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Generic Name: Avelox for Pneumonia (moxifloxacin)

Avelox for Pneumonia Reviews

"It took me two whole days of agony and suffering from pneumonia while thinking about whether to take this medicine or not. The reviews and side effects are terrifying. But I got over it and took the pill: here's what I did. Every day at 1 PM, I eat something not too heavy but satisfying. Then at 2 PM, I take the pill with a whole 500 ml water bottle. Avoid iron, multivitamins, and all that, also avoid dairy unless you're fine with having to go to the bathroom a couple of times during the day. I didn't get any side effects. I'm drinking a lot of water, I'm eating well, eating lots of fruits, and, most importantly, I'm resting. On day 4 of 7 now, and I can safely say that this medicine really does work so well, feeling so much better with clear lungs. Good luck."

"Developed pneumonia after a bad case of influenza that kept increasing my fever over 8 days. Almost went to the ER as I have another neurological condition, but was able to see my doctor again. Pneumonia has developed and Avelox was prescribed along with the continuation of my other medicines. As my voice had not been present for days, I had noticed a huge improvement within 12 hours already. I would say, for me and my other health concerns and for not having much of an appetite during this illness, this medicine is bringing me back to normal fast. Good luck to whomever needs this and needs to feel better ASAP."

"I am a FT RN working in an infectious disease unit. I am consistently exposed to respiratory viruses during the winter months; meningitis, encephalitis, and abscesses in the summer months; with a little variety thrown in here and there (asthma, pneumonia, Kawasaki, septic babies, etc.). I recently came down with a nasty RLL PNA and was prescribed this Avelox 400 mg, on day 14 of 20. Thus far, I have noticed tremendous improvement, but I am not 100% quite yet. Yes, the side effects/warnings can be scary, but the only thing I have noticed is fatigue and muscle/tenseness. Benefits always have to outweigh the risk, and I believe this medicine can keep many of us out of hospital beds and on the road to recovery quickly."

"I was surprised that the 1st night I noticed a huge difference in how I felt. I have not had any of the side effects that are listed except for being tired. I am on day 6 and I am still amazed at how it does work. The cost is the only thing I do not like about this medicine. But if I had to take it again, I would."

"Am on day six of 10 course for pneumonia. Had a injectable at Dr. Office and then oral meds. Noticed major improvement in coughing and wheezing in 48 hours. Nearly all pneumonia symptoms now abated. Have had major side effects. No appetite, severe dizziness and confusion (just trying to answer work email has been a challenge). I've also experienced constipation and very bad acid reflux. Overall very effective but I'm pretty incapacitated by the side effects."

"This is an amazing medicine. By day 2, I was feeling significantly well. Notwithstanding, the side-effects of the medication for me personally are not comfortable: sore kidneys in the morning, stomach upset, intestinal discomfort, headaches and muscle soreness. However, I realize that it's really important to finish my dosage (7 day supply) and I'm on day 4. This feels like a powerful antibiotic in my system and I'm aware that it is effective against resistant gram positive and negative bacterial infections. 3 more days....yay."

"I'm on day 4 (of 10) of Avelox for my recent bad pneumonia. I find I get nausea, slight weakness, and dizziness for about 4 hours after my dose. I can deal with it, but it gets annoying after the first few hours. Overall, it seems to be making my lungs better."

"I was diagnosed with pneumonia after a few days of taking amoxicillin because of being mis-diagnosed with acute bronchitis. Before I started taking the Avelox, I had a fever of 103, a pretty bad headache, and was super tired and didn't want to do anything. My doctor told me the Avelox would make be even more tired. For the first 2 days it did, but my fever also broke and my headache went away. Also started coughing up more and more phlegm. By the 3rd day I started feeling better but still had a cough and was just a bit tired. It seems I missed out on some of the side effects but I did experience a bit of dizziness in the beginning and a loss of appetite. I'm on day 5 of my 8 day dosage. Going back to the doctor Thursday morning."

"I am on day 5 of ten days at 400 mg for pneumonia/bronchitis/sinusitis. I am also taking codeine syrup as needed for cough and pain. Each day, I have noticed improvement in the infection in my sinuses and lungs, which means it is, so far, quite worth it for me. The side effects for me are drowsiness for about 4-5 hours after taking the pill, then some nervousness and jitteriness after the drowsiness wears off. No other side effects. So, for me, it has been a very effective medicine, without enough side effects to override the clear benefits. I have been avoiding dairy, taking vitamins. I've been eating foods such as oatmeal, apples, granola bars, chicken noodle soup, etc. Have had no stomach problems, nausea, etc."

"I am allergic to penicillin so the next course of meds for me is Biaxin for everything. I had Pneumonia in Nov and they gave me two bottles of antibiotics before I felt somewhat better, however, the cough kind of lingered on a little but the breathing was the worst. Ended up at urgent care 3 times in March and first time, asthma and they gave me inhalers even though I disagree, 2nd trip, Singulair for sinuses and an inhaler, 3rd trip, two inhalers and Biaxin, last trip and at this point beyond mad because I couldn't breath, I couldn't go anywhere as I'd use my inhaler sometimes 10 times a day. Finally, she put me on a powder puffer and Alevox. I just finished the Alevox yesterday and haven't felt this good since last September. It's my miracle."

"Hope things work out for the best. Have taken this medicine in the past for severe bout of pneumonia and bronchitis. It worked EXCELLENT! After just about the second day, lungs, breathing, cough, all were much better. That was about two years ago. Recently developed same set of symptoms, Physician prescribed Avelox..Am hoping it works as well this time as last time. Side effects are common, but well worth it when this medicine works, it works great and fast at getting you well."

