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Generic Name: Atenolol for Migraine Prevention (atenolol)

Atenolol for Migraine Prevention Reviews

Tenormin (atenolol) "Twenty years ago (in my mid-thirties) I began to suffer from excruciating headaches. My doctor put me on progesterone cream, and there was some improvement. He thought that PMS was a contributing factor. I had a cardiac arrest when I was 38. Nothing was found to be wrong with my heart, but I was going through an emotional crisis at the time. The cardiologist put me on atenolol (25 mg/day; I now take 50 mg/day). I was put on the atenolol to keep my blood pressure down and keep my heart from beating too fast in emotional situations. The upside to all this is that I have not had but a couple of migraines in 20 years, and none since the dose was increased to 50 mg."

"It was prescribed for migraines. The pain stopped now for over 20 days, and my hands and feet are no longer cold 24/7. I sleep better too. Finally, some relief from migraines after 25 years with no relief and having taken almost everything under the sun for migraines."

Tenormin (atenolol) "I took Tenormin years ago for migraines. I guess it worked then, too. But I had been taken off of it. Last year alone I had over 20 migraines. I was put back on Tenormin in October 2009, 1 per day. I had 2 migraines by November 2009, in which my dose was increased to 2 per day (25 mg). Today is January 27, 2010, and I haven't had a migraine since November 2009."

"I suffered from migraines for years, no telling how much damage I’ve done to my kidneys and liver due to the amount of ibuprofen I took. Most of the time, the pain just subsided but never really went away. The atenolol has knocked out my migraines by 95%. I wish I would have known about this years ago! It truly is a godsend!"

"I was having migraines on average 5 days a week with just about everything from atmospheric pressure, sound, light, and foods as triggers. Had an MRI without any real findings other than white spots on the brain. My doctor prescribed me atenolol, and the results have been amazing. While I still have the occasional migraine, the frequency and severity have been greatly decreased without any side effects (so far)."

"I was doing some research on migraines, was having 4 or 6 migraines a week, had to beg my doctor to put me on this. He finally agreed. Been on it for 2 months, not a single headache nor migraine. I have had migraines since I was 10. I am now 33. I know it is commonly used for high blood pressure and the reason my doctor was kind of leery of it is because I didn't have high blood pressure, but I'm glad he let me try it. It's on the Walmart $4 plan."

"I have been taking atenolol for over 20 years to prevent migraines. I feel fortunate that my doctor was a specialist in migraines and put me on this when I was experiencing migraines every three days in college. When I was pregnant, however, they did not know about the side effects, so my son did suffer growth restriction in utero. He was only 5 pounds at 40 weeks and was taken by emergency c-section. He is now 14 years old and fine."

"I suffered years and years of migraines. I had to wrap my head in a rag with alcohol to get some relief. My migraines stopped when I was prescribed Atenolol for high blood pressure. Have only had a couple of mild episodes in two years of taking Atenolol. Yay!"

"Was given atenolol for high blood pressure and suffered many bad side effects. Very tired, itching, dizzy, increase in blood sugar and moodiness. Migraine headaches are a sign of non celiac gluten sensitivity. Many family members suffer with migraines and a gluten free diet stops them."

"This medication has been an absolute godsend to me. Prior to taking low-dose atenolol, I was getting crippling migraines once a month or so that would consume 48-72 hours of my life. My doctor began prescribing atenolol over three years ago, and I have only had three or four migraines since - all of which I was able to stop immediately with Imitrex. I have no side effects other than sleepiness, which simply means I take it before bed, and there are no issues."

"I've been taking atenolol 25 mg for about 3 years. I used to get very bad migraines at least 3 times a month, but since taking atenolol, my migraines have all but gone, and my blood pressure has come down. I do, however, have strange dreams and have slowly gained weight over the years."

"I just started using this for migraine prevention this week. I've had no bad side effects. I've actually been sleeping better and I feeling less anxiety. I will post a follow-up review in a couple of months."

"I had migraines from the age of 40 to 56 - two or three every month. An ergotamine med usually worked. When I was 56, the ergotamine didn't work and I went to the ER. My blood pressure was unusually high. I was put on a daily dose of 150 MG of Atenolol. That was 16 years ago. I have had NO migraines and NO headaches of any kind in 16 years. My heart rate is very low - 40s - 50s - but my doctor says it's no problem unless I feel really dizzy or faint."

"I was given Atenolol for rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure, I was on recruiting duty and had started these problems, plus I started to have migraine headaches several times a week. When the army doctor started treating me for the rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure, my migraines stopped. I seldom get any migraines now. I've been taking Atenolol since the mid 1980's. The Atenolol was a miracle drug for me."

"I've been taking Atenolol for years, and though it worked fairly well sometimes, now it's pretty useless. I get a migraine every other day. Nothing has changed in my habits. It's 31 years of migraine and no sign of it slowing down. Already been through the menopause."

"I've suffered migraines since I was 10 years old. I am now 65 and on Atenolol for 15 plus years. My NP took me off Imitrex because I was over using. I was a about to explode from over use. NP said we should try Atenolol. My life changed dramatically, I'm finally living life headache free. I get my RX filled and get 3 month supply for $10."

"I was put on atenolol, 50 mg daily, 27 years ago. Prior to that I also suffered debilitating migraines almost daily for many years. The atenolol controlled the BP and, in a complete surprise, eliminated the migraines. In the following years, my doctor switched me to a newer BP medicine and the migraines returned. When I went back to atenolol the migraines went away. Atenolol has been one of the very best things ever to happen to me in terms of health."

"I am 19 and have been suffering from headaches for as long as I can remember, anything would trigger a headache for me... smells, bright light, too much or too little sleep. I would take Excedrin Migraine a lot, as it was the only medicine that worked for my headaches. When I was diagnosed with sinus tachycardia, my cardiologist decided to put me on atenolol. This drug has been amazing. Not only has it helped my fast heartbeat, but my very bad anxiety that would only make my heart rate and migraines worse. Also, I have not gotten a bad headache in awhile to the point where I have to take excedrin. Whenever I feel a headache coming now, I down a bunch of water and it either stays pretty mellow or goes away entirely, unlike before when it would get to the point where I could throw up from the pain in my head. Amazing. I take 25 mg every morning. I do get cold feet and hands, but I'm not sensitive to the cold at all, but if you are I would recommend doubling up on warmth during the winter."

"I have had migraines since I was a child, I am now 37. I have gone from having 1 migraine a week to about 1 a year thanks to Atenolol. I have had no side affects and for me the change in my lifestyle has been incredible. Migraines no longer rule my work life which was being affected by my migraines due to taking Atenolol 100mg a day."

Tenormin (atenolol) "Had headaches for years. Got where over the counter medicines wouldn't work. Dr put me on this medicine. I was a little scare at first since I have no blood pressure problems. So far my headache are gone. I was put on 25 mg a day. Half a pill in the morning other half in the evening. I should of went to Dr sooner with this problem."

"Atenolol was my second try at a preventative (first was another beta blocker- propranolol). I came off propranolol due to insomnia. Atenolol unfortunately also caused insomnia for me. I would have frequent dizzy spells, and fatigue, but could not sleep at night. On to the next!"

"I had to take this because the insurance company forced me to before paying for anything that actually works. It did nothing for migraines. This drug did calm my anxiety and helped my sleep which is why I was hesitating to quit taking it. But it helped too much. I lived fatigued and depressed with no motivation - and that was while being on a daytime stimulant. Finally, get the migraine injection that helps my migraines and it’s time to get off this stuff. My doctor told me to half the dose for a week and I should be good. Uhhh apparently not. My heart rate has been very high for 10 days and last night my heart was palpating with beats over 100 in my sleep for hours. Then it shot up to 170 bpm when I got out of bed. I had to take atenolol just to get it to go back down. Either I wasn’t tapered off properly or wasn’t told to break from the stimulant for a few weeks while my heart adjusts. My anxiety is also now through the roof."

"I get migraines every day to every other day. Taking this, I definitely have to still watch my diet super hard to avoid food triggers. I don't wake up with migraines and would say I only have about 1 or 2 a week now. Not a miracle but helps a lot!!"

"I have found its good and reduces them but I also have to take pitxophiren and sumatriptan unfortunately I still get 3/5 per month but better than one a day ! Plus this is the safest one to use I recommend it. I have to see a neurologist and it takes 12 months"

"I’m 38 have had headaches all my life, until I was put on atenolol now they're gone. I started out on 25mg about 2 months ago and now I’m on 50mg. It’s great for headaches and it cost me $2.99 for a month supply, but I think I need to go back to the 25mg and maybe the side effects will go away. It’s a wonderful feeling to be headache free but I can do with the side effects."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Atenolol drug information
  • Atenolol (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)

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Professional resources

  • Atenolol monograph
  • Atenolol Tablets (FDA)

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