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Generic Name: Diazepam Intensol (diazepam)

Diazepam Intensol Reviews

For Muscle Spasm "Due to a back injury, I experienced severe leg pain in all positions. Walking, it felt like my muscle was literally tearing from the bone. Excruciating. Within 2 days, my muscles relaxed. No negative side effects."

For Muscle Spasm "In conjunction with a work-up for what was determined to be peripheral neuropathy, I began having severe muscle spasms in my back, neck, legs, and now my hands. Baclofen, and later Zanaflex, worked well at first but eventually no longer managed the spasms, so my primary care doctor added Valium for breakthrough spasms. It works very well and I used it sparingly, but after a change in pain management physicians, benzodiazepines were banned because I was taking opiates. I'm miserable without at least some relief from the constant spasms and have nothing to take to prevent them during procedures where I must be still and not at risk for any spasms."

For Anxiety "Dosage: 5 mg, 6 times a day. PRO: That's a lot of Valium. It helps some (6 out of 10) with anxiety and cuts back my 'plugged into an electric socket' feeling. Helps get to sleep. It is a great muscle relaxer and helps a great deal with my muscle spasms. Don't know what I'd do without it. CON: Makes me sleepy. I have to be careful to take the drug on schedule. Otherwise, I can wind up with too much in my system at once. Dangerous when driving. You cannot drink alcohol with Diazepam. You don't just get sleepy; you pass out without warning. I mean pass out. Maybe OK at home in bed. Really bad anywhere else."

For Anxiety "It helps calm me down instantly. When I feel like I can breathe and that I am drowning in anxiety, it truly helps!"

For Anxiety "Works Better Than Ativan (Lorazepam) And Xanax (Alprazolam)!"

For Muscle Spasm "Excellent for post-surgical spasm."

For Muscle Spasm "Works well after surgery and has even calmed my fibromyalgia."

For Alcohol Withdrawal "Helped me get through the first few days without the bottle. Overall a decent drug that I recommend for other recovering alcoholics."

More about Diazepam Intensol (diazepam)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (2)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Diazepam Intensol advanced reading
  • Diazepam Intensol

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Diazepam monograph
  • Diazepam Tablet (FDA)

Other brands

Valium, Valtoco, Diastat, Libervant

Related treatment guides

  • Status Epilepticus
  • Alcohol Withdrawal
  • Anxiety
  • Endoscopy or Radiology Premedication