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Generic Name: Cartia XT (diltiazem)

Cartia XT Reviews

For High Blood Pressure "I have an irregular heartbeat, so my doctor put me on Cartia XT 240 MG (diltiazem). I started having a racing heart, uncontrollable shakes, heated face, felt like my face was going to burn off, couldn't get out of bed, and went to the ER 3 times in a week. My kids finally looked up side effects to this drug, and I had them all. It was awful. I finally got off of it onto the plain Diltiazem. It works 100 times better without crazy side effects. I suggest you look up side effects before taking anything new. I know I will. I felt like I was dying."

For High Blood Pressure "What a nightmare! Ended up in ER with heavy PACs. Cardiologist put me on Cartia XT 120 MG. WHOA! I was living life as a race car. Now, I feel like I am still trying to run the race but in a 4-cylinder car rather than a race car. Exhausted. When I stand, I have to take a minute to allow my head to stop spinning, and if I get up from squatting to garden or such, it feels like the lights are going to go out! Feel pressure in my chest and just plain weak. Seeing my PCP next week. I am coming off this. No way I am living life feeling like this!"

For High Blood Pressure "Started Cartia 120 mg XT (9th med for BP) racing heart felt like medium (lexiscan) used for Nuclear Stress test. Severe headache, increased BP 191/123 feel like garbage, called Cardiologist wants me to continue on it! Ringing in ears won't stop. Heart pounding so hard chest hurts and severe headache. I am stopping it, might as well be dead!"

For High Blood Pressure "I have been taking Cartia XT 180 (diltiazem) every other day for several years. It controls my BP and prevents SVT. There is a shortage (Aug 2019) so the pharmacy substituted Cardizem CD. Since then I have experienced episodes of rapid heart rate, increase in pitch and intensity of tinnitus and hot flashes. I just had my Thyroid levels tested today to see if my dose of Synthroid is too high. (After EKG was normal). If it isn’t the Synthroid, then it must be the Cardizem. Very frustrating - I don’t feel myself at all."

For High Blood Pressure "Taking 120 mg of Cartia XT for weaning off of a beta-blocker for blood pressure. It sent me into tachycardia, which woke me up with a heart rate of 165 beats per minute. Never in my life have I had a heart issue. While taking this medicine, I experience skipped beats, which are definitely uncomfortable, and I have sinus congestion that has led to an annoying cough. I hope I can wean off this medicine and not have to deal with a racing heart. I'm also experiencing heightened anxiety with this medicine."

For Atrial Fibrillation "I am taking Cartia XT 240 mg for atrial fibrillation. It works, and I have not noticed any other side effects other than being sleepy all of the morning. I take it at 6:30 am and usually could fall asleep without much prompting. However, I'm not groggy and can concentrate fine. The heart is in rhythm, and that's what counts."

For High Blood Pressure "Taking the slow-release, 120 mg version. I take it at night about 30 minutes before bedtime. Averts any dizziness since I am going to bed to sleep. BP has been good 125/80 generally. Resting pulse of about 60. Thankfully I am at optimal weight and I exercise 4 to 5 times weekly, mostly a 2-mile walk each time and about 50 sit-ups. Drinking lots of water to stay hydrated. Mild constipation so I eat a cup of yogurt at least every other day."

For Atrial Flutter "I had a terrible reaction to Cartia XT's formulation of Cardizem, when my usual manufacturer, PAR who also makes Cardizem capsules, was not in stock at my pharmacy. So they substituted Cartia XT's formulation of Cardizem. I began having extreme racing, more than usual AF, and it continued to recur within about an hour after taking it each day. It was very alarming because PAR manufacturer of Cardizem never gave me a bad reaction and I had been taking it for years. Pharmacists who try to tell you that all generics are the same but that is misleading. The main ingredient in the prescription drug must be the same as the brand, but the manufacturer can vary the remaining ingredients, and it is very difficult to find out what they are."

"My husband suffered with SVT for a few years before being correctly diagnosed. Before that, they told him it was his stomach that was causing the problems. This year, he had 5 episodes of SVT and is finally taking Cartia XT 120 mg at night. Two months with no episodes, and thank goodness, no side effects. It's scary what I read here. In my opinion, doctors just try what will work and patients are like lab rabbits or the smaller kind..."

For High Blood Pressure "I've been on Cartia XT for 1 year. Yes, past the side effects, please. Occasional dizziness, lightheadedness, some minor weight gain, but watching what I eat. Getting into the gym. Giving up the salt. Processed foods are also sodium-filled. The fatigue is awful on most days - I just have to get that nap in, but preferably not in Atlanta traffic. But overall, it definitely does its job! Blood pressure is excellent most days. My blood pressure was 200/120, triggering A-Fib, which landed me in the ER/Intensive Care last November for 4 days. YIKES!!! This morning's pressure was 112/80. AMAZING!"

