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Generic Name: Blisovi Fe 1.5/30 (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Blisovi Fe 1.5/30 Reviews

For Birth Control "Don’t listen to the bad reviews! As someone else stated, people who have good experiences tend to not leave a review. I was terrified to take this Blisovi Fe 1.3/30 birth control because of all the bad reviews. I took the risk anyway, and I’ve had literally zero of the horrible symptoms others reported (apart from a mild headache the first couple of days). I have PCOS, I feel like the hirsutism (unwanted facial hair) has slowed, and I’m losing weight (although I am watching my food). Give it a shot!"

For Birth Control "Keep in mind that most reviews are negative. This is because negative experiences motivate people to write comments more than positive ones. Each body responds differently to types of hormonal birth control (BC) pill. All BC pills have about a 3-6 month adjustment period, meaning you may experience some negative side effects during this time that will likely be gone after that. I had nausea and headaches during the first 3 months which is now gone. You are also at risk of side effects if you do not take the pill correctly. If you miss pills or take them far apart/close together, you can have negative side effects. Take them at the exact same time every day. Negative side effects (first 3months): Headaches Nausea Increased appetite Light cramping Positive side effects: Extremely light bleeding on break weeks No or rare cramping Acne gone Helped hormone depression Helped blood sugar Weight loss No pregnancy I love this pill, I've been on it for a year. It does so much good for me."

For Birth Control "I was very nervous to start this pill due to the large amount of negative comments about it. I was originally on Taytulla, but that pill caused me to spot each month and I had terrible cramps almost constantly. I was prescribed Blisovi but I put off taking it for three months because I was so nervous. However, I am now on my third month of the pill and I have had no negative side effects and I honestly really like it. This pill has made me feel normal again. I was emotional at the beginning of taking it, but my hormones have balanced out since. The only thing besides that that has happened is that I have lost 10 pounds, which is honestly very nice. For me, this pill has definitely decreased my appetite. Don't let the negative reviews scare you away, it reacts differently for everyone!"

For Birth Control "I was on this Blisovi Fe 1.5/30 birth control for 3 months before I had to change. I did not feel like myself and I felt like I was living outside of my body. I started having panic attacks multiple times a week and it almost cost my relationship with my amazing boyfriend. I became very depressed and anxious that the smallest things made me freak out. I couldn't think ahead about my life or even the week without having a panic attack. I do not recommend this birth control."

For Birth Control "I was switched from Junel FE to Blisovi FE due to a change in my prescription drug coverage. (Both are generic drugs for Lo eastrin.) I've been taking Blisovi for three months, and have not experienced any negative side effects. No break through bleeding, headaches, acne, nausea, or weight changes. I'm not sure if this is because I switched from one generic equivalent to another, but my experience has been very positive. My periods seem to be even lighter than when I was on Junel, and come like clock work. I was nervous to try Blisovi after reading all of the negative reviews, but I feel people tend to share negative experiences more than the positive ones.This drug works and is affordable. Give it a try!"

For Birth Control "After hearing endlessly from my birth control provider/pharmacists telling me I’m crazy, I was starting to believe it. I’m SO happy I found reviews from others experiencing the same issues! My birth control provider randomly prescribed me a refill of Blisovi & after 1 package, the issues were numerous: GI issues out of no where, terrible cystic acne, gained probably 5-10 lbs that I could NOT lose (despite rigorous dieting & daily, 1hr+ exercise sessions), my anxiety was high/I began having suicidal thoughts, & even developed a large cyst in my breast (thanks for the cancer scare, Blisovi)! My boyfreind & family could tell there was a huge change in me over the time I was on Blisovi, & we ended up requesting a new refill since they wouldn’t let me take another round due to safety/health concerns. As soon as I switched, the problems eased. Please, avoid this birth control and do NOT let others tell you that you’re crazy for feeling the way you do. You know your body better than anyone else."

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control for one year and three months so far. My experience seems contrary to the other posts on here and I wanted to give another perspective. In the beginning, I noticed the hormonal changes- I would, and still do cry much more easily than before taking this pill, when I was on no medication. I noticed that I would become more easily frustrated, and also that my self esteem was less than before taking this pill. However, after a few months I got used to the estrogen and began to deal with my changing emotions. I have not noticed any physical changes while taking this pill, as in, it did not make me gain weight, or give me acne. I have kept up the same relatively healthy lifestyle. My periods are 4 days instead of 3, but they are regular, and I have barely noticeable cramping. I used to have to take Tylenol, now I do not. TMI- The blood is dark and coagulated instead of bright red. Overall, it does what it’s supposed to do and I’m not pregnant "

For Birth Control "I want to break down in tears right now because after reading all these reviews I know I’m not alone. My pharm switched me to blisovi after microgestin, and my depression and anger are THROUGH THE ROOF. My anger is hurting other people so bad that I’m seeking anger management. Maybe I should save myself the money and just stop taking this pill because it has to be the problem"

For Birth Control "I’ll say this is not a pill for everybody. I switched to this pill 3 months ago, and I’ve gained 6 pounds already, even though I keep a really good diet. My mood swings more than usual and little things makes me very angry. I feel tired all the time even after sleeping 8 or 9 hrs. My legs hurt during the day and my ankles are swollen 24/7. I thought that was my fault for not being active enough, but now that I’m seeing these comments I know that I’m not alone. Thanks everybody for sharing their experience, things make more sense now."

