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Generic Name: Carafate for GERD (sucralfate)

Carafate for GERD Reviews

"This medicine has given me the blues. I'm sleepy, dizzy, my vertigo is slightly active, I'm having heart palpitations in my sleep and anxiety throughout the day. I already suffered from anxiety but the fact that the meds cause you to have insomnia, that's not good for me. Needless to say, I'm not taking any more pills because every time I do, I feel terrible. I just want this out of my system!"

"Three years ago I had my gallbladder removed. That was the start of daily stomach aches, nausea (Bile reflux gastritis). I have a really good gastroenterologist who put me on several meds until we finally settled with sucralfate. I've been on it for 10 months and love it. Yes, there are still some aches but nothing like before. I give it a 10!"

"I had terrible stomach/esophageal and mid-back pain. After an endoscopic procedure, I was found to have GERD, Barrett's esophagus, and a small hiatal hernia. The Carafate & Dexilant worked well to calm down the esophagitis pain/spasms/inflammation. The Barrett's esophagus was detected using pathology, and even though it was a very mild case, it is a serious disease, and I will need an EGD performed yearly. The Dexilant has worked wonders also. The two medicines are working well together. I have not had any side effects from the Carafate. I take 1/2 to 1 tablet, as needed, up to 4 times/day. I chew it up and swallow with a small sip of water or you can dissolve it in water and drink it. Coats the stomach quicker. I have used it for 6 months."

"GERD, Esophagitis, and a Hiatal Hernia. Take both Cimetidine and Prilosec daily and was still having heartburn. The emergency room gave me Carafate and it's wonderful. Not only does it stop heartburn in its tracks, but it also prevents future bouts of heartburn. There are some rules on taking this medication, and those rules can be a bit of a pain if you are not used to them. You cannot take this medication within a half hour of taking any antacids. You also need to take it one hour before or two hours after eating. Swallowing the Carafate pill can be a little bit intimidating as when you swallow it, you get a choking sensation. Make sure to take it with plenty of ice water. Try to numb your throat with cold water prior to taking."

"I have taken Carafate, as well as many of my family members. No one has ever had any side effects or bad reactions, even my pregnant sister with severe GERD. I saw on here some people have dizziness and back pain with Carafate. For anyone thinking they might need to take this for their problems, give it a try because everyone reacts differently, and it may help."

"I am only 18 years old. Unfortunately, I had to get my gallbladder out in January of 2018. I had to put school on pause because after surgery, the nausea got even worse. I’ve been living off of Zofran and Promethazine for 5 months now, every day, sometimes twice a day. I have a huge fear of vomiting and will avoid it at all costs. I was finally referred to a GI doc and proceeded with an endoscopy. I was told it is very likely I have bile salt gastritis, a complication from gallbladder removal. I was told to start CARAFATE and have had the WORST experience. Not only does it make you feel absolutely full, but it had reverse effects on me. It was supposed to bind with the bile found in my stomach and relieve me, but it’s actually making me feel sick. I feel nauseous, I am vomiting, and feel extremely weak while taking this medicine. As an 18-year-old who is paying her own medical bills and working hard, I’m EXTREMELY frustrated and feeling hopeless, and don’t know where to go from here."

"I had a serious problem with GERD. Chest pain, jaw pain, abdominal pain, and back pain caused from GERD make me feel like I am dying, literally. I've been in the ER well over 4 times for this alone. I've been prescribed everything you can think of. I tried anything I could try to help this problem to no avail. The ONLY thing that helps with the chest pain is milk, but it doesn't stop it completely. It doesn't even touch the abdominal pain at all, though, and it's so excruciating that it is debilitating. I'm 8 months pregnant now and I went into labor and delivery with the worst abdominal pain I've ever felt in my life, prescribed Carafate and works in 20 mins. Miracle drug for me."

"I had extreme pain from the back right side under my rib cage for 2 days that then started making its way to the front. I finally went to the hospital. I've had pancreatitis several times! It was feeling the same. They sent me home with this medication and I feel fine 2 days later. No bad side effects."

"I was put on the brand name of Carafate liquid for mainly GERD. This drug works better than the Prevacid I was taking two times a day. I only take the Prevacid once a day now because the Carafate works so well for me. It can be hard to schedule because I have to take both an iron supplement and Vitamin D. But I finally found the best time to fit those in. My question is... starting this month, my insurance company will no longer pay for the brand name. I tried the generic liquid about a year ago, and it had a banana taste to it. All my life, I have been unable to even smell bananas without getting nauseated, or when I was a kid, just the smell and taste made me throw up. The pharmacy tried adding flavors to it... it just tastes like grapes and bananas, lol. But this year, Carafate is not even on the prior approval list. There is no way I can pay for this without insurance. I don't know what to do... has anyone ever switched from the liquid to the pill form and had the same results as the brand name liquid?"

