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Generic Name: Hydrocodone / ibuprofen for Pain (hydrocodone-ibuprofen)

Hydrocodone / ibuprofen for Pain Reviews

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I am usually against medicine to mask pain. I never really liked pain medicine. It was a muscle relaxer I took a few years ago that I believed led to my crooked neck and back. It sounds small, I'm sure everyone has had back pain. But I am 24 years old and wasn't living the life all my friends were because pain factored into everything, ruining everything. I got depressed. I tried everything. I tried EVERYTHING. I am going to a chiropractor now, hoping that helps. I still needed something to get me through all my days. I used to wake up in pain and just lay back down and cry. Now I can take Vicoprofen, and it drastically helps more than anything. I would recommend this."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I am 32 years old and have had severe chronic daily migraines/herniated disc with lots of head and back pain ever since I was 16 years old. I also have a tumor on my spinal cord that causes pain as well. I've been on every pain medicine that's out there. My doc switched me to Vicoprofen 10 mg 4 times a day due to it not having Tylenol in it. I've been on it for 2 to 3 months and it's working just fine. Due to me/my body having a high tolerance level because of taking pain medicines, mostly Lortab 10's for many years, the only thing I worry about is building up a tolerance to this as well. I can take it on an empty stomach or full. I'm just thankful for the FDA coming out with this to help save my liver. Hope this helps others!"

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "Vicoprofen has helped me greatly for fibromyalgia, there is still pain I'll have, but that's not going to cure it, but it's helped a lot. And I seem to have pretty good energy while taking it. I don't take more than prescribed, so I don't believe everyone is at risk of becoming addicted to this medication. I have never had any bad side effects with this medicine either. I only took 7.5 mg four times daily, which is average. Good luck, you all. Hope this post helps."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "Pain problems started around 2005. Waking up one night with excruciating pain, crawling on the floor to get around in the morning. It got better throughout the day, but it reset overnight. I dealt with this my last year in high school and a few years through college until I could finally afford some insurance and see a doctor. Turns out I had a really huge herniated disc in my L-6/L-7. Scared to get surgery, since so 'young' they'd only prescribed low-dose painkillers. Desperate, I got surgery. Life was great since, however, I'd suffered some nerve damage. Now take the 7.5 Vicoprofen for chronic headaches due to nerve damage, and it's amazingly quick to work and slow for tolerance, though it's inevitable. I now take 2 every 4-6 hours."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "30+ years of severe back pain from injuries and now severe arthritis in the back and joints, especially hands at the base of the thumbs. In my time of pain, which stretches back to the early '80s, I've tried almost everything available for pain. Vicodin gives me an incredible headache from the Tylenol. Vicoprofen does not. Yes, there are a few side effects, but for the relief I gain from using this medicine, the side effects are worth the relief. I have suggested Vicoprofen to my friends who have experienced headaches from Vicodin, and when they try it, they are extremely pleased that I mentioned it. The headaches were no longer an issue."

"I have recently begun taking hydrocodone/ibuprofen to deal with severe lower back pain. Although I do not use it on a regular basis... It is a blessing when my lower back problem flares up. Unlike some medications that I have been prescribed in the past (medications that I personally decided to discontinue the use of), hydrocodone/ibuprofen enables me to perform my duties on the job without any effect on my ability to remain focused and alert. In my line of work, you can't have a misstep."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I've been using Vicoprofen for more than 3 years. I take 3 per day for the pain of fibromyalgia and also lingering pain from having had the kneecap dislocated due to a fall. Most of the time, I take it on an empty stomach with no problem. Also, I've never had weight gain because of it or constipation. I have normal daily bowel movements. I can function at a higher than normal level. No problems for me taking Vicoprofen."

Ibudone (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I just started taking this medicine. I have been taking hydrocodone with acetaminophen for pain since 2003 but recently discovered that there exists a variation with a medicine that would address inflammation in addition to pain and wondered why, for all these years, no one suggested I take that variant. I specifically asked for it because I have inflammation. I take it because I have debilitating pain in my lumbar-sacral spine, in my left parietal brain, and I have IC. I also have triple major scoliosis and major depression."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I had a wisdom tooth extracted last year and I was prescribed Lortab 7.5 and I remember waking up in excruciating pain when it wore off and even when it didn't hurt, it would still throb. The only thing that helped the throbbing pain was ibuprofen. I had another wisdom tooth extracted yesterday and they asked me if Lortab was ok so I shared my experience and asked her for vicoprofen. Best decision I've ever made. No pain or throbbing, even after the 4-6 hour dose wears off."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "The best medication for severe pain of all sorts. Lasts for a long time so you don't have to take as frequently. Doesn't hurt your stomach, doesn't make you light headed, doesn't cause constipation. I don't understand why this isn't prescribed more frequently than the popular alternatives. If you're ever unfortunate enough to need pain relievers, give this one a try."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "The Vicoprofen is the only medication that has worked for my acute and debilitating menstrual cramps. I literally had to beg for this medication (medical marijuana, acupuncture, raspberry leaf tea, over the counter nsaids and prescription naproxen have NOT worked for me). The only negative is that I’ve spent 20 years of my life suffering in pain without this miracle drug. I finally feel like I have my life back."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "Vicoprofen is the most effective med I have ever taken for the severe chronic pain I suffer due to multiple conditions from surgeries, aneurysms, and bone disease. Not prescribed now by most doctors, due to excessive abuse some people. Those of us who continue to suffer, just have to deal with our crippling pain."

"I'm 33 with a torn cartilage in my knee, and tons of arthritis throughout the knee. My doctor prescribed me this because I was unable to sleep at night, and move well throughout the day, cause of the severe pain in my knee. Works good, just eat some crackers or pretzels first, before taking because of the slight upset stomach you will have."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I was prescribed Vicoprofen after I had some wisdom teeth surgically removed. I have to admit, it worked great. I was in some serious pain, and could tell EXACTLY the minute it started to wear off. But soon as I took another, the pain was gone within minutes. I can see where it would be habit-forming, as it does give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. Kind of euphoric, I guess. Just be careful and only allow yourself to take it when you really need it. My only complaint is... yes... it does leave you a little constipated for a day or so after you've used it. Get yourself some Dulcolax or something if you're going to be on it for any prolonged period of time."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I just had all four wisdom teeth pulled out. I was put on ibuprofen 800 mg and it did not do crap for the pain. Went back to dentist and was put on vicoprofen. I do admit it works great for the pain but only for 4 hours. 1 hour after I would take the pill, I would vomit like clock work. It also left me feeling sick all day and very very tired! After getting sick, I would fall asleep for a few hours. I dont know whats worse, being in pain with the 800 mgs of ibuprofen or being sick all day on the vicoprofen :("

"I have been using Vicoprofen for nearly 20 years because of injuries from 26 years of factory wear & tear. I have a lower herniated disc and severe shoulder pain. I average 4 to 5 of 7.5mg/200mg a day + two Zohydro ER 20mg daily. I have been able to cut back 1 to 2 pills a day with one small daily dosage of Medical Marijuana. I'm not finding that I need more over time to get the same relief...after all these years. I live a productive very physical life thanks to the medication. Most of us that find relief from this medication are sick of being persecuted and thrown in the same category as those that simply abuse this medication. Some pain management doctors are not happy that we are content and still push expensive alternate procedures on us. I will say that the one generic version of this medication is JUNK. Avoid AMNEAL brand. It is not as strong as the other generics and I have broken out in chicken pox like blisters from AMNEAL."

"I have diabetes with very bad nerve problems and severe back problems and I lived in pain where I wouldn't go outside for a week at a time. I've been on Fentanyl patches OxyContin and nothing seems to work. I went to the emergency room at the Hospital and they gave me the medicine and I never felt better."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "It is amazing pain relief. I built a tolerance so quickly! I could take 1 and feel so much better and soon it was one and a half 7.5s and weeks later two 7.5s. Lidoderm patch and TENS unit helped some but you feel like you need the medicine so very easy to convince your body that you NEED it. Gained 10 lbs. After 3 years and some physical therapy plus Neurontin. PM doctor switched me to Nucynta. No tolerance to that yet! They have injected my intercostal nerves with cortisone to see if it was nerve damage from the back to back pregnancies. Constipation has been horrible. I need two Vicoprofen 10s every 8 hours but oh well. Some relief is nice."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I've had Vicoprofen for 2 years now, so it isn't as effective as it once was. I take it for severe menstrual cramps (will throw up for days straight without it and miss college, etc) and it was the first drug that ever really worked after YEARS of suffering. Before that, I took 800-1000mg of ibuprofen every 2-4 hours with nothing close to total relief (and constant fear of a spontaneous stomach bleed). I used to compulsively exercise the pain away, but a car accident took that away from me 3 years ago (and I also take Vicoprofen for pain related to that, but it's less effective for that type of pain). Vicodin (acetaminophen) is wicked on my stomach and made me throw up 3 x before I figured that caused it. Vicoprofen never has."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "This medicine was prescribed to me before I got my wisdom teeth out due to them being impacted and causing a great deal of pain. I noticed immediately that it would provide relief for a long time(6 or more hours) compared to 800mg ibuprofen that would provide small relief for 2-3 hours. It also calmed me. I'm usually a pretty anxious guy and was nervous about my surgery but this helped get me through until I could have permanent relief. Only downside as I noticed I built a tolerance to my dose after a week."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I’ve been taking Vicoprofen for about 10 years now I take it three times a week sometimes for once a day it takes away all my pain with the dropfoot and any other pain that I have. It is the best pill out there and I don’t get constipated and I’m not addicted to it when I don’t want to take it I just take an ibuprofen"

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I was born with club feet (both feet turned in and bottoms turned up). Have been prescribed everything from tramadol and Vicodin to Percocet 10mg. I worried about alcohol with anything that had acetominophen so asked Doctor about Vicoprofen. It's by far better than anything else I've taken. I dont have problems taking on an empty stomach, drinking, or making bowel movements. It even does more for the pain than the few oxycodone 30mg I have been given a of couple times. Part of my condition is a short achilles tendon which makes me suffer from severe inflammation in all parts of my feet (probably why it works so well). Only side effect I have is an occasional pit in stomach when taken on empty stomach and irritability from time to time."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I have back problems. This is the first pill that has relieved my pain and has also restored my ability to have a physical relationship. I could see where it could be addictive, so take only when really needed."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "This medication has been the most effective pain reliever I have taken for my kidney inflammation and irritation pains. Have tried multiply pain medication but this one is the most efficent for relief and duration."

Vicoprofen (hydrocodone / ibuprofen) "I'm currently taking Vicoprofen after having dental work done. This has by far been the best pain relieving medication I've taken other than Vicodin. The reason I'm taking this is I also have liver disease and I can't take Vicodin due to the Acetoaminophen in it. Vicoprofen actually produces less sedation and lethargy than Vicodin with me. I am able to still fully function, though I don't drive on them just in case."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: narcotic analgesic combinations
  • En español

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Vicoprofen, Reprexain, Ibudone, Xylon 10

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  • Hydrocodone and Ibuprofen prescribing information

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  • Pain