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Generic Name: Lansoprazole for GERD (lansoprazole)

Lansoprazole for GERD Reviews

"I began having GERD during this quarantine. My son, who is an MD, helped me work my way through the OTC remedies, getting little relief, until I landed on lansoprazole. I had a normal first five days, no GERD, then I became VERY ill. I had violent diarrhea for 18 days, nausea, cramping, loss of 7 pounds, headache... even went to the ER because I was feeling so badly. I took a list of my medications and no one mentioned the complications. No one considered the lansoprazole pill. I was told to eat a soft diet: rice, broth, potatoes, etc. I continued to take the pill a few more days, my weight falling, much gurgling, lack of interest in food or life in general, sweeping nausea, and running for the bathroom as many as 15-20 times a day and literally all night. I continued taking the pill until I ran across an article that listed my symptoms, though rare, as caused by the drug. Beware, I had a particularly bad reaction."

"November 2018, I noticed I couldn’t sleep, I was irritable, feeling low at times and starting to generally not feel myself but I couldn’t really put my finger on why this was happening. My problems continued to get worse until I sought help from the GP in November 2020, it had been almost two years since I started the Lansoprazole. I was prescribed antidepressants then another, some diazepam on top for the anxiety. It was only when I read up on the side effects in the BNF that it all clicked. My mental health symptoms and insomnia correlate with a similar time to the start of the PPI. I’ve been off Lansoprazole and antidepressants successfully for three months now and I feel like the old me!!!! I’m sleeping better and I’m not plagued by low mood and anxiety. Think twice before you take this drug. It’s very unpleasant."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have been taking Prevacid for 20 years. I have had numerous side effects in the last 5 years: migraine headaches, major memory loss, blurred vision, heart palpitations, and most of the side effects listed, I have. I have taken this medication as I have severe acid reflux, and when I stop, I have instant reflux. But my side effects are getting worse, so I have to try something different, or I fear this medication may end my life."

"I had a hiatal hernia 10 years ago after which my doctor prescribed Lansoprazole. Every year at my check-up, he says keep taking it. I have had extreme leg pain for 10 years, was told it was restless leg (more drugs). The pain got worse and worse. Can’t sit for more than 10 minutes. Can’t fly. Can’t drive long distances. Can’t sleep. Had venous surgery, didn't help. Four days ago I read about all the side effects of this drug. I stopped taking it. My legs feel so much better!"

"I was suffering from reflux when my doctor prescribed lansoprazole. I had a bad allergic reaction to it. Besides the horrible skin rash, one of my kidneys started to fail, I was extremely dehydrated, and my stomach wasn't working properly. Lots of in and out of the hospital. After that, I can't ever again have any PPIs medicine. It was a horrible experience, and I thought it was important to share."

"I have done tons of research... Prevacid or Dexilant etc. are meant to be taken for about 2 months. Many people have been on it for years! Acid reflux can be caused by too little acid. Maybe the medication is making it worse. I am now feeling side effects (nausea and stomach cramping off and on for last year) or perhaps Apple cider vinegar does neutralize the reflux? If I forgot one pill, I would have heartburn by midday. I had the regular ACV, but they said it has to be organic with mother of the apple? A lot of people can be helped with organic apple cider vinegar... After a few days, with no medication, I have no heartburn. Just one tablespoon of ACV with one teaspoon of honey in warm water, morning and at supper, try it! :-)"

"WEIGHT GAIN! I have been on Lansoprazole for more than 10 years. I was suffering from stomach problems and was prescribed this medication. At the time I started, I was very athletic - doing 500 sit-ups a day, walking 6km a day, and playing sports on weekends. I started to notice my weight slowly increasing despite not eating much. Five years ago, I took drastic action and had to cut my calories to 500 a day and hit the gym hard. I tested for thyroid function, which was fine, but suffered from heart palpitations. Today, I still try to stay active, consuming about 1300 calories per day and walking 3km per day, yet I am still gaining weight. I was dismissed by three doctors regarding the weight gain, two of them even got angry when I suggested it. Currently, I resemble a bodybuilder, do not drink or smoke, have a sandwich in the morning, one meal in the evening, keep a food diary, avoid junk food, and sleep 8 hours a night. I am currently 84 lbs heavier than when I started."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "5 days on Prevacid and my anxiety is overwhelming. Heart palpitations, insomnia, feeling like I'm completely losing it. I get that these drugs help some - but frankly, in my experience, they are potentially dangerous, and folks should know the side effects before they jump in. (Part of the problem is that every drug nowadays lists the same side effects - for legal reasons - so we take those warnings with a grain of salt.) Don't ignore the side effects listed for this drug. They are factual. Anxiety? Believe it. Depression? Believe it. Folks end up in the ER on this drug. Now I know why. Never again."

