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Generic Name: pramlintide

Brand Name: Symlin subcutaneous

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I have been on Symlin a little over a month. So far i have had some days of nausea and many days of extreme tiredness. I am seein no benefire and in fact my blood sugars are much higher and I have gained 5 pounds. I can not say I feel all that full either. I wish I had answers, but it seems like there is little information even discussing the issue of Symlin just not working like it should.

Used when it first came out and was good. Then stopped working. Moved to Victoza which worked very well even though I am a type 1 diabetic. My medicare drug plan will not allow me to take Victoza. Moved back to Symlin. Cost a fortune and it is not helping my blood sugars at all. Will not renew prescription. Victoza should be approved for type 1s.

Love the Symlin medication. HATE THE PEN DELIVERY SYSTEM WE ARE FORCED TO UTILIZE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE TO USE SYMLIN. Bring back the Symlin vial.... PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE REVIEW. I am one of the original members of the DCCT(Diabetes Control and Complications Trial), as well as one of the original members of the on-going EDIC Study. I am one of the original test participants / patients to utilize Symlin as part of my diabetes management. Symlin was originally given by injection from a vial and my results were fantastic, great, dependable and predicable. I originally lost 45 pounds and enjoyed a fantastic increase in my blood sugar control as a result of using Symlin injected from a vial. I was very pleased. However, then came the Corporate decision to cease producing Symlin in vial form and go to a inject-able pen delivery system and change/modify the Symlin strength/dosage concentration. In my opinion, as well as other patients and doctors, it is the biggest mistake that could have been made. A decision that as far as we can tell was made with little or no input from doctors or patients involved in the daily use of Symlin as part of Diabetes management. I find the current pen delivery system inconsistent, not dependable and difficult to use. Effectiveness rating was 5, now 3. Ease of use rating was 5, now 3. Satisfaction rating was 5, now 3. Corporate decision rating -5. AGAIN, BRING BACK THE SYMLIN VILE AND LET US, THE PATIENTS AND THE DOCTORS MAKE THE DECISION WHICH DELIVERY SYSTEM WORKS BEST FOR US.

I have lost 28 lbs, first time in a long time I don't want to eat everything I see. I also notice that my hair is growing faster. Not sure if it is Symlin but I am cold alot and I am hot natured.

Love the Symlin medication. HATE THE PEN DELIVERY SYSTEM WE ARE NOT FORCED TO UTILIZE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE TO USE SYMLIN. Bring back the Symlin vial.... PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE REVIEW. I am one of the original members of the DCCT(Diabetes Control and Complications Trial), as well as one of the original members of the on-going EDIC Study. I am one of the original test participants / patients to utilize Symlin as part of my diabetes managements. Symlin was originally given by injection from a vial and my results were fantastic, great, dependable and predicable. I originally lost 45 pounds and enjoyed a fantastic increase in my blood sugar control as a result of using Symlin injected from a vial. I was very pleased. However, then came the Corporate decision to cease producing Symlin in vial form and go to a inject-able pen delivery system and change/modify the Symlin strength/dosage concentration. In my opinion, as well as other patients and doctors, it is the biggest mistake that could have been made. A decision that as far as we can tell was made with little or no input for doctors or patients involved in the daily use of Symlin as part of Diabetes management. I find the current pen delivery system inconsistent, not dependable and difficult to use. Effectiveness rating was 5, now 3. Ease of use rating was 5, now 3. Satisfaction rating was 5, now 3. Corporate decision rating -5. AGAIN, BRING BACK THE SYMLIN VILE AND LET US, THE PATIENTS AND THE DOCTORS MAKE THE DECISION WHICH DELIVERY SYSTEM WORKS BEST FOR US.

