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Generic Name: Carac for Keratosis (fluorouracil-topical)

Carac for Keratosis Reviews

"Just finished my 4-week course of Carac cream. Here is my advice: MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE, MOISTURIZE! I went to Rite Aid and purchased a large bottle of Vitamin E and ALOE gel moisturizer (nothing with alcohol, which will burn, or oil, which is difficult to remove), as well as a bottle of Baby Wash (you know, 'no more tears'). Only wash your affected area (mine was face and scalp) with the baby wash (doesn't dry out the skin), and once the Carac has been applied, wait about 1/2 an hour before begin applying the moisturizer. I used the moisturizer heavily 5 or 6 times a day. It soaked right up and worked great. Felt like a light sunburn with moderate peeling, and when I was done, I healed up in a snap."

"I am on day 14 of using Carac. My face is extremely red, tight, itchy, and a little sore, but I've had serious eczema in the past and this isn't nearly as bad as that was. It took about a week to show up on my forehead, but then a couple more days they started intensifying on my cheeks, chin, and sides of my face. It is a little unsightly, but once I explained to people what was going on and that it wasn't permanent or contagious, they seemed to relax. I tried Vaseline for moisturizing, but that seems too greasy. Products with zinc oxide in them seem to give me relief and protect me from the sun as well. Please do not spend ANY time in the sun when using this. The doctor told me it could permanently make your skin darker in those areas!"

"I just finished a 14-day usage of Carac, as prescribed by my skin doctor. After the first two days, my skin started to turn red, by the 7th it started to flake, and the areas that I needed to apply it to (cheeks, temples, and forehead) turned dark red, like a bad sunburn. Days 8-14 were the worst as to pain on these areas when showering in lukewarm water or washing from the sink bowl, either way I could feel a burning sensation, as well as light bleeding at some areas on the next-to-last day. Flaking of the skin and an itchy feeling now that treatment is done. I wonder how long before my skin color returns to normal. Would I do this again? Yes."

"62-year-old blonde with blue eyes and fair skin. Spent 50 years in CA and HI getting sunburned. Now... paying the price. I have used Efudex and Carac cream treatments, both burn like crazy, peeling several layers, and red, red, red. I did my whole face at one time but had to stop after 18 days applying once a day. Had blisters and bleeding, crying quite a bit. It took two months after stopping the treatment for the pinkness to disappear. Using SPF 50 every day now under my makeup. Get lots of compliments on how young my skin looks. "

"I have used this cream 3 times and will use it a 4th this winter. I'm 53 and have light hair and blue eyes, so as you can imagine, I have light skin. I have had keratosis pop up on my face a few times and several brown spots over the years. This cream has done an AMAZING JOB! I use it once a week for 7 days. My face looked terrible on days 10-21 because it turned red, then all the spots you don't see turned brown in addition to all the other brown spots disappearing. I've had no side effects other than you look embarrassing and people ask what happened to you. But the end result is worth it."

"Keratosis on my scalp is an ongoing problem. Carac proved to be a great treatment to remove these unsightly pre-cancerous growths. On it for a two-week treatment period. No pain, just some small patches of redness. The only problem I have with this medicine is the outrageous cost for a tiny tube. Be certain to wash hands immediately if you apply it that way, or even better, use a Q-tip."

"This is my second time using the Carac! I have light skin and very light blue eyes. As a child if we went to the beach I would always get blisters on my shoulders. So that's how delicate my skin is. I also love the beach and raised my children on Cape Cod in Mass.So the beach was in walking distance and we loved it. I was always under an umbrella. But between swimming laps and skied all over the USA the sun has done its damage. First time I was in my 40s and it was really hard because I was a hairdresser and could not take a lot of time off work. But saved my vacation time for the last two weeks. Now I am in my 70s and in the Fl hot sun and started a week ago with Carac and wow..My skin looks like it was burnt by fire. But I know in 3 weeks I will have gotten rid of all the red spots that would have taken a lot more money and my time running back and forth to the DR to have him burn off two or three spots and say see you in a month...HAPPY IN FL. THANK YOU CARAC.. MY TUBS LASTED FOR EVER!"

"Was using Efudex which had harsh side effects (redness, swelling). Doc then switched me to Carac - in the same chemical class as Efudex but milder, yet very effective for me."

More about Carac (fluorouracil topical)

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  • Reviews (24)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical antineoplastics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Carac drug information
  • Carac (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Efudex, Fluoroplex, Tolak

Professional resources

  • Carac prescribing information
  • Fluorouracil (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Efudex, Fluoroplex, Tolak

Related treatment guides

  • Keratosis
  • Actinic Keratosis