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Generic Name: Levlen (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Levlen Reviews

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "My doctor recommended this birth control pill (Levlen) to me because of my heavy cramping and acne (46 years old). I am on my 5th pack of this pill. If I had read the reviews before I started, I probably never would’ve started. So my advice to people is every pill is going to work differently for each person, so try what your doctor recommends. This pill has changed my life, my periods were so heavy that it caused me to be dangerously anemic. I got anxious during my cycle because they were so heavy that I couldn’t go an hour without having to change my pad and tampon. Now my periods are super light and last only about two days, and I no longer have cramping. I’ve had acne my entire life up until 4 months ago, I hardly break out at all, my skin looks great, and I’m no longer getting the hormonal cystic acne on my chin that I would get monthly! I have gained about 6 pounds, but I can’t necessarily say it’s from the pill. I hope you all find what works for you! Good luck, ladies!"

For Birth Control "If you want to lose your libido and become a zombie-TAKE LEVLEN! When I first started Levlen, I liked it because it made me get bigger boobs, and I felt more mentally stable (less PMS), and my periods were shorter. However, by month 5 I realized I had absolutely no libido anymore, I couldn't even find my own boyfriend attractive. The thought of sex repulsed me. I felt so desensitized to the world around me. Came off it about 3 weeks ago, and noticed within 2 days my libido was back and better than ever!"

For Birth Control "Like many others, I have been on Norimin for 11 years. Due to COVID, I had to switch to Levlen and had the worst experience. I’ve become super anxious, the worst acne outbreaks on my chest, back, and face. I rarely ever had any pimples, and now have extremely painful ones that don’t seem to heal. I’ve gained close to 4 kg and have started to get bad tummy pains and bloating."

For Birth Control "I’ve been on Levlen for around 7 years, and I’ve found this to work really well for me. No real weight gain (I was hungrier to begin with, but that subsided!). Slight decrease in libido, but my skin and moods have been very stable for years! I use it purely for contraceptive and only once tried another pill (I came back from a month vacation, gained weight, and naturally wanted to blame it on the pill, not my eating)... after one round on another type of pill, I decided I needed to back to what worked for my body - I was back on Levlen. I came into this pill with low expectations - I wasn’t expecting it to perform miracles. It serves its purpose, and with little to no side effects. I’ll come off it when I plan to start a family. I’m sorry to hear that it hasn’t been effective for everyone, but it’s also good to hear positive experiences on this pill as well."

For Birth Control "Terrible! I went on Levlen for exactly 1 month, and it was terrible. On day one, I weighed 75.5 kg, by week 4 of being on this pill, I weighed in at 82.2 kg! Sounds impossible, I know! My breasts doubled in size, I experienced terrible migraines, was extremely bloated, had no libido, was constipated, and generally felt very low and unwell! I went straight off it after my period and haven’t returned to it! I have stayed off the pill entirely and feel back to myself and well! I’ve been off it for exactly 3 weeks now, and my weight has returned back to 76 kg by doing absolutely nothing! Ladies, listen to your body."

For Birth Control "Wow! Just when I thought I was completely alone! I have been using Norimin for 8 years and due to Covid got supplied with Levlen. I have cried and cried due to my severe bloating, which didn't occur previously! Thank god I’m not alone! Hopefully I can find something else soon because this is driving my insane!"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had painful periods my whole life and for about 11 years, I went from doctor to doctor trying different pain medications , herbal medicines and undertaking multiple ultrasounds in the hopes of detecting endometriosis. Finally, one good doctor suggested going on birth control before doing my endo surgery. I was extremely hesitant at first and scared but I gave it a go and do not regret it since. With LEVLEN ED, I have had no acne, no weight gain, no painful periods, no problems what so ever. It felt almost like a magical potion I had taken. I was hesitant to initially take it as I read some bad reviews online but this was my wonder drug and I had to review it."

For Birth Control "I have been on levlen since I was 18 (I am now 24) and have realised how depressed and anxious this tablet has made me in the last 2-3 years ESPECIALLY the last 6 months it has gotten so much worse. I literally have NO sex drive and feel really lazy and have no energy. I have constant migraines and dizziness and I honestly think all of these things are related to this pill. I have decided to try and change my pill to a different one and see how I go and already 3 days after not being on levlen (period week) I feel amazing!"