Love the Symlin medication. HATE THE PEN DELIVERY SYSTEM WE ARE NOW FORCED TO UTILIZE IN ORDER TO CONTINUE TO USE SYMLIN. Bring back the Symlin vial.... PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE REVIEW. I am one of the original member's of the DCCT (Diabetes Control and Complications Trail), as well as one of the original member's of the on-going EDIC Study. I am one of the original test participants / patients to utilize Symlin as part of my diabetes management. Symlin was originally given by injection from a vial and my results were fantastic, great, dependable and predicable. I originally lost 45 pounds and enjoyed a fantastic increase in my blood sugar control as a result of using Symlin injected from a vial. I WAS VERY PLEASED. However, then came the Corporate decision to cease producing Symlin in vial form and go to a injectable pen delivery system and change/modify the Symlin strength/dosage concentration. In my opinion, as well as other patients and doctors, it is the biggest mistake that could have been made. A decision that as far as we can tell was made with little or no input from doctor's or patients involved in the daily use of Symlin as part of Diabetes management. I find the current pen delivery system inconsistent, not dependable and difficult to use. Effectiveness rating was 5, now 3. Ease of use rating was 5, now 3. Satisfaction was 5, now 3. Corporate decsion rating -5. AGAIN, BRING BACK THE SYMLIN VILE AND LET US, THE PATIENTS AND THE DOCTORS MAKE THE DECISION WHICH DELIVERY SYSTEM WORKS BEST FOR US.

I just ended a 1 week trial of Symlin. I'm also taking Humalog and Lantus. I was on Victoza before Symlin. For the week I've been taking it, I've had a vice like headache and extreme fatigue. My blood sugars at first were great but as the week went on, they increased and this morning I had a fasting sugar of 296. This drug didn't work for me.

I have taken 30 units for 4 months. I have lost 15 lbs and decreased insulin by 1/3. Before symlin, after meal BS would be 200-300. Now after meals, BS range is 130-170. Because of fatigue, I do not take if I am driving after a meal. Sometimes I feel nauseated, but the benefits are worth the occasional side effects.

Symlin is OK. It has reduced the glucose fluctuations moderately in both pre and post prandial states. My question is this .. when you have a very low uptake of glucometer at around 3% in low income countries and at the max 50% noted in urban areas and then 'stick up' rate around half of those at the end of 1 year, how can we use symlin in these patients and how effective in these low monitoring patients.

I am 37 years old, have been type 1 for 13 years. Have always ate well and exercised. Symlin has helped with my post meal BS and I have also lost the last 10 lbs I wanted to lose. Although, I am wondering if it has made me lose muscle?? I am afraid I will keep losing weight and do not want to lose more. My bra size has gone down too far!! Anyone else??

I am on my 5th pen and am starting to see weight loss. I find that I have a little nausea if my meal is not balanced but overall the medication seems to be doing what it is supposed to. I am not on insulin and have not experienced any lows.

I started this med to help conquer my insulin resistance which I developed after 44 years. I am taking it in conjunction with a dietary and excercise program. However, the side effects-nausea,extreme fatigue and increased irritability are really bothering me. Has anyone else experienced the faigue and mood changes?

I know if I follow a good exercise program and eat accordingly...Symlin works better than sliced bread. However, I am noticing growth of hair and fingernails and toenails. Symlin is the last medication that has been added. Has anyone experienced growth in hair and nails?

Symlin has helped me lower my blood sugar, but I have had strange side effects that are very disruptive. I get very nauseated and feel like I'm going to vomit, but I also get chills and it makes me nervous/shaky inside and I end up gritting my teeth. This lasts for approx 3 hours. I have lost weight, but the above symptoms have been quite disruptive to my productivity in general.

This drug immediately brought my blood sugars down. But the cost! My co-pay for 1 month is $150.00. I do not know if I can afford to stay on this wonderful drug. Is the vials cheaper?

I used this medication for 1 month and it does give a full feeling but a couple of hours later i seemed crae sweets and Dr's couldn't tell if its related but 1 month after taking this drug 120 units each dose I had a seizure with bg of only 60. Now I'm taking 30 each meal and its working well.

I am what is now being referred to as a Type 1.5 diabetic-insulin dependent adult onset. I am also "brittle". I am on 120 Symlin at this time plus Humalog and Lantis. This protocol has been the most effective in years. I also do not have extreme hunger pangs. I have not been able to reduce the Humalog significantly, but the blood sugars are in far better control. I had 2 extreme lows, but those were due to extraordinary circumstances.

I have a problem feeling full. This med, with some headaches, does help.