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Generic Name: Cefzil (cefprozil)

Cefzil Reviews

For Sinusitis "The only thing that has kicked each of the many sinus infections I've had over the years, including the one I picked up in Maui and had to fly home with--ended up with a double ear and sinus infection. Amoxicillin just won't do it for me."

For Pneumonia "I love this medication. It helped me fight my pneumonia. As well, it has helped me with tonsil/throat infections. It is my medication of choice. My kids take it as well when the doctor feels it is appropriate to the situation. No side effects in our family."

For Bladder Infection "I was given this for UTI and Sinusitis at the same time! After 2 doses I felt a little relief but woke up in the middle of the night itching on the palms of my hands, bottoms of my feet and knees and elbows! My hands were also swelling after the 4 th dose so I quit taking it. Still had the infection and pain after 4 doses!"

For Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis "It was prescribed to treat a bad sore throat. It didn't help. After taking it not only did the sore throat remain, but I developed vaginitis and diarrhea that took me long to cure. Be careful if your immune system is sensitive to antibiotics and make sure you also take an effective probiotic while on this."

For Sinusitis "Terrible medicine. I had diarrhea with dehydration and ended up with severe dry mouth at night. I took it for sinus for over a month and need to take for 70 days but it killed stomach already. I used to drink lot of water but all useless with this medicine. I think I have to stop it."

For Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis "It helped me clear sore throat / pharyngitis which I had after COVID and was not going away for a week. I felt better 1 - 2 hours after I took the first dose, but the sore throat was coming back in between each dose, but less and less painful / dry. In specs of Cefzil online, you can find that the peak concentration in your blood is around 2 hours after taking the dose, so that explains why I felt better after each dose and worse before taking each dose. It took 4 days in total to clear the infection for me, but I took it for 7 days in total to be 100% sure it went away. I felt abdominal cramps / mild stomach pain after each dose and sometimes nauseous if I did not eat anything right after the pill, but after 30 - 50 minutes, the nausea went away. If I ate something, I felt only mild stomach pain, but no nausea, so I recommend eating after the pill, not before. Overall, a good experience but slower recovery than I remembered from other pills like penicillin and amoxicillin."

For Sinusitis "I could tell a huge difference before I even took the second dose! I feel much better!"

For Bronchitis "I used this to treat bronchitis and whooping cough! I felt much better after just taking it for a couple of days. After the 7th day on it I have EXTREME vaginal itching."

For Bladder Infection "Took it for 7 days for urinary tract infection and didn't get rid of it. Saw the doctor and was put on Macrobid which makes me nauseous."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "Works for me every time."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "Giving this medicine to my 1 yr old and has had nothing but diarrhea and a tore up bottom. "

More about Cefzil (cefprozil)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: second generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Cefzil drug information

Professional resources

  • Cefprozil monograph
  • Cefprozil Tablets (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Bladder Infection
  • Kidney Infections