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Generic Name: Diazepam for Alcohol Withdrawal (diazepam)

Diazepam for Alcohol Withdrawal Reviews

Valium (diazepam) "Was struggling with moderate to severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms, was prescribed Valium after a GP's visit as I was sure that otherwise it would have been A&E. Cleared up 90% of the worst symptoms, some are still present but have been minimized. Was a lifesaver for me as before I booked the appointment I considered more alcohol as I couldn't handle the 'fear', weird heart rate, and constant tremors. At its peak, the symptoms and anxiety combined made me feel like I was going to die."

Valium (diazepam) "I have been taking valium for the last 10 years. Before I was a raging alcoholic and always put myself in danger because of the effects of the alcohol. It should be illegal because it is a terrible drug. My life has been normal for the past ten years now and I have a happy family thanks to one little pill."

Valium (diazepam) "This is the second time I am taking diazepam for alcohol withdrawal. It helps me relax, be less anxious, stopped my trembles, overall it helped a lot. I do feel quite tired though, I hope I will be able to fall asleep. The pills saved my day. I found 5 mg to be too small a dosage for me. Good luck out there!"

Valium (diazepam) "I've been on and off diazepam a few times over the last 10 years. The latest is for alcohol withdrawal and it is an absolute godsend. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since I got the latest prescription, and my appetite has increased, and I'm sleeping much better. I was prescribed 30mg a day and haven't needed the full dose most days."

Valium (diazepam) "Valium is great to come off alcohol or any drug, however, you do not want to take this for more than 10 days. See therapy to sort out the real reasons you're masking your hidden troubles to become FREE. Valium is a DANGEROUS, ADDICTIVE drug once you have been on it for more than 3 to 4 weeks. You will only be left with your stuff to be dealt with. Short term."

Valium (diazepam) "I'm on a low dose of Valium. I'm not complaining as it's helping me stay off booze. I just try as well not to drink because I don't want to take more Valium than what is recommended for me, and it's really great. It's also helping with drug cravings. I started exercising as well, so I'm hoping to get off Valium soon and replace it with the gym, but meanwhile, it's really helping."

Valium (diazepam) "Bad Alcoholic collapsed and hit my head ended up in hospital UK. Not much treatment out next day, also have autism, I got 2mg valium for use when needed to two the 1st day, three the 2nd day and I wake up highly agitated and soaked in sweats. It hasn't relaxed me much, I was heavy drinker from 1995, then 2003 started to drink everyday, hospital and rehab since 2015, just binge drink now and have gastritis plus liver damage and cysts on left kidney, not having a good time :("

Valium (diazepam) "Valium has been a God-send for my benzodiazepine taper. On it a Month now as of March 22,2018. It is very relaxing and mild now but at first it was very sedating for the first 5 days. I take 10mg 2x's a day. I am being tapered off of Klonopin after 12 years on that drug. K-pin is HELL to get off of alone. Glad my psych doc is open minded and dropped the k-pin immediately and switched me to Valium, after I told him about the Ashton Taper Method, and that I wanted off the Klonopin because it was giving me bad withdrawals if I missed a dose. If you are serious about getting off of benzos I URGE you to google the Ashton Taper Method."

"I have some problems with alcohol mainly because I use it to relax myself as I have a history of anxiety since being a little kid. When I start to drink I drink every night quite heavily then pass out & after a month or so of this I start to get awful withdrawal during the daytime with symptoms like depression, bad anxiety, depersonalization, panic, sweating, really fast heart rate. Just awful symptoms which my doctor said is alcohol withdrawal so he's put me on 5mg of Diazepam 3x a day & it's been great not felt the need to drink alcohol. I do realize I'm basically swapping one substance for another but I plan to not take anything soon. Good luck anxiety is a real pain your not alone."

"Your brain loves this medication! Chronic AUD for 15 years and I have Valium on standby to help with low-grade anxiety as required. I rarely take it as I don’t want another addiction. Monitored by my GP, I take 5-10 mg when I feel anxious after a big night. It just takes the edge off for me, so Clonidine is my preferred recovery medication. I ration Diazepam as it is a last resort medication for me. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe it due to addiction and abuse potential. I would recommend to take the medication only when needed. Hope this review helps!"

Valium (diazepam) "I have detoxed from alcohol 3 times legitimate (as in I had a prescription) and valium or librium. Whichever they prescribed always put my WDs away. But I would definitely tell you as an alcoholic and drug addict DO NOT take them for long,any Benzos."

"I wanted to reduce my daily drinking so I decided to swap out the alcohol with diazepam every other day. I need something at night to calm me down and drinking every day was a bad idea. So every other day I don't drink and instead take 5 mg diazepam. I'm able to fall asleep and don't miss the booze on the days I take it. Too much of anything is a bad thing and this way I spread my risk."

Valium (diazepam) "I’ve struggled with alcohol addiction for years, as it progressed to 750ml of hard liquor a day. I tried stopping and got shakes, sweating, palpitations, dizziness, tingly hands and feet. So far, I’m on 5mg Valium 2x daily, and no withdrawal symptoms! Definitely tired, in a I worked all day kinda way, even if I didn’t."