For Birth Control "I’ve been using this pill for only a week and a half and already experiencing bad anxiety, depression and I never experienced this before. I’m always a joyful person I thought it was just me and now reading with the other girls have been through I’ve just stopped taking it and hoping to feel like myself again soon. I've been crying over the smallest things so random don’t recommend this pill at all. I will be going back on yasmin"

For Birth Control "I'm 18 and this is my first hormonal contraceptive I've tried, I was pretty scared at first about all the negative side effects - I did experience some intense mood swings and feeling nauseous at night in the first two weeks but I trusted it would go away, and it did. On my fourth month of taking it now and I'm pretty sure I'm fully used to it. My periods are super regular, libido is fine, no dryness, no migraines or weight gain, however I haven't seen a difference in acne/lighter or shorter periods/period pain but those aren't problems I needed fixed anyway. Pretty happy!! Don't be scared by the side effects, if you go into it with a positive mindset you'll be right... and it's super worth it once your body gets used to it :)"

For Endometriosis "Started taking this pill Levlen continuously (no sugar pills) 3 months ago. I gained 15 pounds, I have no sex drive, leg cramping, higher blood pressure, anxiety, cramps, back pain and spotting. This pill sucks! Just stopped taking it and hope to feel like myself again soon."

For Birth Control "The worst birth control pill I have tried. I have tried around 10-12 and this one caused me to spiral into a dark and horrible mindset. I was borderline depressed pretty much every single day I was on this around (6-8) months. Another friend experienced the same thing on this pill. Please please talk to your doctor and come off of this if you notice your moods changing. Awful pill."

For Birth Control "I came to the web to see if anyone else was experiencing what I was after taking this pill and wow!! ok I'm not going crazy. Firstly, I've only been taking the pill for two weeks and I've noticed constant bleeding but after research, I have found that that is quite normal. So I'm ok with that. But I'm sitting here, 26 years old, with cystic acne, mood swings of a 13 year old, constant drowsiness, weight gain and headaches. This pill, according to my GP, was supposed to minimise pimples and stabilise my cycle. I won't be putting another pill into my body. The worst ever!"

For Birth Control "I started Levlen as a form of birth control and I hate it. Never in my life have I ever had rally bad acne only a few occasional pimples but levlen caused me to have cystic acne specifically around my mouth area but also on forehead. This was notable after finishing the second packet how much worse my skin was getting, I can also note how I gained visible weight after taking this . I would not recommend."

For Birth Control "I was on levlen for about a year and a half, after the first few months my hair started thinning, I started to bruise ridiculously easy and I started to get tired all the time. Went to the doctor mentioned the pill and she completely disregarded it and told me to eat more red meat. Over a year later and my symptoms got worse, my hair thinned more, my mood was terrible before my period and I had started to to experience panic attacks and anxiety which ultimately led me to get depression. I went back to my doctor about a month ago, she once again disregarded the pill and told me to get all these tests done. I took it upon myself to stop taking it and I feel 1000% better. I’m not moody, I’m happy and my hair isn’t falling out at the rate it was. I’m giving my body a break from any contraception right now :)"

For Birth Control "Trigger Warning : suicide ideation I've had painful periods all my life and decided to go on the pill after meeting my partner for birth control reasons. The pain did reduce bit I gained a lot of weight and it affected my mood and gave me depression. After experiencing ongoing suicide ideation I quit my job at a pharmacy I worked at due to fear of stealing medication and overdosing on it. After stopping the pill my mental health returned to better levels almost immediately (3 days)."

For Endometriosis "I was first given this birth control when I lived in the UK (under the name of Microgynon 30) for my severe endometriosis. I take a pill every night and do not take any inactive pills for the week you usually have your period. Since I take Levlen every night, I have stopped my period and no longer have one. Bliss! I have no more endo pain or any associated side effects. Even though I have been thrown into 'medically controlled menopause,' I have no menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and so on. For the first two months, I had breakthrough bleeding, but now going on 2 years, I have none. I have had a wonderful experience with this birth control, and it has completely made my endometriosis symptoms disappear."

