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Generic Name: Cataflam (diclofenac)

Cataflam Reviews

For Back Pain "I've had chronic lower back pain for over two years (herniated disk). I can't say for sure what has relieved my pain, but ever since taking diclofenac, my pain almost immediately has gone from being almost completely debilitated, to being able to function physically at the level I was at when pain started. Still have pain and not 100%, but my quality of life is back and I feel much more fluid and agile. For almost six months, I could hardly get out of bed, let alone tie my shoes."

For Period Pain "Been using for 12 years. Tips when using Cataflam: - If you want it to kick in faster: take the pill on an empty stomach, then eat 10 minutes later, take it with warm water, take it before the cramps begin, otherwise, it will take like an hour to start working. - You shouldn't: drinking anything with caffeine might affect the drug, don't drink anything that is cold, has ice, avoid spicy food, avoid intense workouts. Personal experience: I don't think we should take more than 2 pills within 1 hour. I once took a pill and another about 30 minutes later, ended up in the hospital throwing up because the dose was too high :( but the pain was so bad I swear my period was going to be the end of me... Cataflam has been saving my ass for 12 years now. When I first came to the US, I packed a 2-year supply of Cataflam because nothing else works for me and I'm kind of afraid to try new things now."

For Back Pain "Pulled a heavy object, I think did something to my lower back. It was so painful. I can't stand, walk or sleep properly. I had some Cataflam from his dental work. Tried to eat 2 initially since I read in this web that it will provide better relief in some patients. Boy, it was working just under 24 hours since I took Cataflam, by lower back pain was gone probably around 70%. After that I took 2 Cataflams a day (1 Cataflam per 12 hours). After 2 days I almost feel no pain, just still a little bit discomfort around lower back. The third day I stopped the medications since I no longer feel pain. What a wonderful medicine for my lower back pain."

For Period Pain "Cataflam is a miracle for my period pain. I have suffered for years and wouldn't be able to walk a few steps with the horrible pain. I've tried everything from Meftalspas to Spasmoproxyvone, Brufen, Panadol, etc. Nothing works. With Cataflam, in just half an hour, my pain is completely gone. I take it every 8 hours on my first two days."

For Osteoarthritis "Works wonders on lower back pain, but sometimes needs a narcotic painkiller or muscle relaxer for days when pain is more severe. Downside of this drug is that taking too much causes excruciating abdominal cramping and stabbing gas pains in the intestines. But it's an 8-hour pill, so pain relief usually lasts, and it is not hard to space doses out since it lasts so long."

For Back Pain "I had a surgery in my spine 10 years ago (herniated disc L5) and around 2 months ago my back start bothering again, after 2 days taking it my pain was gone , walking again and sleeping well, I highly recommend this marvelous medication."

For Period Pain "This miracle drug has saved me so many times. I suffer from unbearable abdominal pains from ovulation to period... It's very effective and goes directly to the source of ANY other pain I suffer. Whoever invented it should be called a hero.!!"

For Back Pain "I've had lower back pain for more than 2 months now, went to see a doctor who explain I have a disk bulge but the pain I have is caused by a muscle spasm that is pushing against a nerve. Gave me some exercises and pain relief meds Nothing really worked then I took cataflam which lets the pain go away for 2-3 days (from one pill) I really don't know how it works but its the best medicine for backpain I have taken so far. I just hope it doesnt have side effects on the long run"

For Period Pain "Its the best medicine for period pain so far.. I usually experience severe pain in my abdomen .. I take up to 4 pills every 6 hours on my first days.. but to be honest its a magical medicine. I recommend it to every women that cant bare her period pain"

For Period Pain "I always have very painful periods every month to the point where I can't stomach to eat, or much less smell food. I can't move out of bed or even speak a proper sentence. But cataflam is truly a life saver. I take two 50mg pills about every 5 to 6 hours and it reduces my pain drastically. My pain is only really bad on the first 2 days so after those 2 days I don't take anymore pills and just bare the little cramps I tend to get. BUT I have noticed that if I take the pills before my cycle arrives, it tends to delay my cycle a bit, other than that I love cataflam"

For Osteoarthritis "This works great for my back. i have arthritis at l4 and l5 and DJD (RALLY THE SAME THING) When my back goes out I need a stroid pack but if I catch it early and start taking voltern the need for the steroid pack disappears. It also decrease my need for vicodin which I'm scared of getting hooked on. I also have had a history of ulsers so I take protonix every day. I haven't had any problems yet!"

