and chest infection. Wearing off slowly, but need the next one. Love it!"

"I was visiting the toilet about 20 times through the day & night so was put forward for botox injections in my bladder, I was told the was a 85% success rate & 15% of people had problems I joked well someone has to be in the 15% i.e me. But unfortunately the joke backfired as I'm now still constantly getting the urge to pass water but can't without using a catheter which can be up to ten times a day, I'm holding on as much as I can but the urge to urinate just gets stronger, I was told this should subside after a few weeks but I'm very doubtful it will. Before the procedure I could urinate without the catheter but since the procedure not a drop of urine without using a catheter. I feel let down & the 85% to 15% ratio is so people will go ahead & have it done. I would advise against having the procedure but I hope I am proven wrong."

"Been having Botox for 12 years for urinary problems. Last 3 under local anesthetic, which is much better. Went up to 300 mg for a while, now back to 200 mg. Lasts been 7 and 10 months. Have been told that it is unstable and wrong temperature storage, and small changes can make it less effective. I now ask for antibiotics for straight after, as I often get an infection. Starts working after a week. Usually self-cath for about 6 weeks. Then bliss until it wears off and I'm on the waiting list again. Betmiga helps until then. I still avoid caffeine and fizzy drinks, as they irritate my bladder. It does make me fatigued after, and my eyesight is poorer, but I have obviously aged and have no proof that it's caused by Botox. Improves my life."

"I have had multiple sclerosis for 25 years. For the last 10 years, I have had Botox injections in my bladder. I don't have anything for pain as I don't find it painful. It takes about a week to ten days for the Botox to kick in. I do have to use a catheter 4 times a day, which I do sitting towards the taps on the bidet, with a magnifying mirror strategically placed on the taps! It works perfectly for me, and you can keep everything super hygienic. I always aim the catheter into a plastic measuring jug so I can measure how much I do. 400 mls is about right, 200 mls means I'm not drinking enough. Coffee and tea do irritate the bladder, and coffee especially. I hope this is helpful to some."

"This is my second time having Botox. They gave me 100 first, and that didn't help, so they doubled the dose to 200. I have gotten a little control during the day but am still very incontinent at night. Still wear Depends and pads. Very disappointed. I feel lots of pain around my private area when I have the urge to pee. Also, I experience a severe tingling sensation from my shoulder down my arms to the tips of my fingers, and as I pee, the severity lessens and stops as soon as I'm finished peeing. Apparently, my doctor has never heard about this. Am I alone here? Very frustrated."

"Had a botox procedure done about 3 months ago for urinary issues, the injections hurt!! It seemed to help for about 2 weeks and I leak a lot worse than I did before the botox, I regret having it done but I had to give it a try as none of the meds worked either, I will not have it done again!! I guess I'll just have this problem for the rest of my life unfortunately."

"I had Botox injection at the hospital under general anesthesia. I am handicapped and my physician advised me that the surgery centers won't take a patient that can't walk on their own in case of fire. (I think this is rubbish) The first night it worked great. Didn't have to get up, stayed dry and I was thrilled. Hasn't worked since. Am trying to decide if I want to give it another try. I am so tired of having to pee all the time and waking up in the night to change my depends as I have soaked the one I'm wearing."

"At first I was nervous about botox as I already have sacral nerve stimulator, had it done in 2018 and went into retention so now self catheterization. I'd rather be like this than having accidents. I've been accident free since 2018"

"I had Botox injections for 0AB and it helped the first time. Very uncomfortable but tolerable. Doesn’t last long. The second and third times no help and I seemed to have even less control. The doctor thinks I might have cystitis but there is no way to know for sure. He is surprised Botox doesn’t work. I also have pain and painful sensation in my hands and fingers if I hold too long, my doctor had never heard of this either. Currently trying different meds. Disappointed Botox did not work for me."

"I am extremely happy with the Botox injections in the bladder. I have severe incontinence, overactive bladder before. I have MS and my urologist explained I would have to self-cathe after the procedure. That's no big deal. I cam wear real underwear again! Yay!"

"I am 38. I have Multiple Sclerosis, for the past five yrs I had to wear depends, at night no matter what I did I would leak through the depends, and all over a bed pad. Every night. A yr or so ago this urologist moved into my area. She has credentials up the but. I HATE urologist. But my MS nurse said go at least talk to her. We decided to try Botox. I love it. For some reason my MS attacks my bladder more than most. I was already self Cathing . So having to do that after botox wasn't an issue for me. fortunately it does work immensely for me, and we are using a very high dose.....but because of MS it only works for a little over 2 months for me. So for about 3 weeks I'm back to incontinence, but at day 91 I go Again!!!"

"I had this treatment 3 weeks ago and it has changed my life. The procedure is uncomfortable but not really painful and over quickly. I am having to self cath but I am finding this a doddle to do. I am now going 7/8 times a day compared to 30 so for me am more than happy to continue doing it."

"NEVER AGAIN..I had Botox first time under sedation, worked great for a month, but it did not last. Had double the dose second time, no sedation, omg it hurt, It has been over three weeks, ended up with a nasty UTI, and I am still have overactive bladder, and running to the bathroom as the time. So Botox was a big waste of time, also switching doctors!!!!"

"I had Botox and sling surgery. None of these treatment works on me. I have a physical job and I have to wear depends since my sling surgery. That surgery made me leak twice more. So the urologist said ok I think you have an overactive bladder. I went for botox and it never ever fixed my problem. So 2 years later stuck with the same issue I asked my gyne doctor to have my sling remove and pelvic reconstruction. I can't sneeze laugh nor do anything physical. It is very annoying. I always worried I smell pee or someone see I wear diapers at work. At my hospital doctors told they can not help me. I have to drive 500 km to get fix. The other day I painted 4hrs with my husband I had to change myself 3 times whole underwear soaked of pee. Size of a ball. The more my activity is physical the larger it comes out. Doctors can't figure why. I am pretty sure it is the sling causing it. Not overactive bladder. Briefly botox just gave me hard time to empty my bladder and never fixed my leakage issue."

"After 3 years of urge incontinence, I tried pills, nope, not good. Went under anesthesia, less than a 20-minute Botox procedure. So far, I'm happy. I've learned a slight urge means go. I've been able to retain a good amount of urine before evacuation. It was drink in, drink out before. I still have a mini leak on heavy coughing. Nowhere near as bad as it was before. Worst that can happen is it wears off and we get it done again in 6 months! I'm happy!"

"I’m 63 and have had problems since my last back surgery in 2019 when I had a nurse yank out the catheter. Up every hour at night, constantly going during the day. Sleep deprived and spending a fortune on pads. Tried all the pills with no change. Countless accidents in public when pads didn’t catch it all. My urologist told me about Botox treatment. Had it done 2 days ago with no pain meds. Uncomfortable but bearable. I don’t recommend for most, it’s just that I have a very high tolerance for pain. Felt like period cramps when I pee first day. No catheter needed. Day two…slept 4 hrs straight without bathroom trip. No blood in urine and just some mild soreness. So far about 3 trips to bathroom daytime and actually get to the toilet with no pee coming out before I get sat down."

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  • Drug class: skeletal muscle relaxants
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  • OnabotulinumtoxinA (AHFS Monograph)

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  • Botox Cosmetic

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