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Generic Name: Augmentin for Bacterial Infection (amoxicillin-clavulanate)

Augmentin for Bacterial Infection Reviews

"Taking Augmentin 875/125 2x daily prophylactically to prevent infection from a deep puncture cat bite. Five days in, there is no sign of infection, and everything appears to be healing fine. So, it seems to have potentially prevented infection. But wow, did it make me feel awful. Brain fog with difficulty focusing mentally and visually. No energy. Lots of nausea, lack of appetite, and generally feeling out of it. Diarrhea occurs without enough fiber. As others have said, I think it's increased my anxiety significantly. Haven't had any panic attacks for a long time, until this beauty. I'm not sure I'll ever know if it prevented an infection or not. I do know that it caused me to feel like absolute crud!"

"It blows my mind that so many others are on here, telling people NOT to take this medicine. WHY?! Just because it didn't work for you/gave you a reaction, doesn't mean it won't help the next person. Had I listened to these negative comments, I might've never known the wonders this has worked on me. Long story short... I've battled a horrible infection in my gums/jaw for a long time. I was on penicillin, amoxicillin, clindamycin, etc.! NOTHING helped at all. Finally landed myself in the ER, and was given Augmentin. I was skeptical as nothing else had worked on this infection. Needless to say, I took it as prescribed. Ate a meal at the start of every dose, had yogurt after every dose as well. And it worked amazingly for me!! On Day 2, the infection was finally gone! No harsh side effects, no stomach upsets, etc. I truly believe if you've taken this with food and yogurt as you're supposed to, you'll be just fine."

"After being on a course of Augmentin, I have had diarrhea for two weeks. It’s mushy, brown, and I pass stools up to four times a day. The hospital tested my stool and said it was because of the antibiotics and that my blood was okay. So, I don't know what happened, but I guess the Augmentin got rid of all the good bacteria in my gut. I guess it takes time. Anyone else have this problem?"

"After taking other antibiotics a couple of times over the last 12 months for sinus infections, I finally had a deep sinus infection which seeped through the top jaw and around a tooth. It had apparently been building up over time. I had just started Augmentin 875/125 when the periodontist found this. Before that I had tried completing 3 courses and all infection pain in my sinus, jaw, neck, and shoulder have gone. After 12 months of trying physio, massage, nasal sprays, washes, and antihistamines, as well as the odd antibiotic, Augmentin has been my savior. It began to clear everything I didn’t even know was part of the infection within 3 days and the continued improvement has been unbelievable and surprising. No side effects at all, if I take it at the start of a meal, although I have felt pretty tired. Brilliant drug!"

"Prescribed this medicine for ear infection. After taking 2nd dose, feel like swelling near double chin area. Tightness and stiffness of chest. Two days I couldn't sleep because of shortness of breath and feeling like choking while sleeping. While inhaling feel like something is kept on my chest. Anyone can suggest?"

"I am still having severe vaginal pain 9 months after taking this very horrible drug. I have tried so many different things, can someone out there please help me? It has been a horrific nightmare that has ruined my life!"

"After taking this drug for 2 days, I had uncontrollable anxiety and ended up in the emergency room with a blood pressure of 190 over 100. This drug has caused panic attacks and anxiety. I will never take it again."

"Two hours after taking the first dose of Augmentin, my son started vomiting every 5 minutes for 2 hours straight. It got to the point where it became so violent that he started vomiting blood, which I saw was indeed a side effect of the drug. I had to take him to the ER to stop the vomiting and get him hydrated. It was a nightmare! The next day, he had the most severe diarrhea he's ever had, all with just one dose. He did take it with food."

"I took Augmentin for sinusitis and ear infection. Gave me a little gas. The first dose caused upset stomach, but I didn't take it with food then. I took it with food after that and felt fine. To combat the loss of good bacteria, I took a probiotic pill 2 hours after taking it and have not had issues. Drink lots of water, take with food, and finish the prescription. It's no better or worse than any other antibiotic I have taken before."

"I really like this antibiotic so far. I was on Cipro before for the same infection, and that made me feel nauseous and dizzy. With Augmentin, I feel fine as if I am not even taking an antibiotic. Lots of negative reviews on here, so it just shows you that everyone has a different reaction. Just know if an antibiotic makes you feel really ill, you should call your doctor right away to switch and should not keep taking something that you can't tolerate."

"I am taking Augmentin for diverticulitis as prescribed by the ER doctor, and I feel like trash; the abdominal cramps felt better without it, and I have loose stools and sore legs and generally feel like garbage. Only 3 pills left to go."

"This medication is freaking me out! I have sinusitis, a chest infection, and a bacterial infection. All my thoughts are super negative and snarky. I have constant anxiety and feel like doing push-ups and running a mile, but I am sick, so I can't. I can't sleep and am having hallucinations. It is, however, the only antibiotic that seems to work for me. I have an immune system disorder (hypogammaglobulinemia) and get bacterial infections anywhere often, particularly chest and sinus. Do I suck it up? Double up on antidepressants? Or 'just breathe' to lower my anxiety? ... Totally freaking out and trying not to rage. I am going to have to take time off work so I don't offend someone and ruin my career."

"I took my first Augmentin pill at 1 PM after eating a burger and at 5:30 PM. I threw up after having severe nausea and headache. I went to after hours at 6:30 PM, and they gave me medicine Zofran and then a shot for nausea and said not to take any more, that I was having a side effect to it. It did not help, and I threw up three more times when I got home. The last time was 2 AM. I do not recommend this if you have not taken it before. It has been a horrible experience."

