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Generic Name: Bystolic for High Blood Pressure (nebivolol)

Bystolic for High Blood Pressure Reviews

"I was started on 5mg Bystolic 4 months ago. It took me to a very dark place. So tired I couldn't function, no concentration, legs and shoulders hurt, don't care about nothing or no one. It did slow down my racing heart. I have been borderline diabetic for 5 years but last test showed I have crossed the line, my doctor said the Bystolic probably pushed me over the line. It can mess with your sugar level. Wish he had told me that before I took it. He cut me back to 2.5mg. My energy came back some but I still have no motivation. My spark is gone. Still have pain in legs, shoulders, and neck. The simplest of tasks is overwhelming. My doctor is determined to keep me on it. He thinks all my symptoms are just in my head. I guess my A1c can be made up in my head. He wants me to try depression medicine but I decline. I was happy and motivated before I started this mess. I just want to feel good again, not blah all the time."

"I was having trouble with my previous blood pressure med. So my MD office put me on Bystolic to try and gave me a month's worth of samples. Thank goodness I didn't have to pay a copayment. It didn't bring down my blood pressure at all. I gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks from fluid retention. I'm tired all the time when I took it, and I have wheezes from being short of breath. And I needed to be taken off of work for 2-3 weeks because of the fluid retention in my legs. I would not recommend this drug to anyone. It gave me nothing but grief and side effects are scary, and they don't go away instantly, it takes a few weeks for them to leave my system. Please don't take this medicine."

"I’m female age 55, no history of heart/BP issues. But extreme work stress plus caregiving knocked me off a healthy routine in recent years. BP rising at every dr. appt. Also woke up every morning with racing pounding heart plus PVCs (extra beats). A month ago I saw my primary care dr. for another issue, my BP was 180/98. He put me on Bystolic 5 mg immediately and did an EKG. Bystolic worked RIGHT AWAY. Heart quiet at night, no racing, no extra beats. I cannot recall the last time my pulse was under 100 — now it’s always in the 80s. Occasional cold hands/feet & insomnia. 1st week on the drug I had fatigue and muscle weakness, but that is gone. Now back to the gym routine, my daily BP is 118/75 or LOWER, slowly getting back to good habits. I notice I have less desire to drink alcohol. Dr. gave me free samples and a coupon so with insurance I pay $35 for 3 months. Great drug for me, knock on wood."

"I took this drug Bystolic for less than one week. In that time, my blood pressure went up but not down. I had a strong tremor in my right arm and hand that never stopped. I had to get new eyeglasses as I couldn’t see well enough out of the ones I had, and every night I woke up confused and had no clue where I was. I stopped the medication, and it took another week to feel right again. Do not take Bystolic, I beg you. There are ample antihypertensives to choose from. I feel this should be taken off the market or have a black box warning."

"I was on metoprolol 100 for about 1 year. It caused anxiety, heart palpitations, dizziness, tiredness, and a general ill/bad feeling. My doctor finally offered new medicines, and the Bystolic 10mg is the best thing that could have happened for me. I was nervous at first because of my experience with other beta blockers, but honestly, apart from taking it every morning, I forget I have a condition. No side effects! When I was researching Bystolic, I found bad reviews, but after using it for 3 months now, I had to leave positive remarks. What a great medicine."

"I was told by my doctor Bystolic was the Cadillac of BP meds. He handed me 6 months' worth of samples, 5mg, and sent me on my way. This was my first experience taking BP meds. Female in her early 50s with stubborn BP that is up, down, up, down, up, up, up at the doctor's office. It had to be within the first week of taking this 'top-of-the-line' med that I started having awful vivid nightmares. Also, the worst part was the deep, deep muscle pain that came in waves. At first, I thought I was just sitting weird all the time. It woke me up in pain in the middle of the night too. Made it through until my refill at 6 months. I asked to be removed from this product, I honestly could not take it anymore. The muscle pain and nightmares were awful. As soon as I got off this med, I was 95 percent better. No nightmares, and muscle pain is rare. This was 4 years ago, and the options out there are very limited to side effects. This is nuts. All this to say Bystolic was a huge problem for me."

"I am going crazy on this drug. I have been on several BP meds and none worked. Put me on Bystolic 10mg, numbers were not good. Felt like I was going to die most days. Severe ear pressure, ringing, and sensitivity. Insomnia, numb hands and feet, headaches constantly, severe fatigue, anxiety, shaking, stopped doing everything, stopped meds on my own. Will I ever feel better? Feel like I'm gonna die!"

"Almost one year ago I started taking Bystolic. This past year has been a horrible year for me. I have had sinus surgery, lung rinse, taken every antibiotic known to man, several inhalers, albuterol, Flonase, nasal rinses, Mucinex, Claritin, allergy test, CT scans, breathing test, chest X-rays - you name it, I’ve had it. This congestion coincides with the start of taking Bystolic. Since my doctors are not finding any answers for my condition and meds and tests are not working, I have decided maybe it is the Bystolic and will stop taking it. I am praying and hoping this will finally get me back to a normal life."