For Muscle Pain "I was misled by a person working in the pharmacy I visited and asked if cataflam is an NSAID as I am allergic to these medications. I was shown that it does not say so on the package. One Cataflam taken caused my eyes to itch and swell within 2 hours. It was only then I had the good sense to check online for myself to see that it was."

For Period Pain "My sister used to work for Novartis, a company which produces Caraflam. I remembered the first few months of my period, I didn't feel painful as how I do now. My other sisters always need to take Caraflam. So when I couldn't bear the cramps anymore I took it, it started working about an hour later, I didn't feel painful anymore. Even though my sisters are pharmacists, they always told me that the less medicines I take, the better it would be. So I tried not to use it. It was the worst ever, I took one, it didn't work well when it reached the max of pain. I threw up and took another one. After an hour, it worked. So if you decide to use Caraflam, take it before it's painful."

For Pain "I was prescribed Cataflam after removing two wisdom tooth in the same side (top and bottom). I was to take one tablet every 8 hours, this did not work for me at all. I could not even sleep or think, it was almost as if I did not take any medication at all."

For Period Pain "Cataflam has helped but I have to take at least 4 - 6 a day to be able to survive the pain of my period. But once it starts working I feel so much better I have tried so much but only this works for me."

For Period Pain "Cataflam is a life saver but it takes about an hour after swallowing to start working. I take 2 at a 6 hr interval and can take up to six at the end of the day, but that's only for the first day of the period. "

For Period Pain "I can’t actually believe this works 1 and half hour in my pain has gone I took two 50g tablets I took one more now although I have hardly have any pain but just incase and I’ll take another in the morning. Really I’m shocked for so long I been crying in excruciating pain thinking I’m having a miscarriage or have something wrong with me Alhamdulilah so happy about this finding."

For Period Pain "Cataflam is the best OTC for period pain. I can function properly now. I use to take 2 panadol tablets which are pretty useless. I end up feeling nausea and tired. Do take this at the first sign of period for best results. It will be too late to take it when the pain starts."

For Period Pain "This is the best medication I have ever used for painful periods. (It actually helped my sinus pain, as well.) I experienced no grogginess and no side effects, very just soothing and complete pain relief."

For Period Pain "I had to take two and they did not start working for a hour and minimal pain relief lasted for about two hours. I have extreme pain for the first three days of my cycle where I am at a point of wondering if I should go to the ER."

For Period Pain "Cataflam is so far the only medication, OTC or otherwise, that has done anything to help with my menstrual cramps. It allows me to function at a basically normal level during my period. The pain is not entirely gone but Cataflam seems to keep it manageable."

For Period Pain "I've taken Cataflam for over 10 years now. I make it a point to take it on the first day of my period and I never feel any cramps or pains. I do have a pretty bad dysmenorrhea. Cataflam's great and makes my period so bearable."

For Pain "It always works with my migraine pain. I get eye pain (very strong) and having one pill of Cataflam will be enough. Also it usually helps a lot when I have spasm in my back (opposite to chest area) also one pill will be enough or at least makes the pain not so sharp and can go with my day normally. I do not take it with any other medicine also I have only one pill a day."

For Period Pain "This has helped my period a lot. I’ve realized that taking it leading up to my period it has caused it to come a day later than normal but maaaaaannnnnnn it is so good. I use the dispersable cataflam because I can’t swallow pills for both migraine and period pain and it works like a charm. 10/10 would recommend."

For Pain "At first when I started taking this medicine everything was going fine until 2 days into using it I started getting hiccups but nothing to be bothered by and then that night I woke up hiccuping an it went on an off for at least three days. I tried everything I knew about curing hiccups then I searched the web and found the side effects. "

More about Cataflam (diclofenac)

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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cataflam drug information

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Professional resources

  • Cataflam prescribing information
  • Diclofenac (Systemic, Local) (AHFS Monograph)

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