"Medicine worked great for double infections, a couple of days I could feel a difference. HOWEVER, side effects were terrible, still around after completing a 10-day treatment. Even with daily probiotics and yogurt, the digestive/intestinal issues were bad, constant trips to the bathroom, eating would immediately create 'stomach talk', could not leave the house, had to cancel a family trip as travel would have been difficult. I felt lethargic, weak, had blurry vision, and was exhausted, with all of this, it really affected my mentality. FYI: On the 2nd day when side effects began, I spoke with my pharmacist, who encouraged me to stay on it if I could endure these 'common' side effects, none being allergic. It has worked but still healing from side effects."

"Best thing in the world for an ear infection. Dries up the water in the ear along with killing the bacteria running amok in there. Have used this for 30 years for my annual weather change-induced inner ear infection with no side effects. Works better than a Z-Pak."

"Prescribed Augmentin fairly frequently for diverticulitis (as I suffer from autoimmune neutropenia too, I am on a lower threshold for treatment as the risk of life-threatening infection is high). I always feel better after two days, but that's when the gates of hell open and the side effects knock me out completely. If I don't take in enough fluids, my kidneys feel like they'll explode, I feel so incredibly weak and lifeless, it gives me a constant headache for the duration of treatment, nausea, no appetite, diarrhea, intestinal pain worse than what it's supposed to treat, and it causes my emotional state to deteriorate severely - I can't stop crying and feel so very stressed, agitated, and anxious."

"Took Augmentin for bad sinus infection, after day two symptoms decreased a lot. I could smell things I haven't smelled in months. Day 3 vaginal itching, day 4 worse vaginal itching and headache. Decided to treat for yeast infection. Day 5 feeling better. Taking probiotics with it daily. Have had some diarrhea but I have IBS so nothing more abnormal than usual. Even though the side effects aren't pleasant, it worked better that any antibiotic I've been thrown this year for this everlasting sinus infection."

"This medication got rid of an infection in a cat scratch, but my God, have I suffered. By day 5, I was constantly on the edge of puking and had loose stool. I toughed it out, took double the probiotics I normally would, and was super excited to be done with it. Unfortunately, 10 days later, I'm still queasy on and off and have random loose stools. I feel like it destroyed my gut, not enough to be concerned about C. diff, just enough to make me feel like garbage and worry about going anywhere."

"I took one dose yesterday afternoon and subsequently had the worst 12 hours of my entire life, bar none. Intense nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain... I'm left feeling very weak and still have pain in my stomach. What a nightmare."

"This is NOT a good choice if you're allergic to any penicillin-type antibiotics or prone to vaginal yeast infection. AVOID. Talk about severe vaginal itching! It's the kind of itching without odor or discharge; just full-fledged random itching. Short term remedy is Benadryl. I didn't know I was allergic until I was prescribed this for a sinus infection. So, it's been 6/10 days on Augmentin and I'm calling it quits. To be fair: the sinus infection is all clear, so it does work. Apparently, this reaction happens to 1 out of 15 patients."

"This is one of the worst experiences in my entire life. After taking Augmentin, I had diarrhea for a week, a yeast infection, dry red rashes on the palms of my hands and inner thighs, hemorrhoids, exhaustion, blurry vision, and an increased heart rate, which caused me to not be able to sleep. I WILL NEVER take Augmentin again, worst meds in the world."

"Took it via IV for five days in the hospital for diverticulitis infection, temperature dropped in a day and inflammation decreased. But had to take two more courses after being discharged to fully clear the infection I found the sickness and nausea very harsh and felt very weak when on it, surprisingly it didn't upset my stomach. Side effects cleared very quickly a few days after stopping it, I would rather take this than the dangerous alternative, Cipro. So would probably take again even though the side effects were difficult."

"This medicine is causing me serious neck, shoulder, and back pain. I took the first dose around 5:30-6 PM and woke up the next morning so sore it’s unsafe to drive because it hurts so much to turn my head and check my blind spot. I am supposed to take 875-125 mg tabs (whatever that means) twice a day for 10 days. I’ve taken 11 of 20 and have had difficulty functioning and sleeping since. I can’t wait for it to be over!"

"I took Augmentin back in April 2016 to treat sinus and extreme cough/chest congestion. Within the first 24 hours I had a rash in all the places nobody would wants a rash. It was debilitating.I called the dr. back and said I’m not taking this. I can’t do it. Now here I am 3 1/2 years later and I have the same thing. What prescription do they send to the pharmacy you ask? None other than Augmentin. I called them back and said absolutely not!!! I’m not going through this nightmare again!!!Now I’m stuck waiting for the DR to call me tomorrow to hopefully give me something else. Meanwhile I’m on week 2 of this and taking prednisone which is causing me insomnia and I still can’t lay down long enough to even try to sleep without choking. I guess what I would say is if you want to try Augmentin go for it. What happened to me doesn’t mean it will happen to you. But just an FYI I do medical billing and I asked several of my clients APN and MD if they would recommend Augmentin and they all said NO."

"I took it for a severely abscessed tooth. It did clear up after 5 days (2 1000mg tabs a day). However I felt horrible the entire time. Gave me so much anxiety that I had 2 panic attacks. I had headaches, stomach pain and diarrhea. No appetite even though you have to eat in order to tolerate the medicine. My infection was really bad and I'm thankful that the augmentin cleared it up but I'm not sure if I would be willing to take it again."

More about Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate)

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: beta-lactamase inhibitors
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Augmentin drug information
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Chewable Tablets)
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Suspension)
  • Augmentin (Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Tablets)

Other brands

Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan

Professional resources

  • Augmentin prescribing information
  • Augmentin Chewable (FDA)
  • Augmentin Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan

Other formulations

  • Augmentin XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • Bronchiectasis