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Generic Name: Fenofibric acid for High Cholesterol (fenofibric-acid)

Fenofibric acid for High Cholesterol Reviews

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Started it in August for triglycerides. Within 15 days, I was getting pain in my right side. Quit the Trilipix for 30 days until I saw the doctor again. Pain still there. Started taking it again and now going through MRIs, CAT scans, the big colonoscopy (upper and lower). You name it, to find a cause, but nothing is found. Blood work is all normal. Just odd that this started at the same time I went on Trilipix."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "I've tried a lot of cholesterol-lowering meds, but can't usually tolerate them for more than a month. Unfortunately, Trilipix gave me the same side effects--dizziness, digestive miseries, etc. It's probably a wonderful drug for a lot of people, just not for me. I don't know if it made a difference in my cholesterol levels."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Trilipix reduced my triglycerides from 3456 to 200, yes that's the number, and lowered all my bad cholesterol from 355 to normal, but unfortunately, Trilipix gave me the same side effect, dizziness, joint pain, a lot of muscle pain issue. Now I'm going back to the doctor. I just noticed that when I read all the side effects of Trilipix and now I understand what causes all the pain I was going through."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "I have been on Trilipix for 5 weeks and it has lowered my triglycerides from 881 to 475 in just 28 days with a slight change in diet. I have not yet noticed any side effects other than having more energy."

"On prescription for about 3 weeks and started getting severe joint pain in feet, ankles, knees, hips, elbows, shoulders, wrists, hands and fingers. Have a lot of fatigue and sleeplessness. I feel it is this drug. I stopped taking 1 week ago, but side effects are still bothering me greatly. Doctor did blood work and "everything looks normal". Told me to drink lots of fluids and take Tylenol until drug out of my system."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Worked great to lower all my bad cholesterol, but I have lost a lot of hair while using this medicine. I stopped about 2 months ago and still my hair is falling out. "

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Trilipix greatly reduced my trigycerides when added to the Lipitor and Zetia that I was previous prescribed. No side effects from the Trilipix."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "I have never been able to take cholesterol medicines until Trilipix. It has done wonders for me and my liver enzymes are not bothered at all."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Took Trilipix for 2 months caused hair loss, joint pain, muscle aches, and even slowed down body hair growth."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Took Trilipix for 3 months caused hair loss, joint pain and fatigue."

Trilipix (fenofibric acid) "Developed extreme pain in left leg radiating up to hip. Sinus problems and sleeplessness"

"After just taking this for a week I am too weak and too tired....Can't seem to make it through a whole day without feeling like I am going to fall asleep."

"I’ve experienced runny nose, and sneezing while taking this medication. I’m very sensitive and more likely to get the least common side effects."

More about fenofibric acid

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  • Reviews (25)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: fibric acid derivatives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Fenofibric acid drug information
  • Fenofibric acid (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Trilipix, Fibricor

Professional resources

  • Fenofibric Acid prescribing information
  • Fenofibric Acid Delayed Release Capsules (FDA)

Other brands

Trilipix, Fibricor

Related treatment guides

  • Hypertriglyceridemia
  • High Cholesterol