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Generic Name: Biotene Oral Balance (saliva-substitutes-topical)

Biotene Oral Balance Reviews

For Mucositis "I bought a bottle of Biotene spray yesterday. At first I was a little mad. It's a tiny bottle for like $6. I didn't even wait to get home; I opened it in the car. Worth. Every. Penny. I don't know what is in it but it is amazing. In 0.02 seconds my mouth went from feeling like the Sahara desert to your next door neighbor Jimmy's slip'n'slide when he put the baby oil on it. Ok, all jokes aside. Immediately your mouth feels better because its all lubed up, but whatever is in it made me start salivating myself. And it tastes good too. Downside was it made my tongue swell, gave me those painful "lie bumps", made my throat hurt, and hard to swallow. I must be allergic to something in it, but all is good over here. No regrets; would try again."

For Xerostomia "Husband has been using biotene spray for years due to the medicines that give him dry mouth. A few nights ago he sprayed some in his mouth and within a few minutes his throat constricted, he kept coughing and choking and I almost had to take him to the hospital. He drank some water and then took 2 antihistamines which seemed to help. He complained of a cough and soreness in throat for a couple of days after. He is better now."

"Biotene is an excellent treatment for dry mouth and I have been using it for 18 months. However, in the last few weeks, this mouthwash has caused me to create extra saliva in my mouth, which tends to annoy me. I suggest that users of this product consider this side effect prior to purchase."

"I suffer horribly from dry mouth Sjogren's syndrome maybe the culprit. Started you see the throat lozenges and sprayed my super dry throat and mouth at least 3 times a night. I experienced a horrific acid reflux for the first time to this degree. The acid liquids went into my lungs and constricted my air ways, causing an almost deadly asthma attack. Please be careful. I'm sure biotin was the culprit"

More about Biotene Oral Balance (saliva substitutes topical)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: mouth and throat products
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Biotene Oral Balance drug information

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Xerostomia
  • Mucositis