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Generic Name: Cephalexin for Acne (cephalexin)

Cephalexin for Acne Reviews

Keflex (cephalexin) "I started taking this medication initially for an infection from a bug bite. After three days of being on the medication I noticed all of my skin is clear and appears to be glowing and my pores have shrunk so much . I’m in my early 30s and still suffer from acne occasionally mostly hormonal acne and this is amazing I don’t want to get off of it now. I was on doxycycline for months in my early 20s which also had similar effect. The only side effects from this medication initially was a headache and diarrhea but that went away after one day and I’m staying on probiotics to help regulate ."

"I was first put of cephalexin 500mg capsules twice a day for a week to treat a painful cystic acne that appeared inside my nose. After that one week it cleared my entire face! It was amazing. I haven’t seen my face that clear since I was probably 10 years old (I’m 30) the down side is it’s not a long term fix. A few months later I was prescribed it again for 2 weeks because I was breaking out again really bad all over my face. Again it cleared it right up! About a year after that I got another two week prescription. I had plenty of bad breakouts over that year without it but I didn’t want my body to become immune to it—hence the long break. I honestly was amazed at how effective this has been for me but again I emphasize that it is not a long term fix."

Keflex (cephalexin) "After taking doxycycline for a while, my body became resistant to it, so my dermatologist switched me to Keflex for acne. I think I had at least five bowel movements the first day. Eventually, my digestive system became somewhat regular, but then I started getting headaches on a regular basis. It cleared up my acne somewhat, but it was definitely not worth all the side effects."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I have been getting these painful boils under my arm since I was 15-16 years old. Now I'm 21. Like a month after I had my baby, my face broke out really, really bad. Cephalexin (Keflex) cleared it right up. I don't get boils anymore."

"This cephalexin clears my acne COMPLETELY when I take it. It even cleared up the seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp! It was first prescribed it for a horrible pimple inside my nose and it cleared up my entire face! A year later I was prescribed it again for a staph infection and same wonderful results for my skin. Everyone is right about it not being a long term fix and you don’t want to take it frequently and become immune to it."

"The return of my acne happened about 2.5 months ago when I went to a trusted skin centre here in Vancouver BC. I was advised by a friend to inquiry about ZO skincare by Dr Zein Obagi to get the perfect skin. I spent $320 and was on my journey to amazing skin. WRONG !!!!! My skin broke out and with vengeance. At first I wasn’t too concerned because I thought my skin was purging. But then it just got worse and worse where I was contemplating not leaving the house. One day I got a horrible abscess on my cheek and had to go to the hospital to have it looked at. I was prescribed Cephalexin. Immediately in 24 hours I saw a HUGE improvement!!! I hope this keeps my skin clear as I only have a prescription for 5 days. "

"I’ve been taking this medication for five days now. My acne came out of nowhere, doctor said he feels it was due to stress. I feel like my blistery acne is drying up, but every day I wake up with another one to start all over I’m hoping after the 10 days of being on the antibiotic it’ll clear up. I will definitely keep everyone posted. Acne takes away from our every day activities how I feel about ourself. It’s horrible."

Keflex (cephalexin) "This was and continues to be the best, long term option for me. I had very little side effects ... slight headache at first but it went away after a few days."

"This cured my acne when nothing else did. I don't remember having any side effects, nor do I remember the dosage. It was originally prescribed for a sinus infection."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cephalexin drug information
  • Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets
  • Cephalexin Suspension

Other brands

Keflex, Biocef

Professional resources

  • Cephalexin monograph
  • Cephalexin (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Suspension (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bladder Infection
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Acne