For Birth Control "I've been taking birth control pills since I was 17. I'm 50 now. All those years, and NEVER had a problem with the pills I took other than some bloating with Junel. Then started Blisovi when my pharmacy was back-ordered for Microgestin. Didn't know what was about to happen... Started the first week - and continued to bleed, have cramps and massive bloating in spite of the pill. Also started to notice grumpiness and general unhappiness. Let me tell you, everyone describes me as "super happy" and "smiley" and "fun". Who knew the next 7 days after that would have me spiralling down into deep depression, insecurity, PARANOIA, and general nastiness. Felt awful no matter was going on. I could have won the lottery and been miserable about it. This drug is a NIGHTMARE. Consider yourself warned..."

For Birth Control "I took this for 2 years and felt emotionally up and down constantly. I was depressed and would feel angry all the time. I would feel intense anger or depression and it felt like a hole I couldn't climb out of for days at a time. It dawned on me after all that time that it could be an effect of the pill. I stopped the pill and felt back to my old self soon after."

For Birth Control "I was on Microgestin for about a year after trying 3-4 different birth controls. It was perfect, it regulated my period, got rid of my acne, and worked well as a birth control. One day I picked it up, and found out that I had been switched over to Blisovi since my pharmacy did not carry microgestin any longer. I asked if I could have some ordered and wait for more, and the pharmacist told me that I could not switch back. I have been on Blisovi since this past October and have gained 45 pounds. I have immense migraines and really heavy periods every 2 weeks, that last a week or longer. I have tried everything to shed the weight but nothing has worked. On top of that, my anxiety (which is another condition I am being treated for) has been at least 10 times worse. Do not let your pharmacist switch you. Everything has changed and gone so badly since I got switched."

For Birth Control "If you're asking me, absolutely do NOT under ANY circumstances take this birth control. I cannot begin to explain to you how badly this medication screwed my body over. Supposedly, I talked to my doctor about how painful my period was (I have absolutely no recollection of this event) and got switched to this off my old brand back in 2017. I cannot tell you how much it ruined my life, honest to god. I got the worst cystic acne I've ever had in my life. It was mortifying. I wore a surgical mask to classes because it was so unbelievably bad. I had the most intense cramps I've ever had to the point I was actually crying when I've never had issues with cramps before. I was on it for 3 months and it never got any better until I told my doctor and she switched the medication. Immediately it cleared up. My skin is still horribly dented from the acne scars. I'm taking the time to write this now because my skin is breaking out again it's reminded me: DO. NOT. TAKE. THIS."

For Birth Control "This is the only birth control I’ve been on (6mths now) and my acne is more clear, my period is regular, I no longer find myself crippled on the floor with cramps, I have not gained any weight, I love it!"

For Birth Control "I took blisovi for 1 week and stopped. This drug effected me very badly. Symptoms: 1. Pulse hear in ears 2. Swollen feet 2. Eyes developed a clear fluid blister over the pupil and I had a headache behind them. 3. Tongue mildly puffy and developed tooth grooves in the edges. 4. Felt like I was punched in the Adams apple and my voice became hoarse. 5. I cried for absolutely no reason 6. I wanted to dump my fiance of 4 years because suddenly I thought he was useless. I also wanted to get rid of my friends... it changed my perception of people and increased anxiety and overthinking 7. I also had weird interactive nightmares if I was even able to fall asleep. After stopping this I went back to normal and life was good again. Thankfully my friends and fiance are still in my life and I feel better."

For Birth Control "I haven’t had much problems with Blisovi Fe 1.5/30 birth control. Occasionally I do spot a bit early but could be from taking it at different times of the day. I started this birth control a few years ago and didn’t notice getting acne or gaining a lot of weight. Pretty content with it!"

For Birth Control "I love Blisovi Fe 1.5/30. I was taking it for over a year and never had a problem. Not only did it prevent pregnancy, my skin was great, had no mood swings, had no weight gain or any other negative side effects. I had a lapse in insurance and ended up getting my birth control from Planned Parenthood for about 4 months. They didn’t carry Blisolvi, so I got the equivalent dosage of Chateal and I was immediately in shambles, with bad mood swings, bad headaches, and BAD SKIN. Although, it did do its job of preventing pregnancy. I finally got back on insurance got blisovi again! I’ve only taken about half of my first pack on Blisovi and it has already corrected my mood and cleared up my skin. It is crazy how sensitive our bodies are and how different we all are. Blisovi works for me, but there is no review you will read that will tell you one way or another how a pill will work for you. You just have to try figure out what works for your body."

