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Generic Name: Inflectra (infliximab)

Inflectra Reviews

For Crohn's Disease "Insurance forced me to switch to Inflectra due to being cheaper for them for my Crohn's. I did not have a say, and insurance won't listen to Dr. recommendations. While on Remicade, I only had flare-ups 3 days a month during my period, but no other issues or side effects. Yet after only 2 infusions on Inflectra, I have multiple daily loose stools regardless of a healthy diet, as well as bloody stools at least once a day. In addition to Inflectra not preventing flare-ups, inflammation, and symptoms, Inflectra has incurred more issues that I didn't have previously: kidney pain, rib pain, joint pain: shoulders, wrists, ankles, nausea, headaches, severe fatigue, Charlie horse cramping in my hands, where I can't move my thumb; it's completely contracted. I'm in my early 40s with a toddler to try to keep up with, as well as a career to maintain, and this isn't fair to me or my family."

For Crohn's Disease "I have fistulizing Crohn's, dx'd 6 yrs ago @ 36yo - 11 surgeries since then: abscesses, fistulae, drains. Years of my life, my career, independence, and ability to have biological children lost, but Remicade saved my life. I've been in remission since early 2018. Trough levels in high 20's. At JUST that time, my insurance made a mandatory switch: ALL patients on Remicade to Inflectra. Since that time, trough levels have steadily dropped to where I'm near rejection & TERRIFIED to start developing abscesses & fistulas again - I'd rather die. Seriously. I'm now writing to the Medicare Commissioner, who's probably some paper pusher w/o any IBD training, to SAVE MY LIFE & give back my Remicade. Insanity. My doctor is writing a letter on my behalf, but she told me that she has been denied EVERY SINGLE TIME she's requested her patients moved BACK to Remicade. It's criminal that insurance companies pick drug therapy for a disease that literally BURROWS HOLES through my body. I am only 42 & deserve a chance."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Insurance company switched me off my Remicaid to the cheaper drug, Inflectra, causing severe flare. Headaches, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. No energy during the day, I have to take several naps just to get through the day. I had just gotten used to being and feeling better after fighting with my colitis. The Remicade put me into remission, and now I'm sick again because of Inflectra."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Watch out for Inflectra. I originally discussed with my doctor about using Remicade for my P-Arthritis and psoriasis because it is covered by Medicare and Humira is not. However, when I went in, I was given Inflectra instead. The nurses tell you it's the same thing or a generic version. They use the Inflectra for prescribed Remicade patients because it costs less. The Inflectra worked on my first two infusions, but by the third injection, it was useless. My arthritis and psoriasis came back in full force. At the last infusion, I had an allergic reaction to the Inflectra at the hospital and was told by the nurse that I almost ended up in the ER. Then, when I told the nurse that the Inflectra wasn't working anyway, she told me to demand Remicade and they would have to give it to me. A report about the allergic reaction and Inflectra not working went to my doctor, and now I am supposed to start Remicade this weekend. I'll post a review on Remicade once I have had a few treatments."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Was on REMICADE everything was great and I was back to feeling normal and in remission for long time. My insurance company did a mandatory med change so they could save a little bit of money. Now I'm in major pain again ,going threw flare up and near having to go to ER to get help. One dose of infletra was all it took to mess me up again. My insurance wont even let me back on REMICADE. I truly hope no one else has to be forced on infletra"

For Crohn's Disease "I was forced to switch Biologics due to insurance company wanting to save some money. I was finally feeling somewhat normal after being on Remicade for a year. Now I am taking Inflectra and have been feeling awful. In and out of cramping, zero energy, nauseous all the time and a few other issues. I would like to think my health is more important than my insurance company saving a few dollars...."

For Crohn's Disease "My experience with Inflectra started pretty well. I was able to eat the foods I “wanted” to eat keeping my inflammation to a minimum. It started to go downhill after a year weirdly it wasn’t my Crohns that was causing the problems. I started to notice delayed healing in my injuries I talked to my doctor and he claimed it was because I was aging. I was 25 years old so to me this didn’t make sense because I should be in my prime. Next, I started to notice hair falling out of my head this wasn’t thinning or male pattern baldness this was alopecia areata. I talk to my doctor and he said this wasn’t because of the medication he claimed it was normal for people with Crohn's to get this type of condition… I’ve had Crohn's at this point for 11 years of my life and even during my worst flare-up and my worst point of being malnourished and underweight, I've NEVER experienced hair loss. Since stopping meds I’ve noticed hair regrowth."

For Crohn's Disease "Inflectra helped me manage my Crohn’s after prednisone. Soon after starting I developed an anal fistula. I continued my treatment then I noticed a pimple on my nose that wouldn’t go away since these symptoms weren’t a huge deal I continued my treatment waiting on a dermatologist to check for skin cancer. Throughout treatment I noticed my hair thinning I thought nothing of it until it stopped growing back I’ve also developed alopecia areata during treatment with Pfizer’s Inflextra. I wanted to give this medication 2 or 3 out of 10 because it worked at first but I don’t think a few years of no symptoms is worth what I’m going through now. I would appreciate it if we stop re-creating bio-similar meds to save money for insurance companies and higher profits for big pharma."

For Ulcerative Colitis "I swear they created this drug just to get rid the sick people. It isn't working and the only answer the doctor gives me is 'it should be.' I have wounds on my body that won't heal. I swear this drug is bad for me. I am constantly sick. Because I have ulcerative colitis any symptom I have is just related to that according to doctors. I will likely die from this drug. I just feel it. How is a drug with so many side effects even approved? We will just shut your immune system down, even though you will likely die from something this medication caused way faster than your health issue would have. But hey, we made a lot of money. Hope you enjoyed you experience on Earth."

For Crohn's Disease, Maintenance "My adult daughter’s both have Crohn’s disease and are on Inflectra and both now have Fistulas which should never had happened while on infusion therapy. My oldest daughter was feeling great on Remicade but to save money her insurance company made her change to Inflectra."

For Crohn's Disease "I been living with Crohn’s for 20 years. I was in remission with Ramicade for 7 years but after I started having flare ups I switched to Humira which didn’t work for me. I end up with a Ostomy. About couple of months ago I start getting skin rash and blood work showed sign of active Crohns. I asked my doctor to try remicade again but my doctor recommended an alternative, Inflectra. I got the first injection 2 weeks ago. My blood pressure dropped to the point I couldn’t drive home. I was very tired the next day but felt ok after that. Couple of nights ago I had to go to ER. Severe joint pain, sore throat, swallowing face and hand and fever. In the matter of 3 hours I was in so put pain and could’t move. Worse experience ever. For insurance companies it cost way less than remicade but I am not putting my self in risk and getting the second injection"

For Crohn's Disease "Terrible side effects approximately 2 weeks after each infusion (2 total). Developed UTI after BOTH infusions and required antibiotics to treat. Sinus infection developed after 2nd infusion. Incredibly tired all the time, joint pain, muscle aches, and return of Crohn's abdominal pain. It’s a complete nightmare. Biosimilar in this instance is a joke. Nothing similar."

For Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance "I was on remicade for 2 years and was able to have my pouchitis under control after the second infusion. No pain or inflammation. Was using the restroom 2 to 4 times a day. I have been on inflectra for 8 months 4 infusions and it has have been down hill after about 30 days from the first infusion of inflectra. I have felt like rubbish for the past 8 months loose stools using the restroom 10 to12 times a day, cramping, no energy and my inflammation is back. Do not switch to inflectra from remicade. It does not work the same."

For Crohn's Disease "Insurance forced me to switch from Remicade to Inflectra four months ago. I have Crohn's Disease, and was first diagnosed at age 19. Remicade worked well for me. When I was told to switch I had just had an excellent report from my latest colonoscopy. Now the symptoms are back at a level I have not experienced in years. Trough level is 2. I don't know from day to day if I can travel or even visit family or friends. I would not call this drug similar to Remicade!"

For Crohn's Disease "After being on oral medications the first three years after being diagnosed with Crohn’s, I was put on Inflectra after developing a fistula. I have been on Inflectra for two years now. It has worked wonders! Life is normal again with no more fistula problem and only a one-week flare-up resolved with next dosage of Inflectra. Inflectra is less expensive than other similars, but that doesn’t make it bad."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I have advanced ankylosing spondylitis and have been on several meds over the years. I was on Remicade for years until insurance said I had to take inflectra. I have been on this med for 2-3 months and immediately noticed it was less effective than Remicade with increased pain all over my body. My sleep has been more interrupted which affects everything. As I am writing this I just realized my inflectra infusion was 4 days ago, the infusion before this I remember talking to my wife about pain and feeling crappy after 6 days post-infusion. I get infused every 6 weeks and as I read it saves the insurance about $ 332 per 100 mg of this med. I do not recommend this cheaper med as you will get what you pay for."

For Crohn's Disease "Diagnosed 14 years ago, moderate to severe, 3 surgeries, 1 ostomy & reconnect. Since being switched to Inflectra from Remicade a year ago, health and quality of life have plummeted, I've almost literally moved into my bathroom, social life diminished, etc. I have to walk around as if my intestines are made of glass. All so Insurance company could save $200"

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I have using this medication for three years and it has worked very well for me. I have never had a reaction to it and it keeps my ankylosing spondylitis under good control. I was on methotrexate and humira before and had a major flare up."

For Crohn's Disease "I was severe with Crohn's bleeding uncontrollable colon like tissue paper unable to do surgery. Due to health issues, I started on Inflector and have never felt better. I have been on it now for two years with minor Crohn's flare-ups; very low side effects tired aching and very fatigue after the infusion but within five days I feel better than normal."

For Ulcerative Colitis "Treating ulcerative colitis. Entyvio worked 3 1/2 years - stopped working. Switched to Stelara - barely worked for 6 months. Switched to Inflectra 8 months ago - working great so far. Prednisone always clears up flare-ups - but at 10 cents a pill these infusion drug companies hate it & put out studies about the evils of steroids."

"I received the infusion every 8 weeks for Behcet’s Disease. It helped with joint pain and ulcers at first and stopped working. I have gained over 20 pounds and have issues with edema. Painful ankle swelling and facial water retention in middle of forehead. I am also very fatigued with little motivation to leave my home. The weight gain has caused depression."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I have only gotten one infusion so far but going in for round 2 tomorrow afternoon. I have noticed a difference. It took about 3 days to kick in but I have no pain or stiffness. I’ll update my post soon."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Inflectra worked well on my Psoriatic Arthritis, but cleared up my plaque psoriasis completely. The first time in 40 years I've had plaque-free skin. Arthritis pain was greatly reduced. Pfizer offers a copay program, so the out-of-pocket cost is little to nothing. The best relief I've had from this my entire life, and insurance forced me to switch to a less effective alternative. I'm changing insurance so this is available to me again."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I've had 2 infusions so far and both times have been extremely exhausted afterwards for several days. Pain and swelling are still present, along with fatigue. This drug works better than the methotrexate-Humira combo that didn't work at all for me. All in all, I'm moderately pleased with the results."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I've been on Inflectra for about 8 months. It works good. Just took blood work for my condition and inflammatory markers were high, and now I might have to switch to a new medication or take another medication with the Inflectra."

More about Inflectra (infliximab)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: TNF alfa inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Inflectra drug information
  • Inflectra (Infliximab Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Inflectra (Infliximab-dyyb Intravenous, Subcutaneous) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Remicade, Avsola, Renflexis, Zymfentra, Ixifi

Professional resources

  • Inflectra prescribing information
  • Infliximab (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Remicade, Avsola, Renflexis, Zymfentra

Related treatment guides

  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Crohn's Disease
  • Crohn's Disease, Active