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Generic Name: Equate Sleep Aid (doxylamine)

Equate Sleep Aid Reviews

For Insomnia "I DO NOT sleep well ever. I needed something to help my body realise its time for bed and with this Equate Sleep aid definitely does the job. Does it keep me asleep? No but it does help me fall asleep. I also wake up the next day feeling pretty good. Sometimes I feel groggy but after I motivate myself I feel great"

For Insomnia "After night shift, I fall asleep but wake up in three or four hours. Definitely not enough sleep when going back out to work the following night. I now get a full seven to eight hours sleep. I love this product."

For Insomnia "I have used other diphenhydramine products in the past such as, Benadryl and Zquil. I decided to try the Equate brand because of the quantity and suspiciously low price. I have never had an issue with diphenhydramine before Equate. Even taking just one has my heart pounding and I can't sleep. I have searched the internet trying to find out what else is in this and I can not seem to find out anything other than it is not from this country. I will never use any Equate brand medications again."

For Insomnia "I was worried about changing shifts and melatonin has worked after about 2 years of change behavior. I decided if I'm going to get up at 4:30 in the morning I'm going to need to get something heavy to force my body to realize it's bedtime. Since it is summer and bright until 830-9pm blackout curtains, fans, sleep mask, and me living below two 2nd shift workers, this has been a godsend. It works well for me but I honestly just need to change my diet around, work out 3 times a week and then move but I'm stuck..this works great for now. I take 1/2 pill or I'll never wake up!"

For Insomnia "I can’t sleep when I have a lot of things on my mind. Stress makes it worse, and I have been having trouble sleeping for the past couple of years. I used to take melatonin, and I still do on occasion. But someone I know told me about the Equate brand Sleep Z, so I tried it. And I must say, it really helps me sleep. Even though there are other companies that apparently make this, I tried the Dollar General brand once and it tasted just like NyQuil, so I'll stick with the Walmart brand Sleep Z. The smaller bottle is about three dollars, and the larger bottle is about five dollars. Depending on which size bottle I have, that will determine when I need to buy it again."

For Insomnia "I like how this medicine works. It allows me to fall asleep without giving me a 'hangover effect.'"

For Insomnia "I just woke up to my husband punching me because this medication made him have super vivid dreams. Apparently he dreamed a tiger attacked him and he punched it, but punched me instead "

For Insomnia "Works well, I fall asleep quickly, and STAY asleep until morning. My energy level during the day is fantastic, I haven't even needed coffee. I wish it was safe to take all the time."

For Insomnia "Did not work at all . In fact it made me very restless. I wasted my money."

For Insomnia "It makes me feel groggy in the morning. Like a hangover...uggghh"

For Insomnia "I took Equate for a month and it didn't work once"

More about Equate Sleep Aid (doxylamine)

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  • Reviews (11)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous anxiolytics, sedatives and hypnotics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

Other brands

Unisom SleepTabs, Sleep Aid, Nighttime Sleepaid

Professional resources

  • Equate Sleep Aid prescribing information
  • Doxylamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Sleep Aid, Nighttime Sleepaid, Equaline Sleep Aid

Related treatment guides

  • Insomnia