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Generic Name: Florajen (lactobacillus-acidophilus)

Florajen Reviews

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I've suffered with IBS-C for years, with constant, painful bloating that neither my doctor nor I could get under control. It got so bad sometimes I looked double my size. I started reading articles about probiotics and tried a few that did NOT work and felt some others made it worse. I kind of gave up with my doctor figuring it out, so I spoke with my pharmacist instead. I asked her to recommend what she thought may actually help, and she said Florajen acidophilus, and IT ACTUALLY HELPED. I can finally go to the bathroom every day, my painful bloating has subsided. I take it every night at 10 PM like clockwork, with or without food in my stomach. The next morning I have a cup of coffee and instantly need the bathroom. This amazing refrigerated pill has been a lifesaver! I've had no issues with side effects whatsoever, and my stomach actually feels better for the first time in years!"

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "Florajen is what I use for daily probiotic supplement. At first it was for easing my constipation, and now that I don't experience that issue, I use it for general well-being. I have no yeast infection problems, my digestion is wonderful and my happiness is tip top. I have a better sense of well being and I can appreciate that overall."

For Vaginal Yeast Infection "I was told about this product from my pharmacist. I had frequent issues with vaginal bacteria. Simple things like using an unscented baby wipe, antibiotics and certain foods would throw off my pH and cause an infection. I will be using this for a very long time, it makes me feel healthy and keeps me feeling good overall... will recommend to all my friends"

For Diarrhea "My physician recommend taking a probiotic for my constant diarrhea after a cholecystectomy. It kind of worked, but I gained 9 lbs in two months. Needless to say I quit taking Florajen."

More about Florajen (lactobacillus acidophilus)

  • Check interactions
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  • Side effects
  • Drug class: antidiarrheals
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Florajen drug information
  • Florajen Acidophilus

Other brands

Acidophilus, Acidophilus Probiotic Blend, Intestinex, Acidophilus with Pectin, ... +10 more

Professional resources

  • Lactobacillus Acidophilus monograph

Related treatment guides

  • Clostridioides difficile Infection
  • Oral Thrush
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Diarrhea