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Generic Name: Aktipak ()

Aktipak Reviews

For Acne "I’m 31 and I’ve used Aktipak once a day for four days and my skin immediately cleared up and scarring had gone down significantly! Any new pimple I had went away almost immediately after putting it on. I was told to use it in the morning and use another medication I got at night but because of the side effects (white residue, redness) I switched and use this at night and I’ve had no problems. I didn’t give it a 10 because the burning is somewhat intolerable and it really hurts. I push through because it doesn’t last too long (an hour or two) and the results are immediate. I don’t have flaking as some have described but I also put a really strong moisturizer on after the medicine and put vasaline around my eyes and lips. I would not recommend stopping any medication flat as some have described as you will have acne come back. You have to slowly wean yourself off. Great product if you can handle the stinging and irritation. I’d take it over the acne any day."

More about Aktipak (benzoyl peroxide / erythromycin topical)

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  • Reviews (1)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical acne agents

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Benzamycin, Benzamycin Pak

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  • Aktipak prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Acne