For Atrial Fibrillation "I really like this medicine. Take 180mg in the morning and one in the evening. Really, it is the right medicine for me. I am not tired at all, but make sure you take it every day. I stopped for 2 days... felt really bad. I highly recommend this. Do not take any generics, pay the money for the real deal."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I have been taking Cartia XT for supraventricular tachycardia for about 5 years. This medication has completely controlled the racing heart that I used to get from time to time. I've had no side effects. A big bonus is that eating ice cream used to trigger the racing heart beat. Now I can eat ice cream."

For Atrial Fibrillation "I use Cartia XT for A-fibrillation. The only problem I ran into was using generics. CVS switched their provider and it did not work as well. 2 days of A-fibrillation and I went on the real deal. What a difference, everything is back to normal."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "Took this medication to help my SVT. Made my heart skip beats, and I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. Worst experience of my life. Never helped lower my heart rate. Lopressor never worked for me either."

For High Blood Pressure "Had a high blood pressure episode of 200/120. A combination of acute stress, not enough exercise, pre-diabetic, dehydration, and not watching sodium intake. Moderately fit and not overweight. ER gave me metoprolol 100 mg a day and developed an antagonistic/allergic reaction, sending me back to the ER. Started on losartan 25 mg for two days and BP didn't go down as expected. Stress test showed normal everything except for borderline BP and rapid heart rate of 112. Cardiologist put me on 120 mg Cartia XT. Took the first dose last night, BP dropped to 80/60, 77 no symptoms, had water and feet up. Woke up with 100/70, 82 laying down and 110/70, 86 standing up. So far, ringing in the ears, I hear my heart sounds, and dry mouth. It's working so far. I will take it in the morning instead."

For High Blood Pressure "Be prepared for a 'mental health day'. My first 240mg dose wiped me out for a full 24 hours. I was dizzy and just plain off. Sitting to standing was a crash and burn experiment. It passed quickly and since 2nd day was okay."

For Atrial Fibrillation "I was on Cartia XT when they discontinued it. It is the only drug that works for me. There was no warning from CVS either. I went into fibrillation. The doctor put me on four different drugs after that, none of which worked. One was too hard and large to swallow, one had food dye and I am allergic, and one made my head ring terribly. Another one is on the way, but it is twice a day. Since I also have fibromyalgia, I have to be extra careful."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I am currently taking Cartia XT 120 mg once a day, and it is a mixed bag for me. I am still experiencing an elevated HR multiple times per day and very lightheaded all day long. I do not feel right at all. I have also tried metoprolol and lisinopril, having the best results from the latter, but it did not address my HR."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I took Cartia XT 120 mg once a day for thousands of PACs and PSVT. Cartia is mild, with few side effects, but good results. I took (Teva brand) Diltiazem EX 120 mg and had problems. I found out when I took leftover Cartia's that the problem is the Teva brand doesn't work as well for me."

For Supraventricular Tachycardia "I have had SVTs for about 18 years and was switched from Calan SR to this drug. I had no issues for about 4 years until recently when I was told that Cartia had been discontinued. Now I am on Diltiazem for 3 months and have already had 2 episodes in a month. I am going to try my hardest to get back on Cartia."

For High Blood Pressure "Been on Cartia XT for a year, lowered my heart rate but not my blood pressure. Started getting heart palpitations so cardiologist put me on a halter monitor for five days. Took me off Cartia and put me on Amlodopine. Heart rate back in normal range, no more palpitations and better than normal BP."

For High Blood Pressure "I could smell a strong odor when I opened the container. It is very off-putting. I have taken it a while, and my stomach is always upset. I think it does not agree with me."

For High Blood Pressure "Not really sure if this drug is for me. My blood pressure is still not normal, and neither is my heart rate. It more likely raises it. Also, occasional skipped beat feeling."

For High Blood Pressure "Take 180 once in morning and same at night - works for BP and heart beat . It’s a two and one drug for me ."

For High Blood Pressure "Occasional dizziness, but drug works."

More about Cartia XT (diltiazem)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: calcium channel blockers
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cartia XT advanced reading

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Cartia XT prescribing information
  • Diltiazem Hydrochloride (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Cardizem, Dilt-XR, Cardizem CD, Tiazac, ... +5 more

Related treatment guides

  • Angina Pectoris Prophylaxis
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Failure