"At first, the medication was very effective. Reflux and pain stopped almost at once. Was on lansoprazole for 18 months, for GERD and a hiatus hernia. Small side effects (visual disturbance, vertigo, tiredness) not a problem. BUT, after 1 year, started to have terrible diarrhea, thin yellow and of sudden onset. Almost amounted to incontinence, at any time night or day. The tiredness became unacceptable. Eventually, I decided to come off the lansoprazole, for 2 weeks suffered bad recurrence of GERD. However, persevered (with help of Gaviscon) and after 2-3 weeks am now completely normal, no reflux, no pain. Have been great now for 3 months, far more energy. Would recommend a 'break' from the medicine to see if you can manage."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "Started taking Prevacid about a month ago. It started off great. It was working wonders. Then my GERD started to act up at night. I was initially on 30 mg, and I would take that just in the morning, now I'm taking it in the morning and in the evening. Still all good. However, recently I've been getting severe stomach aches and nausea. I felt extremely weak and had nonstop diarrhea as well. I drank some Gatorade, which actually fixed it. I wonder if there's some sort of electrolyte imbalance with taking Prevacid. Either way, I'm probably going to wean off of it. The constant nausea isn't worth it."

"Had chest pains and breathing problems for ages after bad flu. Loads of tests but having never had indigestion, did not consider it. Anyway, after feeling very rough for two years and sometimes had to stay in bed, hospital finally diagnosed GERD and sliding hernia. At first, I was delighted with lansoprazole, then began to feel depressed, tired, forgetful. So, I researched and tapered off pills for about two weeks. Then every morning, I took a small glass of warm water with organic honey and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. First week was tough, but now I've been fine for four weeks and eating most things. However, I have type 2 diabetes, so I have a healthy diet and I exercise. No pills for that either. I am 69 years old. (And I am a Christian, so I pray!)"

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "After I turned 65, I started suffering from GERD. My doctor gave me free samples of Prilosec to use, but I found it to be only somewhat effective. I switched to Prevacid, and am now heartburn/GERD free! I've been taking Prevacid for about 4 years, and have suffered no side effects whatsoever."

"I have terrible acid reflux that certain meds cannot control. I started with the likes of liquid antacids, chewables, and bismuth subsalicylate. Barely made a dent. Moved on to ranitidine (before being recalled), famotidine, and cimetidine. Helped, but would wear off while sleeping. Tried omeprazole, esomeprazole, and pantoprazole (prescribed by a doctor). Too many terrible side effects to list. Finally landed on lansoprazole and, what do you know, it works like a charm! Sometimes you have to test the waters to see if you’re heading in the right direction."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I began taking Prevacid probably 10 years ago, stopped occasionally, but found I could not go long without needing it. I never thought of anything bad coming of it. I felt wonderful, no heartburn, no need to watch what I ate anymore, no more waking up at night needing antacids. Well, a few years ago, I started having severe foot and ankle pain and weakness, and last September, I fell in the yard and severely broke my ankle, requiring ORIF surgery to put in a plate and screws. My ankle will never be the same. Gone are the 4-mile walks I used to enjoy daily, and I have also developed some heart palpitations, higher blood pressure readings, and I feel it is all due to my long-term use of Prevacid. I stopped taking it almost 2 months ago."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have GERD due to cyclic vomiting syndrome causing damage to my pyloric sphincter and a hiatal hernia. I take 40 mg of Pepcid AC every night, but I was still getting the feeling of acid in the back of my throat. I decided to take Prevacid since I've taken it in the past with no problems. Unfortunately, I've had some issues this time. It has helped with the regurgitation and acid, but I am having a lot of muscle cramps and diarrhea. I looked at the side effects, and this is, indeed, a problem with Prevacid. I will be seeing my GI doctor tomorrow for advice."

"I was taking lansoprazole for 4 years, the doctor told me to stop it when I started struggling to swallow the pills. While I was on lansoprazole, I had not slept properly for years and had leg twitches all night. I was also diagnosed with anemia. I was off food and losing weight constantly. I went from 11 stone to 7 and a half. I hadn’t put any of these problems down to the pills, and neither did a doctor. Since stopping them, I’m sleeping better, no leg cramps, and I've noticed I’m not nearly having all of the heart attack symptoms when I walk around outside. I’m getting bloods done next week to check on the anemia, and I've got a feeling I don’t have it anymore. I feel loads better off the pills, and I don’t even have reflux anymore."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I took this for about 2 1/2 years in my early 30s, and it worked amazingly! If I even missed a single dose, I was up with horrible acid problems during the night. I do highly recommend it, but also consider fundoplication surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease. I had this done about 10 years ago, and since then my GERD is completely gone and I have no need for the Prevacid at all anymore. I eat and enjoy spicy foods and never have an issue. Both Prevacid and the surgery changed my life!"

"It all started with heart palpitations, numbness on one side (I sleep on my side), bloody mucus in the nose, headaches, nausea, vertigo, and so on. My fam doc ordered ECG, stress test, etc. After 6-8 months of weekly/biweekly visits, embarrassed to go back to him since he started to think it was all in my head, I went to a random walk-in clinic where a young doctor called it out: silent GERD. Lansoprazole has worked after a few days, and I got reaffirmed that it was not all in my head, there was an underlying problem to my symptoms. After a few months, I stopped taking it, and that's when the heartburn started, so I went back on it. Lansoprazole may almost completely stop acid production or not work at all, so you really have to watch your dosing. At one point, I needed one 30mg in the morning and one in the evening. With it, I am able to eat whatever I want without having to worry about the aftermath. I'm talking hot peppers, sriracha, tomato juice, chocolate milk, etc. Good luck!"

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have tried almost every acid reducer made in the last 20 years, and nothing worked until I took Prevacid 30 mg 2x a day. I had severe stomach pain, cramps, and pain under my right shoulder. Thought I was having a heart attack. One 30 mg pill didn't do it, I still needed antacids. Another doctor suggested 2x a day. It worked. It took about 4 weeks for my symptoms to go away. I could eat anything. Periodically, I've tried to reduce the amount by slowly reducing the mg, but symptoms always came back. I've tried the generic version because my insurance company would cover it at this high dose, but symptoms came back after a few months. Generic versions are just not the same."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I had suffered with acid reflux since childhood. I would wake up in the middle of the night, vomit, and go back to bed. This continued off and on for years. In my late teens and early 20s, it began to get worse. My doctor told me about Prevacid being OTC, and I should give that a try. It was getting so bad that no matter what I did or didn't do, ate or didn't eat, I would have heartburn. It used to be just certain foods triggered it. As time went on, anything and everything gave me heartburn. I started taking Prevacid, and now I take 15 mg daily, and have for the last 5 years or so. Since taking it, I am almost completely heartburn-free all the time. Occasionally, I have to take 30 mg. But I couldn't live without it! It has changed my life!"

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have been on Prevacid for over 10 years now. I take 30 mg a day. I have used both the prescription and the 24-hour when I run out. Both are fantastic. I have never had a side effect, and it completely controls my acid reflux and heartburn. I stopped eating Tums and can eat whatever I choose. It works like a charm for me."

"This is the second time I have used lansoprazole for a short period of time, just two weeks to be precise. I am so allergic to it, I reckon. It’s not a coincidence that after I take it, I end up in bed, not being able to breathe, with a throat like a packet of razor blades and a bad cough. Came off them yesterday, and the restricted breathing started subsiding. Need to get checked properly and find an alternative."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have been taking Prevacid for 10 years now. It has worked tremendously. I have tried to go without it, but my acid reflux just gets too bad. I had two endoscopes done prior to taking Prevacid for scarring in my esophagus. Prevacid has healed my esophagus. I would definitely recommend it for anyone who suffers from GERD like myself."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "I have been using this medication for about 15 years at 60 mg a day to treat severe GERD. Doctors, in general, are reluctant to prescribe this dosage, but in my case, it was necessary. I had been using Zantac and Prilosec prior to that and graduated onto this as a last resort. It has cleared up most of the esophagus erosion. There seems to be no side effects that I am aware of, but would be interested if anyone has noticed an uptick in kidney infections."

Prevacid (lansoprazole) "Do not start on Prevacid or any PPI. They work fine but if you develop serious side effects as I have you are stuck taking them because they are almost impossible to get off of. The rebound pain and heartburn are even worse than the serious side effects. You then suffer from both problems at the same time. These pills suck the very life out of you. Use Pepcid or Tagamet. Stay away from these."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Lansoprazole drug information
  • Lansoprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • Lansoprazole Delayed-Release Capsules
  • Lansoprazole Suspension

Other brands

Prevacid, Prevacid SoluTab, Prevacid OTC

Professional resources

  • Lansoprazole monograph
  • Lansoprazole (FDA)
  • Lansoprazole Orally Disintegrating Tablets (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Barrett's Esophagus
  • Duodenal Ulcer
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • GERD