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Generic Name: Levaquin for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection (levofloxacin)

Levaquin for Skin or Soft Tissue Infection Reviews

"Do NOT take this Levaquin if you suffer from any mental Illness. I’m taking Levaquin and Bactrim and I had extreme side effects ...psychosis, paranoia, nervousness and delirium, I’m hallucinating, this is crazy. In the event that you experience these side effects call your doctor immediately. DO NOT TAKE THIS MED IF YOU HAVE MENTAL ILLNESS !!!"

"Dr. said I had cellulitus on my left ankle & foot. It was also very swollen and painful. I was very happy with taking Levaquin. It took the pain & swelling completely away and I didn't experience no side effects. I've had this flare up 2 more times & this is the only medication that has helped me. It is very exspensive, but other than that I'm very pleased."

"I had a severe skin infection, and I used this medication and I had no issues. I was told not to overdose by taking the medicine to close together but altogether a positive experience. VERY Pricey though, that's the only downfall."

"I can't find the 0 for this crappy poison pill. I'm 3 years out and still suffer pains and other toxicity symptoms , do you research before taking this horrible pill , I talk a least with 2 new people everyday damage by this pill"

"Prescribed this medicine for a skin infection. Side effects that I experienced were: confusion, sensitivity to sun, could feel some old muscle/tendon injuries stiffening, depression and even had some thoughts of suicide. These side effects were very real and tied directly to taking the medicine. I could feel the confusion and depression lift, literally within 2 minutes, when the side effect wore off. The depression would dissipate about 8 hours after taking the 500mg pill. "

"Was given Levaquin for lingering lung bronchial condition. After 7 days. I was feeling 10x worse. At first I thought I had the flu. Headache fever achy all over no energy just weak. Then my shoulder joints started hurting so bad I could cry. On a pain score 1-10 I was at a 15 and I've had 4 kids and rods in my back. I contacted the Dr who told me to stop taking this Medication. That iris known for pain in joints. Well I'm 2 weeks out. Still in pain all the way down both arms. Sleeping on a heating pad and taking pain medication. My original complaint seems minor compared to this. Dr says 4-6 weeks to get it out of your system. I am Miserable. Can't lift my arms. "

"My son had a severe skin infection so my doctor gave him this medicine. He took it immediately on a empty stomach. He had just got home from Doctor's office. It made him sick so he threw up. I called the Doctor's office and told them what happeened and they told me to not give it to him anymore. It wasn't worth the side effect for my son."

"The short list of damage that fluoroquinolones (FQs) did to me includes blood clots, broken blood vessels, bloated failing veins carved from 13 entry points, erratic blood pressure, hemochromatosis, liver damage, kidney damage, pulmonary edema, collapsed lung, hernia, torn lumbar muscle, half dozen bulging discs when I had none a few years before, peripheral neuropathy, shrinking eyeballs, tinnitus, multi-chemical sensitivity, gastrointestinal distress, hair loss, crumbling teeth, nosebleeds, nails fall off, spontaneous tendon ruptures, cartilage transplant, ligament damage, cognitive impairment and horrific mental anguish, psychosis, anxiety attacks and hundreds of other bizarre health issues. Many surgeries, more to come until I die early"

More about Levaquin (levofloxacin)

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  • Reviews (411)
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  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Levaquin drug information
  • Levaquin injection
  • Levaquin (Levofloxacin Injection)
  • Levaquin (Levofloxacin Oral Solution)
  • Levaquin (Levofloxacin Tablets)

Professional resources

  • Levaquin prescribing information
  • Levaquin Oral Solution (FDA)
  • Levofloxacin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bladder Infection
  • Bacterial Infection
  • Anthrax
  • Anthrax Prophylaxis