For Endometriosis "Within 2 days of starting this started having really dark thoughts about life, not wanting to be here, everything was boring. I went on sugar pills felt great, positive happy thought it might have been coming off last pill Chelsea 35 that was making my mood change, then 2nd day back on Levlen same thing with the depression and really dark thoughts, stopped after day 6 and have returned to my happy self again. Don't follow Drs instructions if you know its not good for you, then stop it - there is always another option"

For Birth Control "I used Level for about 12 months. After 4 months I had to see the gastroenterologist for the following symptoms: bloating, vomiting, insomnia, nausea, weight loss, I couldn’t eat anymore during the evening, everything felt stuck. Low fodmap diet didn’t resolve the issue. I am now on gluten and dairy free diet without any added sugars. In my blood they found: low ferritine, low folate, low white cell count, low neutrophils (up till 1). I saw the haematologist for the mild neutropenia I had and after I stopped Levlen, after 2 weeks my blood results came back to normal again without changing anything else. Levlen had definitely had a very bad impact on my health and I would recommend anyone with digestion issue/bloating get off Levlen immediately!!!!! Can cause severe immunology problems like mild neutropenia."

For Birth Control "I feel very passionate about this pill so I thought I’d leave this comment. I can’t help but cry because of this pill. I’ve been on it for around 4 months now, my body seemed to be getting used to it, but I still find myself throwing up and feeling nauseous when I least expect it. On top of that, I’ve had around 3-4 yeast infections since taking this pill and it’s a literal nightmare. I’m so frustrated with my doctor and this stupid pill."

For Endometriosis "Levlen is the WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME! I was on Norimin-1 but as a result of Covid they were unable to import the ingredients for it, my doctor then switched me to Levlen... worst thing ever, after 3 weeks of use I had severe hormonal acne all along my jawline. The pressure from the acne hurts my face (I’ve never ever had any issues with my skin) I thought this may be just because of a hormonal change from trying a new pill. After 3 months it became worse and worse. Never have I had severe head aches but daily I now have severe head aches that come out of no where. I have severe depression now from this pill, my mood swings are absolutely insane"

For Birth Control "Moodiness increased, sex drive lowered to the point where I didn't want anything to do with my partner, extremely emotional, painful periods and depressed. I've been off for about a month and feel so much better."

"I started the Levlen pill as a last resort because I was fed up with my skin. I was really hopeful that my skin would get some what better however it kept getting worse and worse in places I never got pimples like my jawline my cheeks eyebrows my chest and back. Along with this I put on a lot of weight and went up 2 cup sizes. The pill impacted my appetite so i was just constantly hungry all day which I never was before. I was getting really dry lips but no changes in my skin, only for the worse. I’ll be switching pills to hopefully something that can help my skin. I’m off the pill now."

For Birth Control "I have been on Levlen ED 150/30 for 6 years with no problems at all, not a single mishap. It's been overall perfect for me, on my new script I took out with the pharmacy I was given Evelyn ED which is the generic version of Levlen. Since taking the generic I suffered breakouts on my back and my chest which are extremely painful. I've since stopped taking the drug and will be switching back to Levlen ED ASAP. If you are happy then definitely stick to to it! Even if the packaging says they are the same, its not always the case."

For Birth Control "I do not recommend using levlen! I’ve used it 3 times so far over a span of 4 years. First time broke out with chronic acne. Second time same thing. Thinking it could of been because of other reason, since stopped my skin cleared up majorly as I have never been prone to acne or even pimples in general. Started back on levlen less then a month ago. My doctor said it probably wasn’t the levlen giving me the acne, so I decided to try it again (face fully clear at this stage). Turns out it was 100% the levlen pill. I don’t write reviews on anything but it’s that bad I am warning anyone else thinking about using it.. DON’T!! Yasmin is the best birth control pill I’ve tried yet!"

More about Levlen (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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Related treatment guides

  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
  • Birth Control
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome