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Generic Name: Imitrex (sumatriptan)

Imitrex Reviews

For Migraine "I found Imitrex works well if I take it the second I feel any of the migraine symptoms. If I wait even 20 minutes past that, it'll usually make the headache worse. I suffer migraines with auras and cluster headaches. Like most everyone, there is no way to function once a headache starts. Mine starts when the barometric pressure raises or lowers with cold fronts, hurricanes, or any weather condition that changes the barometric pressure. The pain is rough, but the confusion and not being able to function for sometimes days on end is the worst. The only advice I could give anyone with this drug is if you know your body well enough to know a migraine or cluster headache is starting, take it immediately, don't wait! That is the only way it works for me. When it does work, it is amazing! A wonderful tool to the arsenal to fight these crippling headaches. If someone has never had a migraine, they truly will never understand the pain we're going through."

For Migraine "I’ve gone to the emergency room with migraines many times because I was so ill. When I tried Imitrex, it was a lifesaver. I’ve only had a couple of migraines that didn’t respond to it. The only occasional side effects I’ve had with it are severe body aches. Still better than a migraine and vomiting. I probably get the body aches once out of every 30 times that I take the Imitrex. So if I have to go to bed once out of every 30 times for a migraine versus every single time, I’ll take it. I suffered debilitating migraines for years with little to no relief. Please stick to YOUR experience and not your opinion when reviewing a drug. Your experience is YOURS and it’s very short-sighted to make a general statement that it should be taken off the market or that people shouldn’t take it when it’s been such a positive experience in my life and many others'. I missed out on a lot of things with my daughters because of migraines before Imitrex. It works wonders for millions."

For Migraine "Worst experience of my life! Started feeling jaw pain, shoulder pain, nausea, heart racing and the worst was tingly/numbing sensation in my arms and legs. I felt like I was going to die. Did not help my migraine at all. This should be taken off the market."

For Migraine "I couldn't live without this little pill. Imitrex (sumatriptan) is a miracle drug, afaik (as far as I know). It knocks out my crippling full-body migraines every time. So many women and some men don't even know it exists, which is a cruel twist of fate. It should be available OTC without a prescription, imho."

For Migraine "I've never had really migraines until about 9 months ago. I had a coworker who suffered with migraines, and she introduced these to me when I had a horrible headache. She took the 100 mg, and when she gave me one to take, it knocked me out into the next week. I usually have horrible period migraines and ones that I'll get on occasion. This is the only thing that works for me, except I take the 50 mg. There have been a couple of times they didn't work... but that is minimal to the times it did work. I recommend it to anyone who suffers with these because I don't know how I'd function without them."

For Migraine "Do not take this medication. Good number of patients with severe headaches may need special type of MRI to detect possible aneurysm. If patient has aneurysm and take Imitrex then they are at high risk of causing rupture in aneurysm. I had stroke and undiagnosed aneurysm was diagnosed at the time of stroke. On the date of stroke I had severe headaches and I according to the doctor if I had ended up taking Imitrex, I would not have survived, because of aneurysm. The risk factors are not disclosed precisely by manufacturers. Please stay away from that medication and take special MRI to rule out aneurysm."

For Migraine "I come from a family where everyone has terrible migraines. When I started getting them at age 21, I resorted to taking loads of Tylenol with Pseudoephedrine to 'mask' the pain, which took a heavy toll on my liver. Someone suggested that I look into the Triptan family of migraine medication. After going through a few different ones, I found Imitrex to be an absolute lifesaver. Whenever I feel one coming, I take 50mg and the migraine usually disappears within 30 minutes. If I wait a few hours to take it, the response time could be more like 90 minutes. With 10-15 migraines a month, Imitrex is essentially the only thing that allows me to function. I have not seen any real side effects."

For Migraine "I've been experiencing migraines for about 3 years now. The pain is always on one side of my head and is completely debilitating. I used to have to take a bunch of ibuprofen and sleep in a cool, dark room until it went away, which took forever. Finally, I was introduced to this medicine. I took it a few hours into my migraine, and the pain was gone within 15 minutes. The medicine made me feel a little weird, like my senses were overly receptive and my skin was a bit tingly. These temporary symptoms are NOTHING compared to the migraine, I've learned to like these odd side effects because that's how I know my migraine is leaving. This is a miracle drug, and over the past year I've been taking it, it's never failed to relieve the pain."

For Migraine "Okay, so I’ve been suffering from horrible migraines daily, so bad that I’m stuck in bed in horrible pain. I’m nauseous and depressed, and I have no appetite. After being prescribed the Imitrex, I took it as soon as I felt the migraine come on. About 30 minutes in, I started to feel my neck and throat feeling tight and my whole head have this burning sensation. I started to panic a little. Then an hour passed, and I’m full-blown in pain all over my body. I’m talking aching so bad it felt like I had the worst flu in history... but my migraine was gone. Yes, it took care of my migraine, but were the body aches that lasted almost the whole day worth it? I don’t think so."

For Migraine "I wanted to share a positive experience here. I've been a migraine sufferer since 17, and I am now 24. I am one of the lucky ones who found Imitrex to work first try back then, and I continue to take it to this day. This drug is a miracle for me. I admit that I have had to bump my doses from 50 mg to 100 mg, but it still works the same. I am also lucky that I only need it once a month around the start of my period, however, when I was younger, I used to need them 5 times a month or so. Anyway, I just take one, and in about 45-60 minutes, the pain and nausea start to get better. It usually takes 90 minutes for them to be fully gone. I do sometimes get a feeling similar to whiplash (stiff neck and shoulders) and sore scalp, but the side effects are far better than a migraine. My migraines stay away, and I never have to take another pill until the next month. I'm very thankful for this medicine."

For Migraine "It makes me crazy when I read that somebody waits until their headache is off the charts to take Imitrex. I have been suffering for over 25 years with migraines, and then Imitrex came on the scene, that was the end of the migraines. The symptoms always began behind my right eyeball, and I was able to tell that a headache was coming, and that's when I took the Imitrex immediately when I started feeling symptoms, not waiting until my headache is full-blown, which seems sensible to me. It is better to knock it on the head when it isn't too bad so you don't have to endure it too long."

For Migraine "My husband has always had what's called prostrating attacks, which is a form of a migraine that leaves him in so much pain he can't function at all! The only medication that has ever worked on him is the Imitrex. This stuff is awesome! The only thing that is irritating is every time I get his prescription filled, the pharmacist tries to give him the Sumatriptan (the generic version), which makes him so sick he will throw up nonstop for hours. So I always have to tell them he needs the name brand, and I have gotten into many arguments with pharmacists trying to tell me it's the same thing. IT'S NOT!!!! When my husband takes Imitrex, his migraine is gone within minutes, he takes a Sumatriptan, and I feel like I need to take him to a hospital."

For Migraine "I get debilitating, 3-day long migraines with aura, along with autonomic nervous system symptoms like dizziness and near-fainting, and cold sweats with nausea. This works about 95% of the time for me, but isn't without side effects. I experience flushing and extreme hot flashes, and my hands will turn red and swell, but I will take the side effects in a heartbeat over the continuous torture of a migraine any day. Definitely grateful for this medication."

For Migraine "I took Imitrex, for many years to knock out migraine headaches. However, After taking for 15 years, I was getting rebound headaches. I was warned about this by the pharmacist and doctors but dismissed their concerns because nothing else worked. I realized other pain relievers could never touch any headache pain; the only way to take away headache pain was with Imitrex, migraine or not. I struggled with tingling in my limbs and extreme sensitivity. I finally had a wake up call when I passed out, ended up in the ER (not related to Imitrex, I don’t think) and finally went to a chiropractor who helped me get the inflammation out of my neck and shoulders through needling. I have not had a migraine headache or a headache that a pain reliever wouldn’t work on for a year and a half. I am no longer captive to Imitrex and its side effects. I believe once on Imitrex long term, rebound headaches will occur. I am so glad I am free from the bondage."

For Migraine "I suffered for years with migraines until I saw a specialist. He prescribed me a 100 mg dosage. I get almost instant relief. I do get a stiff neck sometimes, but it only lasts about 15 minutes, and my migraine is completely gone. I can’t live without this medication!"

For Migraine "I have had migraines since I was a kid. Diagnosed as sinus for many years until one doctor asked me to try Imitrex. It was like a miracle. I thought I would have to suffer with 3 to 4-day long headaches that feel like a knife in my temple the rest of my life. But Imitrex knocks it out in 30-40 minutes. There are side effects: muscle aches, tiredness, sensitive skin, and the need to pee constantly. Annoying, but if you've had migraines for years, it is a good trade-off. I take a naproxen at the same time to help with body aches."

For Migraine "Imitrex/sumatriptan works for me…. within two hours I am back on my feet. I no longer experienced the debilitating pain and vomiting. For those people that it doesn’t work for please don’t don’t say it’s the worst drug and should be taken off the market. It does not work for you and you should find something else. For me it does work and I will continue to take it when needed. Thank you."

For Migraine "I have been on Imitrex for a few years now. I don't get migraines too often (luckily), but they're horrible when I do. I always try to hold off on taking Imitrex for as long as I can before I cave, which is probably not the best course of action. It does work after approx. 1-2 hrs, but until the effect does work, I get weird, uncomfortable side effects. My throat gets tight, and it's difficult to swallow, any other muscle ache I have gets amplified. My arms/legs feel incredibly heavy, and overall I just feel like I am floating in my own skin, if that even makes sense. Oh, and I have to pee every 15 mins."

For Migraine "I have suffered migraines and headaches since I was little, I'am 55 years old and in physical healthy shape. I as many I have been a prisoner in my own body. I'am totally debilitated for what use to be 12 hours at a time has grown to sometimes days. I have suffered hearing loss, ringing in my ears with the fullness and so many other symptoms from sinus pressure to neck pain etc. I have at 2 different times had epidural shots in my neck for migraines and tried all kinds of pain killers and daily meds to lower the severity and frequency they occur. Last month alone I had 18 headaches which 13 were migraines. UGH!!! The Dr. put me on Imitrex 100 to try. I was nervous but it is a miracle drug for me."

For Cluster Headaches "Imitrex in any form is the best med for cluster headaches by far. High-flow oxygen at first twinge, and the pill at the onset (even if you think it might hurt) is most effective. You all know how fast they come on. It usually works immediately unless late in a cycle. I too wish you could take more than twice in a 24-hour period. After suffering for almost 20 years with no medicine at all for these crippling things. I have tried all Imitrex types: injections, pills, nasal sprays. Injections are fast but so very expensive and painful as well. Nasal spray is nauseating for me, the pill form has always worked well if taken at the very blink of a headache. Because of price and insurance restrictions, I would wait to take the medicine. Not anymore."

For Migraine "I completely rely on Imitrex. Once I had this, the daylong headaches are gone. I now know that what I used to call 'sinus headaches' were migraines I had since a teenager, though not bad until into my 40s. My side effects are a little sleepiness and maybe some tiredness, but nothing compared to the debilitation of a migraine. However, I am much more aggressive with eliminating triggers, particularly MSG and processed foods, and this helps. My better diet has reduced my need for Imitrex down to 2-3 times a month."

For Migraine "I have suffered from migraines all my life, and I am now 57. I was prescribed Imitrex at age 39, and the first dose of 50 mg gave me a tightness in my throat, but it stopped the migraine. I suffered with them every day. I finally figured out that MSG in food was the biggest cause of the migraine. MSG is disguised by many names, but I have eliminated a lot of food, and with the help of Imitrex, I can live an almost normal life without a migraine. Imitrex sometimes makes me sleep a lot, and other times I sleep for about 30 minutes, and I'm fine. I praise the makers of Imitrex because nothing else would completely take the pain away!"

For Migraine "I'am 40 years old, and I have been suffering from chronic migraine since the age of 9 no medication has worked like Imitrex or sumatropan. I take the pill when I have migraine pain, and literally it takes about 35 to 40 minutes and WALLA! migraine GONE! YES THANKS science...."

For Migraine "First month prescription for 20, 50 mg tablets. If I take it at the first sign of a headache, it goes away in about 30 minutes. If I wait to take the tablet, it takes up to two hours for the pain to stop. Since I have daily migraines, I tried waiting to save tablets, concerned I would run out of 50 mg tablets prior to the refill date. The Imitrex has been a Godsend for me. I have had migraines since my teens, now in my sixties. Migraines are the only health problem I have. I plan to call my doctor to let them know how well Imitrex works for me and see if a 30-day prescription or a stronger prescription is what I need. From other reviews, it appears some users go days between headaches, that would be more than I ever expected after all these years."

For Migraine "Imitrex did not work for me. I have not reached the vomiting stage of a migraine in years thanks to other medications. Imitrex did nothing to stop the progression of my migraine. I had to leave work in the middle of the afternoon, feeling as if I would vomit at my desk, in the hallway, in the elevator, walking to the parking garage, the entire way. Aleve works better than this stuff, and Aleve only keeps nausea at bay, but does not cure migraines for me."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: antimigraine agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Imitrex drug information
  • Imitrex (Sumatriptan Injection)
  • Imitrex (Sumatriptan Nasal Spray)
  • Imitrex (Sumatriptan Tablets)

Other brands

Sumavel DosePro, Tosymra, Onzetra Xsail, Alsuma, ... +2 more

Professional resources

  • Imitrex prescribing information
  • Sumatriptan (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Sumavel DosePro, Tosymra, Onzetra Xsail, Zecuity, Zembrace SymTouch

Other formulations

  • Imitrex STATdose

Related treatment guides

  • Cluster Headaches
  • Migraine