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Generic Name: Xartemis XR (acetaminophen-oxycodone)

Xartemis XR Reviews

For Chronic Pain "Today was my first dose around noon, then the second dose around 5:30 pm. I have to confess, I was a bit nervous about taking this med. I get panic attacks when trying new meds, especially because I could not find any patient reviews anywhere on the internet - I guess I am the first. Also, the large size and bright blue color did intimidate me. I have chronic pain from fibromyalgia, herniated discs in my neck and back, and now battling kidney stones. So far, I have had no pain today and also have more energy than I have had in the last 6 months. Before, I was on Percocet 10mg and Mscontin 15mg, but I had to change my PM doc, and she took my meds away and gave me Xartemis instead. If the rest of my days go as this one, I think I will stay on this medication."

For Chronic Pain "This medication was given to me for fibromyalgia and severe lower back pain. 2 pills every 12 hrs. A wonderful medication. Lasts 12 hours and doesn't give you highs and lows. It's very smooth. Wonderful for nights because most of the 4 hours meds did not last thru the night and I would wake up. I love this medication and recommend it to all pain sufferers. I would like them to take out the 325 tynenol."

For Chronic Pain "Began taking this after crushing my foot in a rollover car accident. My injury is long term, requiring multiple surgeries and lots of metal to put me back together again. This injury has been painful day and night, non-stop for months-I nearly reached a breaking point when my foot became infected. The pain was unbearable. This happened right around the time Xartemis came out. My doctor switched me from regular Percocet to Xartemis and I finally got relief! Plus only taking 4 pills a day simplified things a lot. I was skeptical but I am very pleased with it overall. As with any opiate I'm concerned for the long term but my circumstances require it right now."

For Chronic Pain "I took Xartemis XR for 3+ years. I very much appreciate how it did not interfere with my work. I am a teacher and not willing to take anything with negative effects on me, how I teach or on my students. While taking it 2x per day, I simply began to notice I was not thinking about the pain all the time as I had been. Not noticing it sometimes - amazing! I think the extended release aspect of it eliminates feeling extreme highs and lows somehow. The only issue now is I changed doctors and no one wants to prescribe it because of the active ingredient. It is immediately dismissed and, oddly, they prescribe medications that are known to impair performance. I was uncomfortable with my original doctor so I will not go back. After three back surgeries, so far, I only have aspirin or advil which do not work as well but I keep hoping doctors become better educated about this version of this medication and understand how it works."

For Pain "I have recurrent back pain, and I'm currently experiencing an acute episode of back pain and sciatica. I was referred to a pain management doctor, who switched me from 40 mg Percocet per day to 30 mg Xartemis XR per day in the hopes that I could sleep through the night and wake up without extreme pain. After a week, I had to see him again because the medication is supposed to last 12 hours, but it starts to wear off after about 6 hours, and it doesn't relieve the pain well even when it is in effect. He gave me a prescription for 10 mg Percocet to take twice a day as breakthrough medication, so now I'm taking a higher daily dose with less effective relief. I'm asking about other options at my next appointment."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations

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  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain