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Generic Name: Klonopin Wafer (clonazepam)

Klonopin Wafer Reviews

For Panic Disorder "I take the generic Sun Pharma Klonopin Wafers 1 mg twice a day. It completely changed my life and gave me a social life I could never achieve without it. I feel like benzodiazepines get a bad reputation these days because of the fear that society creates when simply talking about the drugs. Benzodiazepines are a great tool for those that do not abuse them. People need to open their minds and expand their thinking. Benzodiazepines are not deadly, addictive, or harmful. It’s the people that misuse them that give them the bad reputation. Be smart. Take only as prescribed. Don’t mix with alcohol or opiates. It’s that simple."

For Panic Disorder "I’m a 24-year-old male and suffer from severe muscle spasms, chronic pain, and anxiety (social, generalized, etc.). I’ve been on Klonopin (Clonazepam) for about a year for my muscle spasms and anxiety. It’s worked wonders for both, but the generic I liked got discontinued. So my doctor let me try the Oral Disintegrating Tablets/Wafers and, let me tell you, they work MUCH BETTER than the pill version! They kick in faster, absorb much better, and last just as long for me. I’m on 1 mg three times a day, and I won’t go back to the pill version! I couldn’t be happier."

For Panic Disorder "I have metastatic adrenal cancer, and this calms me a great deal. I take 1 mg three times a day, and it's enough to keep me calm and not worry about death and leaving my husband and 3 kids, and I'm soon to be a grandma."

For Anxiety "I have agoraphobia with panic attacks and severe anxiety. I have been switching between Valium and Klonopin for years. I recently started taking 2 mg Klonopin wafers. I find they work extremely faster than the pill. I now feel relaxed almost immediately versus up to 30 minutes or longer with the pill, which isn't helpful when having a panic attack. I can leave my house more often than before. I can go to the store without dragging one of my kids with me. Still struggling, but easier for sure. Before, I would drive my kids to and from school and normally wait until picking them up to shop. It's difficult, but I'm finding myself more often now going after dropping them off, therefore saving them from the torture of shopping."

For Panic Disorder "I've had focal seizures, 1 petite maul seizure, but mainly panic attacks, agoraphobia, and general anxiety. I took Xanax for years, but switched to clonazepam, now ODT, and my muscles are more relaxed, anxiety isn't up and down, seems to work steadily all day. Xanax was for anxiety and you take it before you leave the house, or when you're having a panic attack, but now ODT is better, works faster than tablets, so I know if a panic attack is going to go away faster. That was why I liked Xanax, and I called them happy pills, but that wears off with me having malabsorption problems now, I like it much better. Never had 100% anxiety go away with any of them. But I'll take what I can get!"

For Panic Disorder "I used to have a heroin problem, for years and years. I was prescribed 2mg clonzepam 4x a day (That is 8mg guys) My husband at the time would steal them, and my gabapentin I take for seizures. Him and I split and I knew I was going to have to go to jail for my past. I had a doctor taper me down, and was taken to the hospital 3x while in jail for my seizures. I don't know if they were just my regular epilepsy, stress induced or from the benzo reduction. In jail they detoxes me over 10 days with ativan... took weeks to feel "normal" anyways. Horrible experience, but I am clean and sober now. I take Keppra, Lamatical and gabapentin for seizures. Gabapentin is also supposed to help w my anixety. Celexa seems useless, but I take it... and I reintroduced Clonzapam orally dissolving wafers ..1mg up to 2x a day. Noticing a tolerance. Sometimes the 1mg does nothing. I want to avoid the benzo HELL... but I also don't want to live my life afraid to leave the house and having panic attacks."

For Bipolar Disorder "This has been the best medicine I have ever gotten for my problems. Every other doctor just ignored my feelings until finally I found the right doctor who listened and put me on Klonopin. That was the best day of my life. It was like I had found me again. Thanks, Klonopin, you're my lifesaver."

For Panic Disorder "Panic attacks literally make you face your own death in the face. Until using Klonopin, I spent a lot of time and money in the ER. I have taken Xanax and Ativan in the past, but nothing has helped me s much as Klonopin. The wafers are great, because they melt in your mouth and get into your system quickly. For me, they usually start having a positive, calming effect within 20 to 30 minutes."

For Panic Disorder "I have been on Clonazepam several times and stop without withdrawal symptoms - I have agoraphobia and panic attacks. I take 0.25 mg as needed or once a day. I started twice a day . 0.25mg. It helps me cope with my moms passing away in 2021 it banned my panic attacks I have been having since I was 18 years old. I didn't know what they were until I visited a psychiatrist that prescribed Zoloft for my agoraphobia in 1996 I'm still taking it, much too long. Now my GP physician suggests I go up on my Zoloft and stop the Clonazepam. I started out on 25mg Zoloft, now on 50mg. I have OCD as well with agoraphobia & panic attacks. Clonazepam is the only drug that keeps me calm, relaxed & not tensed or grind my teeth at night, all that goes away with Clonazepam Wafers. People give this drug a bad reputation, so many has abused it and caused them to become addicted taking more than what they need. It's not the drug, it's how you take it, only take it as prescribed and with no other pain meds or alcohol. It is a good drug."

For Panic Disorder "This has saved me. I only take as needed but it has helped take the edge off while also feeling like myself. I only take .25 and it's just enough to keep my panic attack at bay when I feel one coming on"

For Anxiety "After taking many medications that were supposed to help with my anxiety, my doctor finally prescribed me Klonopin. It works great, after only a few minutes I feel entirely better and it doesn't knock me out like the other medications did. I can still function normally. "

For Panic Disorder "I have severe panic/agoraphobia and PTSD. I was taking xanax, which was great, but short acting, not for anxiety. My dr put me on regular clonazapam, I had horrible panic attacks, but was better then nothing. I got dissolvable clonazapam and it works way better. I need to invent 1/2 xanax, and 1/2 clonazapam, ill call it..clonazaxan! Works faster, cause panic sneaks up on you!"

For Seizure Prevention "Only thing that stopped me from having seizures."

For Anxiety "most potent and reliable prefer over xanax.... xanax is for sometimes.. only klonopin end up stronger each dose it gets a little stronger so you don't always need another pill"

For Panic Disorder "Klonopin has definitely given me my life back!"

For Bipolar Disorder "2 mg. wafers as needed, usually twice daily, stops panic dead in its tracks and as soon as I feel my thoughts racing, Klonopin Wafers bring me back to reality within 10 minutes."

For Restless Legs Syndrome "First 3-5 months I felt good but after that it does not work."

For Anxiety "It does not make me near as tired and drowsy as Xanax and other anti-anxiety."

For Bipolar Disorder "I use the regular Klonopin tablets 3x a day, but the wafers work great when I have a panic attack or I'm having a particularly hard time falling off to sleep."

For Panic Disorder "I have PDSD and it's the only thing that helps me"

For Panic Disorder "Helped me more than other benzodiapines."

For Anxiety "Working great for my anxiety. On 2mg for 3x a day that makes me too drowsy. I take 2 a day."

For Anxiety "They work well. I like Valium better though, but this is pretty good too."

For Panic Disorder "I take it 3x daily for panic disorder. Fast working, convenient and easy to take."

More about Klonopin Wafer (clonazepam)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Klonopin Wafers advanced reading
  • Klonopin Wafer

Professional resources

  • Clonazepam monograph
  • Clonazepam Tablet Orally Disintegrating (FDA)

Other formulations

  • Klonopin

Related treatment guides

  • Panic Disorder
  • Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome
  • Epilepsy
  • Seizure Prevention