"First dose in 16 minutes, my body was completely numb. After the first dose, I took it only right before bed. Within two years, I hated everything I used to love. I distanced myself from everyone, and I truly believe it altered my way of thinking. Bad news drug FDA! Pull this Bystolic!"

"Bystolic works for me with very 'few' side effects. Aged mid-40s, female. Typical reading prior to taking was 175/120, pulse 125. Now on Bystolic 5mg for 2 months, my BP is 125/65, pulse 60. A major difference, and my headaches went away that I previously had (due to HBP). I think it depends on the chemistry of the individual and pre-existing health conditions that one may have. Based on my own experiences while taking this medication, I feel so much better, minimal reactions (NO anxiety or depression, actually much calmer, and I am a very hyper individual constantly on the move). It definitely helped me! ❤️ One time, accidentally overlapping the time frames that I normally take it, I experienced an adverse effect taking it 2 hours earlier one day (by accident) than the usual time, and my pulse decreased to 45 BPM, and my BP actually increased! I experienced dizziness, almost fainted, mimicking an overdose. Taken the same time daily, it is very effective!"

"I'm 24 and I've been on Bystolic for 3 months now. I love it. Always have high energy when I wake up. I take it at night. My blood pressure went from 175/102 to 113/72. It also brought my heart rate down. It was running between 107-138 and now is about 72 bpm. Only thing is loss of appetite."

"37-year-old male, extremely fit, 2-time Iraq deployed, still Active Duty Army. Blood pressure skyrocketed after my first deployment in 2004/2005. VA prescribed lisinopril and hydrochlorothiazide. Struggled from the start with severe headaches and a very high pulse for over 10 years and through a second deployment in 2010/2011. VA refused to change meds even though my BP and pulse were never stable. Finally manned up and switched to a civilian doctor a month ago. He immediately told me to cease the VA's medicine and put me on Bystolic. I've never felt better. BP during exercise hasn't been over 124/71, pulse around 105, lowers to 115/60 throughout the day, and my pulse is a beautiful 58-70 at its highest during the stresses of daily Army work."

"Wonderful drug! From the first week, my rapid heart beat was back to normal, my social anxiety nerves were greatly reduced. My blood pressure is now down to 110/65 from being sky high. My heart used to beat at 95-100 bpm when I walked or was stressed. It's now at 55-60. I have NO side effects: no ED (it works fine for an older man), no nightmares as some have had, no weight gain, no sleepiness, no fatigue. Nothing but a peaceful easy feeling, to quote a song. Highly recommend it. The only downside is that it is expensive. Glad I have good insurance!"

"I was prescribed this medication for high blood pressure. It DID lower my blood pressure, and for about 6 weeks, I had almost no adverse reaction. I was prescribed 10 mg, but only took 5 mg because I am sensitive to medicines and anesthetics. Vivid dreams, insomnia, sleepiness during the day were tolerable, but I soon developed double vision, pain in my upper body, a rash, and increasing weakness and balance problems. I weaned myself off slowly--my last dose was in February 2014--I still have tremors, difficulty walking, and extreme weakness. I cannot recommend Bystolic."

"I’m 29 (female) and have a minor valve issue along with tachycardia. It surfaced as heart palpitations and my heart racing so fast I could barely breathe. I was taking metoprolol 25mg twice a day for almost 2 years. It was okay, but I still had symptoms off and on, sometimes they got bad. I had a bit of weight gain over time, nothing that seemed unhealthy, but then I developed extreme dryness/dehydration issues. I switched to some free samples of Bystolic 5mg and I’ve only been on it for 4 days, but so far I hope it works. It controls my heart way better than metoprolol, and my energy level is better. I feel myself again mentally, and I didn’t even realize I was feeling different before. Not to mention my bloating has gone down. Here’s hoping it works for me."

"58-year-old male Caucasian, overweight, non-smoker, non-diabetic, low total cholesterol, low HDL, high triglyceride. Been on Diovan HCTZ 320/25 for years. In the last year, 2nd blood pressure medicine - amlodipine was prescribed to hold 130/80 on average. Developed severe leg swelling at 10 months. Switched to Toprolol but developed fatigue, then switched to Bystolic 5 mg/day about two months ago. Immediate dramatic reduction in blood pressure to 110/60. No problems in energy level. Heart rate is definitely lower and gets very low (down to 45 bpm when waking) but no other adverse symptoms. Feel great so far. I feel somewhat calmer. BP has started to climb back to 125/70 in the last week. Very pleased so far."

