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Generic Name: Fluzone High-Dose (influenza-virus-vaccine-inactivated)

Fluzone High-Dose Reviews

For Influenza Prophylaxis "For 24 hours after the high-dose flu shot (over 65), I endured chills, headache, stomach upset, stuffy nose, felt very, very sick all over, and ached and ached. Not a pleasant experience—yes, there are reactions to this shot—don’t let the medical profession fool you! I hope this was all worth it—"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "The high-dose flu vaccine made me very sick the first year I took it, so I went back to the regular vaccine for the last two years. This year, the high dose made my husband very ill. So, he said he is going to take the regular one next year. For the both of us, the flu would have been better than the side effects of the vaccine."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I took the high-dose flu vaccine on 9/27 as I was planning a trip that required long hours in flight. Three days later, I had extremely bloodshot eyes with tearing, photophobia, chills, body aches, and headaches the like of which I have never had before. They seemed to be worse at night and early morning but varied in location and intensity. My balance was off (not good for a hiker!), so I was off-trail for a considerable time. Blurred vision, so I had my eyes examined with no changes there. Continued headaches with high blood pressure requiring an increase in my BP medication. This took me to the doctor and had an MRI on December 11. It was negative. Still having gait problems this far out from the vaccine and headaches. No one will ever convince me that this is a safe vaccine. I travel a lot and have had vaccines for typhoid, cholera, hepatitis A & B, pneumococcal, DPT in the last two years. Nothing wiped me out like this. I had to reschedule the trekking expedition I had planned for months."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "This year was my first time taking the Fluzone High-Dose vaccine. I've experienced headaches, increased weakness, and pain in my muscles and joints, back (body). I've experienced increased difficulty walking and trouble raising my legs to rest them on the ottoman (still hurt), or when getting into bed. Sleep has been difficult. It feels like having the flu. I have some musculoskeletal difficulty on a normal day. After the Fluzone High-Dose vaccine, it's like a sudden, lingering onset of the body aches. I had the flu in 1992. It took all of my strength away; with aches and pain. When I thought it was cleared up, it doubled down. It was hard to get rid of. I felt blessed and thankful to get over it. I have taken the regular flu (influenza) vaccine every year since. I'll go back to the regular vaccine. No Fluzone High-Dose for me. I am thankful for a healthy immune system. I feel that the regular flu vaccine will be good enough. Thanks-but-no, thanks."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "Had the high dose of this Fluzone vaccine this morning since I am 77. Never had the injection before and never had the flu. Late after noon, I now have a sore throat, a cough, a one-degree elevated temperature, a headache, and I don’t feel well! These are symptoms of COVID-19 also. I regret ever taking this vaccine!! I am in very good health usually!"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I was being treated for a knee injury (no surgery) and about to start therapy the day I was given Fluzone High-Dose. It was the first time I had been given this high-dose vaccine because I just turned 65. The doctor gave me an NSAID for knee pain, which I didn't take because my knee wasn't that bad. A week later, my knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows hurt, not just the joints, but the muscles too. I could only sleep on my back and could hardly get out of bed. I took the NSAID, and within 12 hours I was a lot better. The only thing I can attribute this to is the flu shot. NEVER AGAIN!"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "My very healthy 83 year old 108 lb. mom, who taught aerobics, aqua, has a gym in her home - Got this vaccine a year ago Oct. 2019. 3-days later I had to rush her to Emergency with an elevated heart rate, head/neck pains, breathing problems. She saw a neurologist, had a CT scan, MRI, etc. NOTHING. I rushed her to the hospital 3 more times since. She has now been sick & on-and-off steroids for an entire year now! She is weak, lethargic, wobbly legs/gait with trouble walking (fell on her face!), floaty, numbness in her feet, choking feeling in her neck, drowning feeling in her throat. I used to brag about my Mom's youthfulness and healthy physical condition, and know this developed from the vaccine. I'm becoming depressed trying to get her diagnosed and treated because no one in the medical field wants to admit there's anything wrong with any flu vaccine, they want to blame it on her age. This was sudden, though."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I am 67 yrs old and had the Fluzone High Dose vaccine for the first time on Sept 30, 2021. Two days later I began having terrible joint pain and fatigue. I have pain in EVERY joint including my SI joint, shoulder blade area, and even my wrists and ankles. My knees, hips, and elbows are the worst. I am also experiencing muscle weakness in my legs above my knees. Never again will I take Fluzone!"

"I had a severe headache that lasted a week. I began to have terrible pain in my hip, which became worse, interfering with my walking. I have never had joint pain of any kind before this Fluzone High-Dose injection. I am still dealing with this for two months now. My doctor has given me a cortisone shot in the hip, which has helped some to ease the pain, but I am concerned that this will become chronic."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "My 89 year old mother received Fluzone HD, September 18,2021. Less than 24 hours later, she had pain in her hip on the same side she had the injection and could barely walk. She did not experience this before the injection. Pain getting worse day by day. So sorry I did not read these reviews sooner. I pray that this problem is not long term. Was not given a choice at the pharmacy. Like others have commented, I would not recommend this injection to anyone."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I had the high dose flu vaccine and approximately two weeks later, I went from someone that worked out five days a week to not being able to walk. I was hospitalized for five days, I was in extreme pain in my back and my legs, it took me six weeks to get back to walking and feeling like myself."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I started getting the high dose flu vaccine when I was 65. I am now 70 and this is the first year that they have the high dose with four different virus strains. I have not ever felt sick after a flu shot except for a sore arm. This year was very different I was dizzy had a hard time walking after I received the high dose flu shot.I also had double vision for a while and a very difficult time getting in and out of bed after 2 days I did feel better."

"Received Fluzone HD at the end of Sept. I went 4 years w/o even a cold with regular flu shots. As of Dec. I caught a heavy cold; no fever but too much coughing, head aches and chest/bad sinus congestion. It seems to reduce after 3 days then restart...over and over again. Next year, back to the normal flu shot."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I got the Fluzone High-Dose for this first time this year. I normally get the regular injection with no issues. I am 72 and a very healthy guy. 8 hours after the injection I am suddenly hit with severe body aches, cough, headache, and my oxygen level dropped to 83. I spent 3 days in the hospital and a week later I have severe fatigue issues and some kind of upper respiratory infection. If I try and take a deep breath I can't, I start to cough and have some blood in what I cough up. I was tested for covid and the flu which were negative. My white blood cell count is twice what it should be. You want my advice? Stay clear of this shot."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "Took Fluzone High-Dose on Nov. 7, 2019. Was wiped out for two weeks. Left hand, arm tingling (neuropathy) and tightening of chest. Subsided after two weeks but came back worse a week later for another two weeks. Neuropathy now in both hands and arms; heart beat accelerated to 90's (normally 60). Difficulty walking to my car's parking lot two blocks away. Had to stop and rest. The subsided again. Then back a third time around the end of December. Still tightness in chest which was very worrisome. Throughout 2020 to date I have continued to have lung congestion issues. Have been taking Mucinex over-the-counter equivalent to settle things down for the past three months. I cannot recommend this or any of these vaccines. Seems like the CDC may not be doing sufficient testing of these flu prevention products."