"I’ve been on Diazepam for a couple of days now while I am detoxing from alcohol. I only experienced mild/moderate withdrawal symptoms so it’s safe for me to detox at home on a medication schedule to ease withdrawal symptoms. I’m taking 10mg every 6 hours and will then begin to taper off it after a few days. It’s been a godsend in that the anxiety, palpitations, shaking/tremors and agitation has gone away, but as many others mentioned, it makes me drowsy after I’ve taken my dose. I can still go about my day doing housework or cooking food, but I feel kind of floaty & drowsy while I do. I can’t work while I’m detoxing and taking Valium, because I wouldn’t feel safe to drive. However, by the time I’m due for my next dose the drowsiness has pretty much subsided. I think that the only withdrawal symptoms it hasn’t helped with is sweating, however it is also the middle of summer so it’s hard to tell if it’s withdrawal or the humidity!!"

"Went cold turkey coming off alcohol and I had to go to hospital for withdrawal. They gave me Valium there and it helped a great deal. Relapsed again last month and decided to stop again as it's ruining my life. Tried to cut down on alcohol slowly but it wasn't working so stopped drinking one day and started getting the shakes and my heart rate went right up, I had to have wine and it went back to normal. Went to the doctors and explained I wanted to stop drinking, he gave me Valium to take so I could stop right then. What a god send. Took two last night and slept through the night without waking up with the sweats or shakes. Not needed to take any throughout today but will probably have one tonight to be safe from seizures."

Valium (diazepam) "I used Valium 10 mg about 6 times to get off alcohol but I know it’s just as bad to get off benzos so I’d stop taking it after a month or so. I relapsed about 8 times and now have the beginning stages of cirrhosis. That’s what it took for me to stop. Valium is good for the withdrawal symptoms but I wouldn’t recommend long term use."

"I have been on diazepam before, having bought lots every time I was in Sri Lanka or India. However, I was working in the Middle East and I always managed to get them in without any trouble from customs. This is certainly not the case in the UK. I now fear hangovers so much that I very rarely drink alcohol. My last unassisted hangover lasted over 10 days and I thought I was going to die. I have received diazepam 10 mg here and find that the effects of the hangover are vastly helped by taking 5 mg 4 times a day. This is not a solution I would recommend though, and I know it's best to simply stop drinking. I also suffer from anxiety and firmly believe that 1 to 5 mg should be taken to improve 'life' in general. This little tablet can assist in life when not abused."

"I have dropped the alcohol percentage of beer I drink from 8 % to 5 % now down to 3.8%...There is a 2.1% I am attempting to nurse tomorrow and combine it with valium, then drop out the ETOH all together, and use valium...I hope it works, I have twenty 10 mg pills, I figure I'll start with 5mg 3 X a day, and then switch to Vistaril, then melatonin."

"Had to go to an inpatient hospital stay because of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. after 10 days of treatment, coupled with vitamin B-complex for repairing the damage alcoholism caused, I was released completely 'cured'; no shakes, no sweating, and I was thinking more clearly. It was as effective as an antiviral medicine for a Flu. A problem might be with taking the medication properly. Because I was inpatient I didn't have to worry about dosing, remembering when to take it etc. Treatment for alcohol withdrawal syndrome has to be with help of someone other, because a patient is very disoriented and confused."

"I was given diazepam for severe alcohol withdrawal. It was given to me in quite large amounts as I was having hallucinations, severe anxiety and I was dehydrated from sweating. It did stop all of the above and I felt a lot calmer. I was tapered off over a period of 4 days. My body felt like it had been “run over” but I was alive. Thankfully. This drug really helped."

"I took this for opiate withdrawal. Sober 10 days and still having Post Acute withdrawal syndrome. Was a lifesaver to take this to help sleep. And also help with cravings. I only took one 10 mg for the last two days of my withdrawal."

"This is only day one of diazepam detox. I’ve been a nightly heavy drinker for many years. I’m only being given 5 doses. The first was at 1pm, second at 4pm and third dose of 10mg at 6pm and another 5mg at bedtime. I don’t understand why the doses are so small. I’m F55 of average build. As my drink time approaches I’m feeling very nervous. I feel I could still drink on it, but know better not to! Detox is only for 5 days, after which I will have no access to this medication."

Valium (diazepam) "A good choice just to help. Withdrawal from drink is not as bad as so many people make out. If you really want this, you will do anything to be clean. I'm sober 6 years."

Valium (diazepam) "This medication reduced my withdrawal symptoms significantly, although I still had some anxiety. Valium reduced tremors, sweating, insomnia, and agitation."

Valium (diazepam) "Valium has assisted me a lot in my recovery of alcoholism."

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  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
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  • Diazepam drug information
  • DiazePAM buccal
  • Diazepam injection
  • Diazepam nasal
  • Diazepam rectal

Other brands

Valium, Valtoco, Diastat, Diazepam Intensol, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Diazepam monograph
  • Diazepam (FDA)
  • Diazepam Autoinjector (FDA)
  • Diazepam Injection (FDA)
  • Diazepam Oral Solution Concentrate (FDA)

Other brands

Valium, Valtoco, Diastat, Libervant

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