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Generic Name: Dramamine (dimenhydrinate)

Dramamine Reviews

For Nausea/Vomiting "I had to stop taking my migraine medicine because of a life-threatening side effect. Nothing else touched my migraines. I was desperate because of the nausea and dizziness on top of the unbelievable pain, and took a Dramamine. Not only did it stop the nausea and dizziness, it knocked out my migraine enough that I was able to get out of bed and function - probably from a 10 on the pain scale to a 5. Huge difference!"

For Motion Sickness "I've had moderate motion sickness for almost my entire life, and it's only gotten worse into adulthood. I have generalized anxiety and panic disorders on top of being extremely emetophobic (fear of nausea/vomiting), so you can imagine how those play into the motion sickness and snowball it from there. When my panic disorder was at its worst, I would have to take two Dramamine and two .5 mg Xanax just to get through a 2-hour car ride without vomiting. I'd literally have to sedate myself to go anywhere that wasn't less than 15 minutes from where I lived. Nowadays, any time I go out or feel nauseous, I pop 1-2 Dramamine depending on the severity. It does away with the nausea in roughly a half hour and calms me down too. Honestly, I don't know where I'd be without Dramamine (original formula). It allows me to visit my family and allows me to actually enjoy car rides rather than sit hyperventilating or hanging my head out of the window like a sick dog. Thank you, Dramamine!"

For Nausea/Vomiting "During a migraine attack, I took Dramamine to help me sleep (as, yes, it packs a wallop in the drowsy department). It did make me a little drowsy, but what was more interesting is that my migraine went from a '10' to a '4' on the pain scale. Now when I start to get migraine symptoms, I take Excedrin and Dramamine. The combination works tremendously for me."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I have acid reflux and gastroparesis, so I am nauseous most of the time since meds don't work. I found taking just a half of one of the regular generic Dramamine (Equate sold at Wal-Mart) helps tremendously. It even helps with the coughing since it calms me down without any drowsiness. I also take ginger root nausea meds and just add the Equate if needed as a 'boost.' Can you tell that I've learned, through years, that doctors just try selling drugs that just don't do anything but sell for them?"

For Motion Sickness "We use Dramamine prior to fishing trips. However, an old sea captain told me to take one pill the night before and then another the morning of the trip. This way, it really gets in your system. It works!"

For Nausea/Vomiting "Need something over the counter now. This stuff works. Use as directed every 4 hours, and I promise you, your nausea and vomiting will disappear. I still think Zofran (prescription only) is the best stuff, but this is a close second for over the counter."

For Nausea/Vomiting "For me, it works miracles. When I used to drink, I'd get the worst hangovers because of the horrible stomach ache and vomiting. If I take this, I know in one hour exactly (it literally takes exactly 60 minutes for me), I will feel better and not even a little nauseous. I also get nasty random bouts of nausea (I have no idea why). Before knowing about Dramamine, I'd have to force myself to vomit just to feel a little bit of relief, but after finding this stuff, I no longer suffer. I do not know what I will do if this medicine is ever discontinued."

For Motion Sickness "This is amazing! I've been struggling with motion sickness, and it's gotten worse as I got older. I took this on a 3-hour drive to San Diego and a 3-hour drive back, and I was feeling better than ever! It seems to help with anxiety as well, I forgot how it felt to just be normal. I'm always nauseous, so it's a refreshing feeling to not feel anything on the drive. I don't get sleepy that easily so the drowsiness doesn't kick in 'til later, but this is amazing. I recommend. It's good to have trust in a medication because it'll ease your mind on the trip you're going to take, and that's what I have with Dramamine."

For Nausea/Vomiting "I take this for dizziness, which is caused by a prescription medicine I take, and it takes the dizziness away and helps with anxiety! Non-drowsy formula is a better ingredient than the original and only makes me slightly tired! Great medicine!"

For Motion Sickness "I have been experiencing motion sickness every time I travel by plane and decided to give this a try. Not only did I not experience any nausea, but it knocked me out for my two-hour flight! I fell asleep while people were still boarding and woke up when the plane hit the ground again. Amazing!"

For Motion Sickness "I have been seriously dizzy since Jan 2018. Dramamine restores me, so I can work and live. The only problem is I take quite a few tabs a day. But for three and a half months, I can't handle the dizziness! Dramamine took away my dizzy spells, nausea, and vomiting! I feel human again."

For Nausea/Vomiting "In college, I had a bad reaction to a medication and spent the entire day in bed and throwing up until my roommate gave me Dramamine, and it completely took away the vomiting and helped me go to sleep."

For Motion Sickness "I have such a hard time with motion sickness, so I am always sure to bring Dramamine along with me for flights, cruises, etc. I do not recommend the non-drowsy formula, however, because it does not work for me. I will take drowsiness over nausea any day!"

For Motion Sickness "I am so glad I found this! I've been dealing with motion sickness for years. It was almost impossible for me to ride in the backseat of a car before this medication. I first used Dramamine for a 4-hour road trip in a large van. I was so nervous about getting motion sickness I almost didn't go. I took 2 pills about 30 minutes before, and it completely kept the sickness away! It did make me tired, and I ended up taking a little nap, but that's better than nausea. I can do everything I couldn't do before in a car, from reading to having a normal conversation."

