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Generic Name: Docosanol topical for Herpes Simplex (HSV) (docosanol-topical)

Docosanol topical for Herpes Simplex (HSV) Reviews

Abreva (docosanol) "Got a cold sore at the worst possible time. Met a chick. Cute chick. Everything was perfect. Really like her. Who knows I might marry her. Anyway, after our first date, I started getting a fever blister. She wanted me to come to her place the next day. Of course, I couldn't do so. Checked into how to remove the blisters, found some Abreva and paid $20, reluctantly, for a small tube. Used it for 2 days, using it almost every 2 hours. On the 3rd day, it's totally gone. No blister at all. Could have lost the lady of my dreams. Woohoo! Thanks, Abreva."

Abreva (docosanol) "Every few years, I seem to forget why I quit buying Abreva. Normally, my cold sores last 3-4 days, don't get very big, etc. But EVERY SINGLE TIME I give Abreva a try, one small bump turns into five or six huge blisters, so bad I can barely talk. I have literally only had that happen when using Abreva. I don't know why I keep going back to it. It's horrible."

Abreva (docosanol) "It does work fast. Usually, I can get rid of it in 2-4 days. The only issue I have is the cream is a dark white color, so if I apply it to my lip, the white cream is very noticeable on my lip. In public, I would have to wipe part of it off so no one would see that I have white cream on my lip. I wish this cream was more transparent."

Abreva (docosanol) "I skipped the tingle stage altogether. My lips had been really dry and I was using Chapstick when all of a sudden there was a random blister on my lip. I immediately went and bought some Abreva. It never got past the blister stage. It has been 2 days and it just looks like a dry patch now. No scab. No oozing. Can't even tell it's there if you didn't know."

Abreva (docosanol) "So, unfortunately, I have had cold sore outbreaks for years. I hate the stigma attached to them. But I've always used Abreva, from the pump or the tube. Both worked great. However, this time I'm currently laid up in bed, unable to speak because my cold sore has literally multiplied into several little bumps. It's incredibly painful to do anything, and my lip looks so swollen I feel like I was punched in the lip. I don't know what happened to Abreva, but it used to be good. This time has almost got me wanting to go to the hospital."

Abreva (docosanol) "I’ve been getting fever blisters for years, usually 1-2x a year now and I’m fairly good at getting them to die down within 2-5 days. I see a lot of negative comments about Abreva, I decided to try it because I really need this blister gone QUICK this time. I started using it in the first stage of a little bump yesterday - along side lysine rich foods ONLY during my outbreaks, extra lysine supplements and my valacyclovir - with my whole regimen my blister has already began to shrink and crust over within 24 hours - making this the quickest time I’ve made it basically disappear and I think a huge part of that is the Abreva I added to the mix. You cannot solely rely on medication to aid in your outbreak - you must also watch your diet, your stress levels and any triggers - such as heat, wind, sweating - anything that can irritate the virus infected cells must be avoided or the medications are just a weak band aid."

Abreva (docosanol) "I honestly didn't think Abreva would work. I got the first signs of a cold sore on a Thursday morning and applied the Abreva immediately. On Friday, my cold sore blistered just a little bit and was somewhat itchy, but the Abreva definitely kept the cold sore from getting any bigger and under control. By Saturday, I noticed that the blisters were already drying out and on the way to healing well. On Sunday, it was gone completely! I'd definitely use Abreva again! Without it, I'd have to face a whole week or more of enduring a very itchy, fast-growing, and ugly cold sore that would make me feel ugly and very self-conscious."

Abreva (docosanol) "Okay, peeps, here's the thing: cold sores don't always act the same way every time. It's possible that you are used to it looking a certain way every time it appears (like a small circle), but years later, it can make you look like you got punched in the mouth and then go back to a small circle like you are used to. It's not the product that makes your cold sore worse unless you have an allergic reaction to the chemical makeup of the product, but that would result in hives. Abreva is a great topical option to use along with other treatments. There are medications you can use to cut the cold sore short. Do a little research and talk to your doctor to see about getting a script. In my opinion, Abreva isn't strong enough to deal with the cold sore on its own, but it is definitely beneficial when you use it along with medication."

Abreva (docosanol) "If you already have blisters or lesions, go to the doctor... do not buy Abreva. Just like you, I hoped it would fix the problem in 2 1/2 days as advertised and didn't really have time for a trip to the doctor's office. I wasted $30 and prolonged my face deformity by relying on Abreva. New blisters actually popped up after I started using it! Only after I got proper anti-virals did the blister (and its Abreva friends) begin to heal. The doctor actually told me, "I've never had much luck with patients who use Abreva." Get anti-virals if you need to show your face in public anytime soon."

Abreva (docosanol) "Abreva used to work, not anymore. It appears they have changed the formula. It has been a few years since I've had a cold sore or fever blister. Years ago, when I used Abreva, I could feel a tingling sensation when I applied it. Within 24 hours, you could tell a difference, the fever blister was not spreading but getting smaller. The Abreva purchased in 2017, you feel nothing when you put it on. Does not work like it used to. Please bring back the old formula."

Abreva (docosanol) "I have been affected by this virus all my life. I found Abreva, and the blisters disappear within a few days of treatment. I have no side effects from this cream. The key is to catch it early and treat the blister(s) promptly and as prescribed. I am grateful for Abreva being an over-the-counter medication."

Abreva (docosanol) "I started using the very first day I felt that tingle and within 4 days I had another blister, and then just as the first one was starting to clear up, along came a third. It’s been 7 days since I started using this product and I now have 3 blisters that don’t look like they’re going anywhere soon. I’m so disappointed."