"I had a bad reaction to this vaccine within 2 hours of the injection. First I became congested and a cough developed shortly after the congestion started. Then came a headache followed by nausea and vomiting. I felt feverish and basically felt like I had the flu. I felt much better the next morning but had to stay home from work because I wasn't feeling well enough to go anywhere. By late afternoon I was nearly back to normal. I have never had a reaction like this to the regular dose of the flu vaccine. I will not take the high dose again."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I am 67 years old. Got this vaccine yesterday. By yesterday evening, I had chills, painful body spasms, and headache. My husband had to help me walk. IT WAS LIKE HAVING THE FLU!! Did not sleep much last night due to spasms, headache, chills. Mental confusion as well. I will refuse to take this vaccination again."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "My husband and I both took the high dose flu shot. We both noticed pain in the arm that radiated from elbow to shoulder. Could not raise arm over head or behind back. Mine lasted for 7 months and my husband still has problems. He is now doing physical therapy on the muscle in his arm. No more high dose for us."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I am female and just turned 65 years old and was given this shot instead of the regular flu shot I had always been given, which never caused any side effects at all. At first my arm was a little sore, but nothing compared to Covid arm. Two days later, I noticed I was really tired and needed to go to bed early, even though it was the weekend. At the end of the third day, I felt awful. I had chest pain, body aches and a pounding headache, but the worst was the extreme weakness. I couldn’t get from one end of the house to the other without being short of breath with my heart pounding. This went on for four more days. It would let up now and then, but always came back. The side effects were worse and lasted much longer than the Covid shots I had had previously. I will never get this again!! It was a horrendous experience!"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "I’m 66 years old and this is the first time I had the Fluzone HD. I was okay with the shot until bedtime, when I experienced muscle aches, chills and slight headaches (no fever) which lasted a couple of days. By the third day, all symptoms had resolved. I never experienced any swelling or pain in the arm where the shot was administered. I have always taken flu shots and had the 65 and over flu shot last year. This is the first time I every experienced any side effects. I was informed that I would have some stiffness which was an understatement! I’m in good health and not on any medications. I will stick with the regular 65 and older flu vaccination from now on!"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "One month ago when I had my annual flu shot, I had a reaction I had never experienced before. I had no fever (I constantly monitored my temp) but as soon as I arrived back home, I had severe muscle pain not in the arm I received the shot in, the pain was in the opposite shoulder. I wanted to know if the shot I received this year was a different formula (maybe stronger for the elderly) or from a different manufacturer. The pain was severe enough to cause me great concern. It has only now gotten better after a week after of ibuprofen and warm compresses. If this is a different flu shot formula I said, please note in my chart not to use it in the future. I am better now but very concerned about my reaction this year. Please let me know if you find any variance in the formula this year. ( I later found out this medication was indeed FLUZONE !!!! I was not informed nor was I asked if I wanted to try this NEW medication.) I have informed my physician to NEVER give me this drug again."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "11/5/22 - 101 degree body temp, nausea, muscle soreness, headache (besides injection-site soreness). Couldn't be vertical for 24 hours. Slept off and on all night and day. Couldn't eat anything for 24 hours."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "Received the fluzone high dose vaccine 2 days ago. Shortly after I got home from the Dr I became dizzy and felt faint. That evening I felt shaky, dizzy, anxiety, achy, and very emotional. Only slept 2 hours. The next day I felt better as the day went on and slept 10 hours. Now this morning I’m dizzy with diarrhea. Next year going back to the normal single dose. Injection site is still red and swollen. Interesting when I called my Dr he indicated I had the same shot last year with no side effects. This year’s vaccine must be different. Never again."

For Influenza Prophylaxis "My doc told me to always get the flu and pneumonia shot In the past, I almost died from pneumonia hospitalized for a month. So every year I go and get the high dose for flu. I'm a 68 yo. I'm almost at deaths door, almost. Everytime I even went to ER several of those times The ER doc asked if I got the flu shot and I said yes I asked him why to I feel so horrible when I was vaccinated against the flu and his reply was at least it kept you from dying! Well I couldn't wrap my head around this. So the very next year which was 2021 went and got another flu shot that year. Well believe me I'm done with them rather take my chances . Last year at the height of Pandemic I thought ok I better get some protection. It wasn't long until I fell ill with nausea. 103 fever agonizing headaches. muscle aches .Called Doc said oh it could be covid get tested .. no local testing avail. So I quarantined at home .I know it was the flu and not covid no coughing no SOB.Never again!"

For Influenza Prophylaxis "October 8,2021 I received the HD Flu vaccine for the first time I an 71 and in good health. After 6 hours I developed a headache and severe muscle and joint pain. Terrible back pain and couldn't sleep. Low grade fever the next day and still aching, headache. I will never get this type of vaccine again. Never had a problem with the regular flu vaccine."

More about Fluzone High-Dose (influenza virus vaccine, inactivated)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: viral vaccines

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Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Fluzone High-Dose prescribing information
  • Influenza Virus Vaccine Inactivated (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Afluria, Fluad, Flucelvax, Flucelvax Quadrivalent, ... +10 more

Other formulations

  • Fluzone

Related treatment guides

  • Influenza Prophylaxis