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Generic Name: Flagyl ER (metronidazole)

Flagyl ER Reviews

For Bacterial Vaginosis "The medicine works wonders in curing bacterial vaginitis. However, the taste is not so pleasant. I gagged quite a bit while taking it and still had an after taste....eeewww, but it was all worth it because the bacterial vaginitis went away in no time!"

For Bacterial Vaginosis "The medicine works great for vaginitis, however, after using it a few times my doctor says I "built an allergy" to it, I started getting hives every time I took it, so I just don't take it anymore. Trust me, I wish I could it works the best out of all my experiences."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Quick Results, this is my second time taking Flaygl, it last for like 2 months first time around, but every time I have sex protected or not, my Ph becomes unbalanced again. This time around I just feel a lil nausea."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "Did not cure bacterial vaginosis, but did cause concurrent yeast infection."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This medication worked very well, however this is the most horrible tasting thing I've ever had...but if you take it with minute maid cherry limeade juice you taste absolutely nothing but the juice."

For Bacterial Vaginosis "This medication works well. You have to take it for a week straight and you can not drink with it for 9 days. Overall good medication but long recovery time."

"This medicine made me have sickness and diarrhoea for hours. I would never take it again"

For Dientamoeba fragilis "I took this for a Protozoa infection bowels and it stopped the diarrhea"

More about Flagyl ER (metronidazole)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: amebicides
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Flagyl ER advanced reading

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Flagyl ER prescribing information
  • Metronidazole (AHFS Monograph)

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Other formulations

  • Flagyl
  • Flagyl I.V.
  • Flagyl 375 Capsules

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Nongonococcal Urethritis
  • Balantidium coli
  • Dientamoeba fragilis
  • STD Prophylaxis