For Birth Control "I was switched to this medication after finding out that Gildess FE 1.5/30 had been recalled. I feel so much better on this pill compared to Gildess. I've been taking Blisovi for about 8 months and have periods that are light and last 2-4 days. Cramping is more mild compared to not being on birth control while the bloating I have in my lower body before periods is comparable to not taking birth control. I experience slight breast tenderness toward the end of the pill pack and headaches for a couple days when beginning a new pack. All the side effects I have had are mild and easier to deal with than not taking birth control, plus it prevents pregnancy."

For Birth Control "This is the worst birth control I have ever been on. I have been on many different brands and also other generics for Loestrin fe and I have never had side effects like this. I’ve been taking this for 4 months now because I was trying to give it a fair chance but I have never have worse cramps in my life (which is saying a lot considering I have endometriosis) they even wake me up when I am sleeping. I bled like a normal period for half of my second and my whole third month- which resulted in my having a decidual cast that is rare and was extremely painful. (Google it) aside from that I have had bad bloating, brain fog and headaches. I never review things but I felt it important to share my experience since I read these similar reviews and didn’t listen."

For Birth Control "My original prescription was for Microgestin which I’ve been taking for 4 years. When I was given Blisovi, I asked my doctor was assured it was the same formula so I began my first month supply without fear. I began waking up every morning so nauseous that I felt like passing out. I thought it was from skipping breakfast, so I made sure to eat every morning, no change. I waited it out and see if it would pass in month 2 when body fully adjusts. Nope, I was nauseous still & became very irritable. I started going to bed early, but still woke up angry. My mood swings started to affect my bf’s mental health. I thought it was stress so I sought out help to control my anger & anxiety. I got so depressed, I forgot to start month 3. Within a week I noticed I felt less irritated & anxious & my nausea disappeared. My mind clear, I started up month 3 and the next morning it started again. Seeing these reviews has given me so much relief to know I’m not the only one going through this."

For Birth Control "After reading all of these reviews, I was extremely nervous to start this new birth control (BC). For months I was taking a BC called femynor after my insurance changed my medication from orthocyclen. I became extremely depressed and basically just dealt with it because it did the job. After about 6 months I was so depressed that I was crying almost every day about the smallest things and finally called my doctor and told her what had been going on. She decided to switch me to microgestin but my pharmacy provided me with blisovi (what my insurance covered). I’ve been on it for about 2 weeks now and I feel so AMAZING that I HAD to write a review. I felt a change right away. All of a sudden I feel like myself again. I’m so much happier and productive. I will probably come back and write a review when my period comes because I don’t know how that is going to go yet but as of now I’m very happy with this medication"

For Birth Control "I was prescribed Microgestin 1.5/30 and like everyone else, received Blisovi. I never tried the Microgestin, but my doctor recommended I switch for acne and spotting. I took it at night the first day, and woke up the next day so nauseated I had to call out of work. I still experience a little nausea here and there with it but nothing to that extent. I feel like my moods are really evened out and my acne is clearing, no spotting yet. Maybe I was just on a terrible birth control before but, I think blisovi is pretty great. I don't think I'll even switch to the Microgestin. Not everyone has a bad experience with it I guess! Don't worry about the reviews and try it for yourself."

For Birth Control "I was put on this pill in October of 2017 after I changed insurance providers. Ever since I have started this pill I have been anxious, on edge, irritable, and overly emotional. I am surprised my boyfriend hasn't left me! I am angry all of the time, I am constantly panicking, I cry over EVERYTHING (really, everything; sunsets, children playing, dogs, people smiling) which is terrible. I thought that it might have something to do with the fact that I am a grad student and I am incredibly busy and have a lot of stress, but I went on vacation last week and accidentally forgot my BC pills. After about 2 days without Blisovi Fe I felt as if a giant weight was lifted off of my chest. I could finally breathe without feeling like the whole world is going to cave in on me. I wasn't irritable or annoyed the entire trip. I am so upset that it took me this long to realize that the hell that I have been going through was all due to this stupid pink pill."

For Birth Control "I went on Blisovi for birth control over three months ago. In the past I have been on Gildess and requested something similar when I restarted birth control this time around. I can only say really good things about this pill. I have had no side effects at all. The first month I had some slightly irregular spotting and bleeding but I had started the prescription on what I thought was the first day of my period but ended up being an unusual early spotting that then stopped and my period started a few days later. However, after the first month, my periods have been lighter than normal without any increase in PMS symptoms. Bonus has been that I have also seen a decrease in pre period breakouts (but for me these were minimal prior to starting birth control). I know a lot of negative reviews are posted, but know that not everyone has a bad time on this pill."

For Birth Control "Like so many others, I've been on Microgestin for years before the pharmacist randomly put me on Blisovi. I've always had anxiety, but being on this pill made it even worse! I was breaking down crying randomly and having more panic attacks. I also developed depression; I stopped enjoying the things I used to love doing. I also gained 15lbs since taking it from March 2018 - January 2019. My sex drive also decreased. I didn't realize the pill was most likely responsible for my anxiety and depression, I thought it was my original diagnosis getting worse. The only good thing this pill did was prevent pregnancy and stop my migraines. I took them continuously to skip my periods, never had break-through bleeding or cramps."

More about Blisovi Fe 1.5 / 30 (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives
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  • Blisovi Fe 1.5/30

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