For Motion Sickness "I use this for both motion sickness and severe migraines. I'm 25 years old, and this actually takes away the hurt from noise, light, touch, and yes, dizziness and vomiting. I can actually move and participate with my family this Christmas. Rarely do I mix it, if anything, I just take the max dosage recommended."

For Nausea/Vomiting "My family came down with the stomach flu it was bad. I went looking for something that would help but wasn't to expensive, I came across Dramamine and I have to say one after taking one pill it works wonders and it last for 24 hours we've had to take another one but it works I highly recommend it."

For Motion Sickness "I have been taking Dramamine for years (since I was a child) to prevent my terrible motion sickness. It works incredibly well at keeping me from getting nauseated. My only problem with it is that it makes me so drowsy! If it is a short flight or bus ride, I still get nauseous but don't always want to take Dramamine because I'll be so drowsy once arriving at my destination. A 4+ hour flight, bus, or boat though, and Dramamine is for sure the way to go, particularly if it is overnight travel and you will be wanting to sleep anyway."

For Motion Sickness "I took a full pill for a precaution for sea sickness before going on whale watch. I don't usually get sea sick but said what the heck since the Dramamine box said non drowsy. It is now 24 hours later and i am still completely out of it. I had to have someone drive my car home and I fell asleep in the car. I came home and slept 3 hours, then went to dinner and went to bed after and slept for about 10 hrs. Still do not feel like me. So bummed! At least sea sickness is short term."

"I have sleep issues and have for years. I've been on the same low dose of clonazepam at bedtime for probably 20 years so it doesn't work so well anymore. We have tried several add on drugs to increase my sleep time but nothing worked well or had horrible side effects. Finally after 2 years of trying things my doctor said "have you tried benadryl or Dramamine"? Seemed like a million other things both natural and pharmaceutical but I never had tried Dramamine. Well it does makes you very tired! For a good 12 hours it makes you tired so you need to cut it in half and take an hour before you go to sleep. I find I can just use it ever other day. Your body won't get used to it that way to either. Could possibly be too fatiguing for some to use on a regular basis. For me an excellent sleep aid suggested by my physician. It seems to calm you to, as well as lowering your BP a little bit ... neither bad things! Very pleased."

For Nausea/Vomiting "My doctor advised taking Dramamine after he gave me medicine to treat my problems - not motion sickness - and I experienced nausea and some vomiting from the medicine. I had tried various things that just seemed to make it worse, but this helps. Now I can take the medicine I need and still be comfortable."

For Nausea/Vomiting "Although it does not take all of the nausea away, it takes it away enough to avoid vomiting when the stomach bug is running its course. Although not indicated for gastroenteritis (aka "stomach flu"), I have used it on many occasions as I own a business; and any day not at work is lost income. I also give it to my children when they are feeling ill enough to vomit. Note- Bonine (meclizine) and "Less-Drowsy Dramamine (meclizine) which our also motion sickness medicine, works even pretty well, but not as well in my opinion for nausea caused by actual sickness."

For Motion Sickness "I've taken this for motion sickness and it absolutely does help with preventing the nausea. When on Dramamine, I will occasionally get a hint of it - or maybe it's just the recognition that certain conditions should be making me sick. Either way, nothing close to what I would experience when I not medicating. The only critique I have to offer is the drowsiness. Desperately wishing to lay down and close my eyes, which can happen on Dramamine, is inconvenient if it's not the type of trip I want to sleep through."

For Nausea/Vomiting "Went out with my friends on a Saturday night, got home around 3AM. Had to wake up at 6AM for work and I woke up with the spins and felt like throwing up. I continued to feel like this for the remainder of the shift until I saw Dramamine at the gas station on my lunch break. Decided to take 2 and I felt soooo much better. This brought back my appetite and stopped the spinning/nausea."

For Motion Sickness "This is the only one that works for me, and it really does work half an hour after taking it. This is important for me, as our trips out in our boat are very spur of the moment. Sadly, I can no longer get this in the UK."

For Motion Sickness "I take this for motion sickness, as well as occasional nausea. It works beautifully. I'm able to go on longer road trips and boats without being bothered by motion. And not only do I feel well physically, but my mind is at ease knowing that I don't really have to worry about it. I also appreciate the fact that it's widely available and relatively inexpensive. I usually buy the generic version, but I find that it works just as well."

More about Dramamine (dimenhydrinate)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Dramamine drug information
  • Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate Chewable Tablets)
  • Dramamine (Dimenhydrinate Tablets)

Other brands

Dramamine for Kids, Driminate, Triptone, Travel-Eze

Professional resources

  • Dimenhydrinate monograph
  • Dimenhydrinate (FDA)

Other formulations

  • Dramamine Less Drowsy
  • Dramamine II

Related treatment guides

  • Motion Sickness
  • Nausea/Vomiting