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Generic Name: Crixivan ()

Crixivan Reviews

For HIV Infection "This drug caused liver damage in me. I did not know the elevated liver enzymes meant damage and though they would return to normal but it has been 15 years and I have serious damage that is permanent. I went from normal blood work to high triglycerides and high liver enzymes 6 months after beginning this drug in 2000. Now I have cirrhosis and my pancreas is failing and I need insulin, Do not use this drug!"

More about Crixivan (indinavir)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: protease inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Crixivan advanced reading
  • Crixivan

Professional resources

  • Crixivan prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • HIV Infection
  • Nonoccupational Exposure
  • Occupational Exposure