Abreva (docosanol) "I thought I had a cold sore but I think it was actually just a crack at the corner of my mouth from dry skin. I started applying Abreva and began to get little red bumps around my mouth, mostly where I was applying the Abreva. The rash spread and now I have blistery red bumps all around my mouth, and a split lip. I will never buy this stuff again."

Abreva (docosanol) "I woke up in the morning with redness at the site and a very slight bump that I could tell would soon form into a blister. I immediately applied Abreva to the site as instructed, and continued re-applying every 40 minutes or so within 3 hours the cold sore erupted into a full blown multi-blister sore. I quickly removed what ever was there and began to apply Zovirax. I have used it before but wanted to give Abreva a try. I WILL THROW AWAY WHATEVER I HAVE BOUGHT AND WILL NEVER USE ABREVA Again. It literally made it 100 times worse."

Abreva (docosanol) "I was in Mexico and spent the whole day drinking at the pool (I think they did not wash glasses properly and I contracted it there). I went for dinner and just as I finished my meal I licked my lips and right away could feel the tingle, then bit my bottom lip where it was and had that very sharp pain. Could tell right away, having had several when I was younger. A single small blister had formed on my lip already and luckily I carry Abreva everywhere so I put some of that on right away. Next day it had "popped", I soaked that and put more Abreva. Was starting to heal and crust within 2 days. This is why the ladies in my family carry it everywhere. You have to use it straight away to stop the spreading, but its a life saver."

Abreva (docosanol) "The negative reviews are wild to me. I've been using this for 20 years. I don't get them often enough to use the same tube twice, but the moment I feel even the slightest tingle, I am at a pharmacy within 10 minutes buying this. It works if you use it RIGHT away. The giant blister clump won't form. That is exactly how it is advertised. If the blisters have already formed, it will be as effective as mayonnaise, just go ahead and cancel your plans, you're done for a couple of weeks."

Abreva (docosanol) "I’m amazed at how many people have had the same experience with Abreva recently. I am convinced that the formula has changed. I get cold sores very infrequently but I have always had success with applying it at the first tingle or itch. I have had two this year and applied immediately but ended up with full blown blisters and a puffy lip which has never happened to me before. Good to know it’s not just me...I was thinking my body had become immune. I think I will need to look into other options at this point."

Abreva (docosanol) "I just joined the pool of unfortunate souls who fell victim to this harmful product. It's overpriced, the applicator isn't user friendly, and yes, it made the cold sore way worse than it's ever been before. I usually get these sores right after having the flu. Sometimes, they're barely visible. This time, I had one tiny little spot in the center of my lip. I applied the product generously to the entire area. The entire bottom lip blew up within a few hours. There needs to be class action lawsuit and a recall of this horrible product."

Abreva (docosanol) "I experience cold sores 3-4 times a year. My RX acyclovir was long expired, so I tried abreva. Walgreens only had the pump bottle available. It was almost as effective as RX. My complaint is that the amount dispensed is at least 3 times what is needed...so much waste considering the cost!!"

Abreva (docosanol) "I have taken this medicine since it first came out. I felt the tingle of a new sore the other day and bought a bottle of Abreva (this bottle has a pump to supply the medication which is more liquidish). After 2 days of use I realized that no only had the Abreva NOT worked, my cold sore had spread to 3 times the original size and was still contagious (tingly and sore). I mentioned this to my husband who said we had an older squeeze tube of Abreva (paste consistency) in his bathroom and he suggested I try that instead. After 12 hours, 2 applications, the cold sore is already getting better. My guess is that the makers of Abreva have watered down the active ingredient so much that it is no longer effective so they make more money."

Abreva (docosanol) "Abreva was a god-send. I to apply at the first tingle and cold sore would not even develop . Fast forward a couple of years , (about 1-2 sores tried to come out per year but I was successful in full stop) Abreva no longer works. It even appears to spread the blisters? I no longer feel the numbing sensation that I used to from the abreva cream. I'm so disappointed ! I feel like I may have become immune to the cream or else the formula has changed."

Abreva (docosanol) "Ok... Guys... This cream may work only at the very beginning of this awful sickness hahaha... Was reading the reviews... Found this salt water recipe which works. Seriously it burns your lips but it is good. You see I applied this cream many times but it only worsen my condition. My blister was getting bigger. Till I made a very strong salt water mix and washed my mouth with it couple times. My blister skin peeled off. Ou yea. You betcha. It works. Couple more times and I'm all good... Try it!"

Abreva (docosanol) "This is my first outbreak. The pain is unbearable. Started using abreva and I feel like it just made my sores worse and it also caused them to get bigger. Now I have two huge scabs that look absolutely disgusting. I wonder if leaving it alone would've been a better option."

Abreva (docosanol) "So I started getting cold sores when I was young but as I grew older I had stopped getting them. Anyway I got a cold sore 2 days before my 20th birthday, right? I mean I was completely devastated so I searched online and found some reviews on Abreva. I headed out to purchase it (yes, small tube, very expensive). I thought it was worth the try but I wasn't expecting much. Two days later my cold sore was barely visible and to be honest, I'm only doing this review because I do think the product was worth the price and it actually works."

Abreva (docosanol) "Best product out there however dont buy the pump bottle it is very wasteful .It pumps out 4 times more than you need and the tip clogged overnight and hardens ,more waste.Its very expencive for the amount you get so no use to be wasteful .Buy the squeeze tube instead"

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  • Drug class: topical anti-infectives
  • En español

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  • Docosanol topical drug information
  • Docosanol (Advanced Reading)
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  • Docosanol monograph

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  • Cold Sores
  • Herpes Simplex (HSV)