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Generic Name: Levocetirizine for Allergies (levocetirizine)

Levocetirizine for Allergies Reviews

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Ok… This is really easy! Just break Xyzal in half! I’m 65 years old, I’ve had severe allergies my whole life. Now I have allergy-induced asthma and terrible post-nasal drip… I’ve tried everything at my age! Fluticasone spray didn’t work with the post-nasal drip or congestion. So I got this, took a whole one… I was too drowsy for what I like in the morning so I broke it in half… duhhhhhh. I’ve only blown my nose once so far all morning. My eyes aren’t swollen shut and lungs aren’t full-on congestion. Oh, and I took it in late afternoon… Got up early! FYI… If you have to be up early in the morning, don’t ever take something that causes drowsiness late at night! Most likely it will still be working in the am when you need to be up. I’m no doctor, just old!"

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "My PCP said to get Xyzal for relief, I took my first pill last night. I was drowsy yesterday & took a 2-hour nap & knew I would be up for hours last night. I took my first pill last night at 10 pm & I was asleep 30 minutes later. I slept like a log for 9 hours (I'm usually fully refreshed after 7). I'm also a SUPER light sleeper & my husband said that he got up & made a lot of noise but I never heard a thing. I forced myself awake & felt heavily drugged (like I was only 1 hour into a NyQuil night). Then 2 hours later I was still feeling drugged & napped deeply for 2 hours, I woke up & feel heavily drugged still, Like morphine or Norco has been flooded into my body. My limbs are limp, I want to lay my head back & sleep again. Talking feels hard to concentrate on. I’m holding my eyes open extra wide to keep them from shutting involuntarily. Seriously- this is scary at how strong it’s affecting me and I’m scared to try to do anything. I’m not taking any more of this stuff!"

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I started taking Xyzal about 2 months ago. For the first week all was well. It helped with my allergies and stuffy nose. After that, I noticed my urine turned orange. I thought it was the effect of an antibiotic I was taking, so the doctor told me to stop taking the antibiotic. Urine still remained dark after that. Then a cough began that I have had for at least 3 weeks. The final straw was when my face started breaking out with a rash and then my leg. I never thought the medication was the cause of all this until I read reviews from others. I have experienced the depression, the cough, the rash, the dark urine, the fatigue, so now I'm going to stop taking it and hope I can clear up all of these issues. I would say don't take this drug. It's just not worth the risk of all of the side effects."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "My allergies are the highest level of miserable. I have tried everything! I have been battling with trying to breathe from my nose for 2 weeks. I went to Walmart and found Xyzal. I hadn’t read up on it, but I didn’t care, I was willing to try ANYTHING! I took a whole pill last night around 9 PM, and I’ll tell you what! I took a shower before bed, and while I was in the shower, I thought I was going to fall out right there! I mustered the strength and collapsed in my bed with my towel still on. It is 5 PM the next day, and I can’t move. It’s like morphine. That’s the only way I can describe it. My boyfriend took half a pill last night, and he’s still sleeping. Oh, but my allergies are better today. I can’t breathe out of one side of my nose still, but before today, I couldn’t breathe out of either side. I will say that the side effects are not worth it."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I have used Claritin and Zyrtec for my seasonal allergies, but they never seem to really work. I struggle daily with watery eyes, sneezing, and a runny and stuffy nose. I work at a supermarket and saw Xyzal on the shelf and thought, ‘Why not give this a try?’ It’s currently 3 AM, and I am sitting in bed with my heart racing from the awful nightmare I just had. I’m usually skeptical of reading people’s reviews and not trying a medication because of it, but I wish I had. I have never experienced nightmares so awful in my entire life. The amount of anxiety I feel right now is beyond words. I still have a stuffy nose as well. Honestly, I’m wondering if I had a panic attack in my sleep. I’m definitely going to be looking for a new allergy medication. Very scary. I’ve had nightmares before, but this was extremely different."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I've only taken Xyzal for allergies twice. The first time, I took one 5 mg pill at 17:00 hrs, and by 20:00 hrs, I was completely knocked out, as if I just had a meeting with Bill Cosby — knocked out. According to my Fitbit, I didn't move for 10 hours and 15 minutes. During the first three hours of the experience, I felt everything pop in my head and loosen up, but as that was going on, my stomach became upset. When I woke up in the morning, it felt like it wore off. I tried this medicine because Zyrtec caused mood swings that made me the most unlikable person in my city, and I live in D.C. I tried the medicine with a half dose the second night with the same side effects and the same intensity, but without the benefits, and those lasted 8 hours."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Horrible experience with this medication. I suffer from chronic allergies (sinus issues, chronic cough, etc.), and Xyzal was recommended to me by my PCP because it is 'non-drowsy.' So wrong. I'm groggy, disoriented, irritable, and SO INCREDIBLY TIRED, and it's been two days since my last dose. (And this is my 3rd attempt with this med.) I was hoping these side effects would fade, but they have not. I'll save a few bucks and take Benadryl the next time I want to relieve my cough and be comatose at the same time."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I've had seasonal allergies for several years. I went back and forth between Claritin and Zyrtec for all of those years and had not great results that got less and less as time went on. I started taking XYZAL about a month ago when my nose itched and ran so much at night that I couldn't sleep anymore. The first week of taking XYZAL at night before bed, I was so tired the next day I could hardly function, and I had a really bad upper stomach ache. But it helped my allergies so well I stuck with it. Eventually, the tiredness and stomach ache got better, but it seems to take longer to kick in and wears off more quickly now with my allergy symptoms reappearing well before it's time to take another dose. I've also developed extreme moodiness and anger issues, which is why I came to this page. I see it's a problem for others too. Because my symptoms seem to be reappearing, I may try something else for a while."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "This medication works wonders for my allergies right off the bat. Cleared my stuffy nose right up! The downside: it made my heart race so bad I had to make a trip to the doctor. My heart rate shot to 104-127. Short of breath. 24 hours later, heart rate still 109. If you don't have this type of reaction, it's worth a try."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I took Xyzal for a month and went for blood work. My kidney function had dropped 9 points from 55 to 46 in that time. I immediately stopped taking it. A month later, when the blood tests were repeated, my function was 60. My advice is do not take it. If I hadn’t caught it in time, the damage might have been irreversible."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I was prescribed this drug when it was first introduced over 10 years ago by Sanofi-Aventis, or UCB Pharma. I was having severe reactions to indoor and outdoor allergies: dust mites, certain soaps, and food allergies. For the longest time, I had to be very careful about what I could eat. This product changed my lifestyle and how I was living. By far, the best allergy medicine out there, and I have taken them all. Yes, it is expensive, but worth it. I have been taking 5 milligrams a day for over 10 years now, and it still works. Generic doesn't work. It's not the same. Xyzal is the best."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I wouldn’t take this Xyzal. My side effects were that I had so many heart palpitations it was close to atrial fibrillation. I couldn’t sleep. Dangerous. Who cares about allergies when you need your heart to beat right to stay alive."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I have been using Xyzal for over a year with wonderful results. Other medications were no longer effective (Allegra, Rhinocort, Zyrtec). This has kept all my seasonal and environmental allergies under control. I am very thankful for this product. I haven’t had any of the side effects."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I suffer from year round allergies and have been taking Claritin for years. I decided to try out Xyzal after seeing their commercial, which says "relieves allergies while you sleep so you wake up refreshed" which sounded great because my sinus pressure has been terrible lately and really bogging me down... Xyzal made me feel the complete opposite of refreshed. I don't think I've ever felt this groggy! I feel more awake when I've taken benedryl or Nyquil! I can't shake the grogginess and it's been over 12 hours since I took it! It must work okay for most but I will not be taking it again... I feel like a zombie!"

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "WOW is all I can say. This allergy medication works great. It's for 24-hour relief, and I don't sneeze anymore. I have bad allergies to cats, but I love them so much, except they almost caused an asthma attack because of my allergies. Once I was prescribed Xyzal, all the symptoms went away. This is like a miracle for allergy relief, it doesn't make me drowsy at all, but it's different for each individual, I guess. It stops your eye itching, nose dripping, sneezing, and wheezing."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I have debilitating seasonal allergies, to the point where my eyes swell up completely. Doctors kept saying take Zyrtec, take Claritin, Nasonex, etc. Nothing made even a dent in the symptoms, even Benadryl barely helped. When I was finally prescribed Xyzal, it completely changed allergy season for me. I feel like I have no allergies at all (almost a problem because I forget to take my meds). Anyone who is miserable during allergy season should seriously consider Xyzal."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Benefits: This product is AMAZING at clearing up allergies. I have been on many OTC allergy medicines as we recently discovered I was allergic to my dogs. This is the only allergy medicine that beats the itchy eyes, sneezing, and running nose. Downsides: SLEEPY. It takes about 1-2 weeks to get accustomed to this medication. Until then, you are in a fog when awake. For me and my husband, the other downsides are: weight gain and acne. I know that sounds odd but the experience of being on this medication is a very similar feeling as being on a steroid regimen for bronchitis or another illness. You are consistently hungry, your skin feels very oily, and you break out in places you don't normally break out. I gained 5 pounds in one month and my husband gained 10. For us, this was a large enough deterrent to search for other options."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "My allergies were bad, so I took this medication - Xyzal - for 2 weeks and started to feel depressed. I thought it could be due to the fatigue I was experiencing, however, after reading a few other reviews, I see that depression is very possibly a result of the use of this medication."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Took Xyzal for allergies, within 1 1/2 hours seeing spots in eyes, hard to breathe, heart racing, felt panicky and had a headache. Sneezing had stopped, but still had a runny nose. Made me feel crazy and exhausted. Scary!!"

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I have 6 cats & live in the country. I'm allergic to cat hair and dust mites & battle pet hair & dust daily! I was sent a 5 day sample of Xyzal to try. I've heard allergy meds should be taken in the morning so (my bad) without reading the box, I took it in the morning. My allergies haven't improved after 2 doses vs my usual meds. After my first dose yesterday, I noticed feet & ankles were swollen. They never swell! I thought it was odd but attributed it to a short road trip & food we don't normally eat. When it didn't go away after lots of water & rest, I got worried. I took another dose of Xyzal today & again, my feet & ankles are swollen & also tender. My appetite is ravenous as well! Hello red flags! Since I'm awake at 3am anyway, I researched side effects of Xyzal - swollen feet & ankles are on the severe side effects list, increased appetite & weight gain are on the milder side effects list!! No more Xyzal for me!!"

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I have battled with sinus issues for a very long time. Sinus infections were a yearly thing, and I would get debilitated by awful sinus headaches that would cause me to have to be in a silent, dark room. My doctor had prescribed Flonase, and it didn't help. I have tried every over-the-counter medication with no help. Sudafed pain and pressure helped make the headaches go away but did nothing for the other conditions that sinus and allergies bring along. I work in a warehouse, so I'm constantly exposed to the weather, dust, and dirt. So I saw a commercial for Xyzal. I figured I'd give it a try. Went and picked up a pack of it, and it wasn't cheap. I instantly noticed a difference. Over time, I didn't get the headaches I once did. If I did get a sinus infection, I cleared it out in a third of the time I normally would. I went to my doctor to see if I could get it prescribed. That way, my insurance would cover it. Sure enough, he was able to, and life has been more enjoyable since."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Over the past few years, I have increasingly been plagued by debilitating allergies. I have gotten shots and taken Zyrtec and other allergy meds daily without complete results. Xyzal was recently prescribed, and I have had excellent results. I haven't felt this good in years (at the height of allergy season, too)."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Xyzal is one of the most effective antihistamines out there, IMO. It stops all my allergy symptoms from the first pill - I can feel my sinuses open up. It has gotten me through horrible seasons where the grasses I'm allergic to are rampant. The only downside for me is the major sedation. It is supposed to be non-sedating, but a few people will have issues with this. Curiously, I find the sedation to come on several hours after I take it, so I time that with bedtime. At first, the sedation was so bad that it felt like I was going under anesthesia! My allergist told me she had the same issue and had me cut the tablet in half to take the pediatric dose. That helped a lot, but I still time it for when it makes me tired."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "I tried Xyzal and it wipes me out for a few days. The first two days I could hardly stay awake and slept most of it. The third day I still felt tired and cloudy but didn't nap as much (still a lot). It helped with allergies but I can't be a zombie for days. I tried it a few times and each time was the same. I suggest that you make sure you have a few days that you're not expected to work or drive before you take it the first time so you know how it affects you. Back to Allegra for me."

Xyzal (levocetirizine) "Most allergy medicines have not helped me at all. I decided to try Xyzal. I could tell a difference after the first dose. It doesn't make me tired like Benadryl, so I guess it depends on the person. And since everyone is different, I don't understand why people say not to waste money on this product. Just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean it won't work for others."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antihistamines
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Patient resources

  • Levocetirizine drug information
  • Levocetirizine Tablets
  • Levocetirizine Oral Solution

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Professional resources

  • Levocetirizine monograph
  • Levocetirizine (FDA)
  • Levocetirizine Oral Solution (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Urticaria
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Allergies
  • Food Allergies