"I can almost eat/drink normally now that I'm on Carafate Suspension 4x per day. I only have a flare-up 1-2x per month now, mainly when I've been eating poorly or have come into contact with bacteria, etc. I take it in conjunction with Nexium & Librax because I have acid reflux, bile reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, and GERD."

"I take the liquid form of this medicine 10 mL 4 times a day. It helps with GERD and gastroparesis. I started out with the pill version, but I kept having trouble swallowing them and they got stuck in my throat, so my doctor was able to get a pre-approval for the liquid Carafate. It works really well, and I like that it coats my stomach with all the digestive problems I have. I haven't had any side effects from it, which I am relieved about."

"I have GERD and have been prescribed Carafate several times. The first time was the liquid, and it seemed to work best. Now I’m on 4 tablets/day and 2 Prilosec. It’s just not working this time. Actually, my stomach hurts worse when I take it. The insomnia is awful. It’s very hard to time my meals and other medicines while taking this too. Almost impossible! Looks like endoscopy is my next step."

"Carafate side effects are constipation, the best thing to do is take a stool softener before the last dose of Carafate in the evening. It works great. I did not read the side effects until the next day and had severe constipation in the morning. I am not a person that gets constipation, but this medication will do it very fast!"

"After 2 esophagus surgeries using the Nissan method, I am much better. Stress was and is my main problem. Then comes not being able to eat hardly anything. I take prescription Prilosec twice a day, watch my diet... very hard, and exercise, stretch, walk. I was in the ER last night and sent home with Carafate. If anyone has taken potassium pills, they suck big time. I was told to make a slurry. Add it to a small amount of water and take in one swallow. Works like a charm!"

"The most frustrating experience of my life trying to buy this medicine: one-month supply of pills $4.00, one month of suspension $526.99. Amazing, right? The Dr. recommended the suspension but I simply cannot afford it. I have been told so many things, it is a nightmare. I have GERD but am unable to afford suspension, and no one offers any help. I had to take pills financially and will continue taking them with hope they will work. I make a suspension 4 times a day and drink it."

"I have acid reflux after gallbladder removal. I tried the Carafate suspension, and it made me vomit. The pills appear to be working, but I still take Zantac. My pharmacist told me to dissolve the tablet in 1/4 cup of water for 15 minutes."

"Okay at first then I started to noticed some side effects from Carafate. I am a young adult who started taking this after being hospitalized for swallowing difficulties. My main issue now is Gastroparesis. I noticed taking this medication is increased my lack of appetite and nausea it also made it hard to swallow? I haven’t taken this medication in about a month my appetite is back but my throat spasms are back also. This medication helped with the esophagus spasms I was having that’s about all it helped with I will ask my doctor to put me on other medication. I had the liquid suspension and also the pill I crushed the pill up and made a slurry."

"I have been diagnosed with extreme acid reflux (more to come later on), Approximately 1 1/2 years ago my bad acid went out of control and started to come up in my mouth walking/sitting/laying down. I went to see my gastroenterologist and he sent me off to see a surgeon. The surgeon says I need a operation that amounts to be a gastric bypass. I did not like the diagnosis, About that time my gastroenterologist decided to drop all his medicare patients. I went to another hospital/gastro guy and he wanted me to stop all my ant-acid meds (2 ACIPHEX 2 RANITIDINE and 2 Omeprazole) for a week, After one days I was asking him to allow me to stay on For some reason the site is not allowing me to enter more details."

"I had reflux all day even though taking omeprazole daily for 20 years or more. I had my gallbladder removed about 15 years ago. After starting on Carafate as a slurry 4 times a day it was like a miracle - no reflux at all. I also removed caffeine, chocolate, and acidic juices. I am now making the slurry in my mouth - pop in tablet, slurp of water and swish about until tablet dissolves, then swallow slurry and a few more sips of water. The tablet has no taste. I have no side effects. I give this drug 10/10."

"Face swelled, became red, peeled, and caused intense pain and itching simultaneously; eyes reddened and swelled to the point of almost closing; throat became sore; prednisone pack prescribed."

"Yes, you can make a “slurry” by putting a pill in a bit of water."

"I have intense pain along the bottom of my ribs and this is the second round of Carafate. It has not helped at all. Still in pain. No side effects from taking it though."

"I have Barrett's disease. This helps the pain somewhat but doesn't make me feel well or have an appetite. Maybe not compatible with other medicines."

"Does not help with pain Terrible headaches"

"Unable to take med. it wouldn’t go down. Would start to crumble/dissolve in the mouth and caused choking."

More about Carafate (sucralfate)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: miscellaneous GI agents
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Carafate drug information
  • Carafate (Sucralfate Oral Suspension)
  • Carafate (Sucralfate Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Carafate prescribing information
  • Carafate Tablets (FDA)
  • Sucralfate (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • GERD
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Hyperphosphatemia of Renal Failure
  • Duodenal Ulcer Prophylaxis