"While the side effects given makes a nervous-making read, I've been lucky in having no noticeable side effects. On day 9 of 10. Had gone to ER, felt like I was drowning, could not breathe well, not enough oxygen. They put me on an inhaler to dilate bronchia, started me on Avelox, I got an Albuterol inhaler next morning. Started feeling much better day 2. Had a bit of coughing now and then clearing phlegm. Only concern is how they tell pneumonia is actually gone, apart from symptom relief."

"I took Avelox first at the hospital intravenously, and then pills afterwards for pneumonia. I think the side effects were worse than my pneumonia. I broke out in blisters on my lips, a rash on my chest, and horrific intestinal problems that would not resolve themselves without going back to the doctor. I also experienced nerve damage from this medication. Shortly after stopping the medication, I noticed the bottoms of my feet were killing me if I didn't wear shoes, and it only progressed. I definitely have suffered nerve damage from this medication, so please be aware of these side effects if you intend to take it. Speak to your doctor in detail. I wish they would have just given me Levaquin, which is the most common medication for pneumonia. I would never, ever, ever take this medication again. I now suffer extreme numbness in my feet, and I'm unable to walk without shoes on due to pain. From what I have read, I am not the only one. It can cause severe nerve and neurological problems. Check with your doctor."

"My doctor gave me Avelox after Zithromax didn't work. I am on my 3rd day (out of 10) and I have been feeling better everyday. I went online and the reviews for this medicine can be very scary. I am happy to say that the only side effect I have experienced is slight insomnia. Which is frustrating because I am EXHAUSTED at around 7:30pm but I wind up in my bed (awake) until about 12. Frustrating, yes, but the medicine seems to be working so I can't complain too much."

"I am on a 14 day course of avelox for pneumonia. Apparently it was quite well spread over both lungs. First course of antibiotics made no difference. Ended up in emergency where they did a CT scan and I was given 2 lots of antibiotics via a drip. Was sent home with avelox which has improved things greatly. The side effects are I am very tired, no appetite ! This medication is well worth the side effect. A very frightening experience !"

"I've been on a 7 day schedule of the Avelox, it has worked pretty well to clear up the bacterial infection on my lung. However, I have experienced pretty bad diarrhea that started about 3 days into the schedule. The rest of the symptoms have been mild such as nausea, feeling cloudy, etc. I am really looking forward to taking the last pill, this medicines side effects are not too pleasant."

"Amazing stuff. After 1 pill I coughed up stuff that would scare Dr. House, but felt much better immediately. I will live with mild side effects considering that pneumonia can kill you or cause permanent damage. 3 doses left and I continue to practice breathing deeply and slowly. I'm grateful for medicines like these."

"I have chronic inflammation of my lungs and get bronchitis easily. I recently had the worst episode .... I took 17 days of Avelox. I am finally feeling human again. I don't like the side effects too much, but mitigate them by taking potassium (orange in the a.m. and banana in p.m., sometimes a 99 mg supplement). I also eat yogurt with extra acidophillus in the evening and take calcium/magnesium/Vitamin D before bedtime to prevent cramping. That along with potassium prevents cramping. "

"I am on my sixth day of Avelex 400mg for pneumonia. I have noticed a big change in my breathing and I do feel better. Still counting down to the last 4. Mostly because after I take it, I start feeling depressed, ill, tired, and still can not eat or drink much. So I dehydrated to the point that I could not understand what people were saying. Nothing made any sense. That is better now, but still get confused, dizzy, lightheaded when I walk depressed and so on."

"I have the most horrible experience with ALL antibiotics....they make me feel worse than whatever I have! Was prescribed Avelox for my pneumonia and within 24-hours all symptoms had abated and lung function had returned to normal. Best of all I experienced zero side effects! Have since has pneumonia a second time and was prescribed Avelox and had it was like "Groundhog Day". Powerful antibiotic but works extremely well!"

"Felt it start to open my lungs after the first dose. Oh but how dizzy and nauseated I felt. Side effects wear down towards the end of the day (about 10pm...I take the pill at about 9am). Powerful medicine, QUICK results, pretty strong side effects."

"Although the drug's effects reduces symptoms rapidly (I felt better after the first day on it), I had extreme possible side-effects (especially vomiting, long after the illness had passed) which seemed disproportionate to the benefits of taking the drug. This includes vomiting days after being on the drug."

"I had shortness of breath and chest pains right side, doctor sent for X-rays. Called next day and told me I had pneumonia of left lung. It's been 5 days now and I slept throughout the night yesterday for 1st time in a week, chest pains still there but less intense. After 10 days on medicine I am going back for X-rays. So far so good."

"Avelox was prescribed for my pneumonia and it’s my 5 day on it, 2 more to go... I feel like it’s helping but side effects are terrible. I have a lot of pressure on the top of my head, I feel dizzy and also my blood pressure gets really low. It’s awful and I don’t know how I’m going to take the last two pills "

"I felt good the next day after one pill, my chest felt better, but the side effects scare me. I get quick light headed and dizzy the whole time on this drug I could not sleep, I felt very restless. But the medicine cleared up my lungs. "

More about Avelox (moxifloxacin)

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  • Reviews (161)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (7)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Avelox drug information
  • Avelox oral/injection
  • Avelox (Moxifloxacin Injection)
  • Avelox (Moxifloxacin Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Avelox prescribing information
  • Moxifloxacin (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Avelox I.V.

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Cutaneous Bacillus anthracis
  • Intraabdominal Infection