"59-year-old woman had been very active and fit. An adverse reaction to a cold medication sent my blood pressure sky-high, and my doc put me on Bystolic 5mg, which worked well for me for 3 months until I started having awful side effects such as dizziness, extreme fatigue, numbness, and cold extremities, etc. It was debilitating. Getting off Bystolic was awful. My heart rate was through the roof, I had major tremors, panic attacks, and very high BP spikes for days. I had very intolerable side effects to other BP meds as well. I am 2 months off Bystolic now, and 9 days off all BP meds. Blood pressure occasionally spikes, but generally not bad and coming down gradually. I'm able to exercise a bit again, and that is helping my blood pressure. But I still have slight tremors most days, still lightheaded, and definitely more anxious than I ever was before I started any medication. I feel like I was poisoned, and recovery is very slow."

"I am a 45-year-old female who developed high blood pressure 160/100. I took Lopressor for 3 months and hated it. I am a pretty fit and active person, and on Lopressor, I became so sluggish and tired that I couldn't function at all. My doctor gave me Bystolic one month ago, and I love it! I feel like myself again. No side effects at all. My heart rate stays normal all day! Anyone feeling really bad on the medicine they are taking should ask the doctor to try this medicine."

"After trying many commonly tolerated BP drugs (which I did not tolerate well), I was given Bystolic 2.5. It controls my BP nicely, not making it too low, and I've had little to no side effects. I've been on it for 5 years now and take it daily. I am a 51-year-old woman, in good health."

"I monitor my BP daily. Was anywhere from 140's over 80's with some spiking highest 176 over 86. Could hear it pulsing in ears. Thought was going to have heart attack or stroke. Went to Dr. and started me on Bystolic 2.5mg. Gave bunch samples to take. Took for 3 wks, brought me occasionally to 130's over 70's but still having spikes. Went back to Dr., upped dose to 5mg. Am sitting here with BP 171 over 82. Have resorted to taking additional 2.5mg to try and get BP down. Since started taking, hands and feet are cold. Have numbness sometimes. Walk 2 mile daily and exercise, now fight fatigue. Am out on couch by 7 pm. Sometimes feel like going to pass out. Feel anxious and never had anxiety. Take no other medications have been relatively healthy all my 63 yrs. with exception of extra lbs which I've lost 20 and am working on getting fit. This drug is not working for me! Scares me more, now that I have read the reviews. See Dr in 3 days, plan on telling her to give me something else."

"I was put on Bystolic 10 mg 6 days ago. So far, my BP has gone up, as high as 179/107, and heart rate has dropped to 40. Chest pain, arm pain, just like having a heart attack, confusion, swelling, and unable to sleep. I took myself off the stuff today, there is no way I will take any more. I was much better before being prescribed Bystolic."

"I have taken several beta blockers over the years and they all have various side effects. I recently switched to Bystolic and my experience has been wonderful. I have not experienced any negative side effects. I have more energy, my heartbeat is steady. I have also been able to exercise without getting tired, which has helped me to lose weight. This medicine also seems to be working well with the thyroid medicine I take. It is a little more expensive but well worth the cost."

"I am 23 and 123 pounds and I only take 2.5 mg of Bystolic. Even with such a low dose I have side effects! Insomnia all the time, low energy, I've fainted and often get dizzy, low sex drive, my feet and hands go numb. I have always been a very energetic person, now I feel like I'm too tired to do anything! I've tried everything from working out to extreme healthy eating and I can't get off of it. This medicine is terrible."

"I have had extremely high blood pressure (195/100 - 259/105) since January after an injection I received, which landed me in the emergency room 3 times and 19 doctor visits since then. I used to have elevated (130/98 - 138/99) blood pressure, but nothing like this. Five medication changes since this episode and nothing helped. Finally, a new MD switched me to Bystolic yesterday, and within minutes, I felt tremendous relief. I even slept the whole night through without a pounding heartbeat in my ears, no headache upon waking, for the first time since January 26th after the injection experience. It’s been pure anguish for a few months. I still have many tests to go through to find out what caused this. I’m usually very active, riding horses, doing yoga, riding my Peloton bike, walking 8 miles a day on the ranches. But all came to a screeching halt since that day. But today, I even did yoga without dizziness! Praying for continued success with this drug, and I will update if things change."

"I was a 38-year-old male, 100 pounds overweight, with hypertension (at doctor's office typical BP measurement was 155/95) and tachycardia and arrhythmia with intense exercise. My resting heart rate would also occasionally be high when I felt angry (which was, and is, often). I was prescribed 10 mg Bystolic and within an hour I felt calmed, and my heart rate went from >80 to <60. Over the next few weeks on 5 mg daily, my blood pressure measurements had dropped about 10 points on systolic and diastolic. It is now 4 years later, my doctor's office blood pressure measurement is typically 130/80 (at home 125/75), and I've lost the 100 pounds. I am now reducing my dose to 2.5 mg."

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  • Drug class: cardioselective beta blockers
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  • Bystolic drug information

Professional resources

  • Bystolic prescribing information
  • Nebivolol (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • High Blood Pressure
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse