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Generic Name: Lialda for Ulcerative Colitis (mesalamine)

Lialda for Ulcerative Colitis Reviews

"My husband died from taking Lialda. He had been taking it for 3 months, and it totally depleted his white blood cells. When he was admitted to the hospital, he was taken to ICU isolation on a Fri. and died Wed. Autopsy confirmed he died from the Lialda!"

"Lialda put me in remission for over 12 years. I never experienced any side effects, until a few months ago when Lialda almost killed me. It gave me pancreatitis. My lipase was at 10,000, the normal is 0 to 90. I am extremely lucky."

"I started taking Lialda in April 2015, 4 tablets a day for my ulcerative colitis. After being sick for many months and in and out of the emergency room I was ready for something that would help me get my life back. I was having diarrhea with blood multiple times a day along with abdominal pain and cramps and down to 106 pounds. Lialda started working almost instantly for me. Within a week I was no longer having any loose stools, blood, and my pain level was down 80%. I had some side effects such as headaches, chills, fatigue, and dizziness; a small price to pay for how much Lialda helped me and saved my life. I was able to slowly decrease my dose to 2 tablets a day, then 1, and now none. I gained weight and started to feel more like myself again. For me personally it was a great experience that was worth any side effects that eventually went away after my body was used to the medication. I would definitely recommend Lialda, maybe it can help you like it helped me."

"I have been taking Lialdia for 8 weeks. I fought getting started on a prescription as I prefer holistic approaches to healing, but there was way too much stress in my life to be able to focus on that. So I finally attempted a medication and am glad I did. It took about 4 weeks of using it daily. I take 4 tablets in am with food. After 3 to 4 weeks the bathroom frequency went from 6 to 8 visits per day to just in the morning. Since then I have gained 5 pounds so am thrilled about that as well. At first the only side effect was sinus related but that went away after a couple of weeks. The only thing I have since noticed is my hair more easily breaks when washing my hair but thinning hair for now sure beats 6 to 8 bathroom visits. It is still a journey to healing but trying to focus on reducing stress has helped a lot as well. I use a calm app and love it."

"I’ve been taking Lialda for 6 years. I started on a very high dose but have reduced it over the years. I do believe it gives me gas, stomach aches, and I often have soft stools and mild cramping. I spoke to my doctor about it and he agrees it is probably the Lialda, but I didn’t want to switch in fear a new drug would not be as effective. I can deal with the side effects I have but I definitely don’t want another flare up. With that said, it works for me but with annoying side effects. Also, the price is ridiculous!!!! For a while I could use coupons but they aren’t available since a generic was introduced. Thank goodness I have insurance, but it’s still high."

"Initially when I started taking Lialda, it worked. However, I ignored the side effects because the medication was working well. I pushed aside all the warnings in my body until my symptoms became severe. I had loss of hair, muscle weakness, fatigue, anxiety, and the final straw was the rash that overcame my body. The doctor did not believe it was due to the Lialda, because I was on it for 4 years, however, I know my body better then the doctor and chose to stop taking it. After 2 weeks I felt like a new person. I am now on Balsalazide Disodium, and for now it seems to be working fine. Listen to your body despite what the doctor says. Ignoring the warnings signs my body was experiencing was ignorance on my part and will never happen again."

"It worked for me initially but then stopped working. I didn't really notice any side effects. Have been on 4 pills daily but will need to be switch to something else. I was getting my medication shipped free to my house through the manufacturer. If you qualify for their program you get approved within 2 days."

"After years of being told I had IBS-D and it was all in my head, I was finally diagnosed as having UC. I was so sick at that point I was considering going on disability. After two weeks of Lialda, I started to improve and soon could live somewhat of a normal life, although with a very restricted diet. A routine blood test 11 months later showed that my kidneys had been damaged by this anti-inflammatory. I got off Lialda immediately but four months later my creatinine level is still too high. I never had any kidney trouble before taking Lialda."

"This is the only mesalamine formulation that prevents my symptoms (with an anti-TNF medication), and since it's taken only in the morning it's much easier to manage. Zero side effects. Very, very expensive. Sign up for the prescription copay card to make it as affordable as the generics. Note that while the active ingredient is available as generic, the delayed-release action of this brand makes all the difference in my experience."

"I have been on several Ulcerative Colitis medicines for the past 10 years. Lialda has been amazing - I feel like a normal person. Asacol worked for me but I could never remember to take it 3 times a day. Lialda was 4 pills (a bit big) once in the morning. Lialda has been my life changer. I heard it is outrageously expensive but with good insurance it is very manageable."

"After taking Lialda for 2 years my hair is very thin. It has not controlled me from going to the bathroom alot. I started noticing besides my hair getting thin, having severe headaches. had to have a blood transfusion and my urine started getting darker and darker. The the straw that broke the camel's back was my tongue and lips swelled and I had hives all over they were so severe that I didn't get any sleep they caused me to have blisters. After 3 trips to the ER they finally found something to help the hives. I haven't eaten a full meal in over a year do to the fact that my mouth and lips were so swore and painful to eat. When all the side affects started piling up I just quit taking it and call my gasteronolist and will see him in 2 weeks"

"I have UC and have switched from Apriso to Lialda this year because of the price, been using it for 7 weeks now and have muscle fatigue and acne, it does seem to be starting to work, having fewer trips to bathroom then when I switched, Every time I eat even a handful of chips have a urge to poop. hope that goes away. Do plan on going back on Apriso next year after building up HSA funds back up."

"I used Liada for approx 1 month after a relapse of my Ulcerative Colitis. My doctor gave me samples of it. It worked very well. I had been on sulfasalazine for many years and was happy to find something else to take since I didn't have to take as many pills with Lialda. That said, after the samples ran out I was given a prescription and when I went to fill it at the pharmacy, I was shocked to see it was going to cost me over $300 for one months supply and that was AFTER my insurance paid more than half of it. I normally have a $5.00 copay so, needless to say, I am back on sulfasalazine and dealing with flareups again. (I got a discount card from Shire so the prescription would only cost me $120 a month but that's still too much)."

"****Helpful information**** Search the web for Lialda coupons to get Lialda for $10 a month! I am a 24 year old that has been diagnosed with ulcerative colitis since age 11. I started on Colazal when I was first diagnosed; but it only continued to keep me in remission for a few years. I was prescribed many of other medications that didn't seem to work for me either. Finally, once I was prescribed Lialda, my health and quality of life improved greatly! Lialda is such a life saver for me! (Although I still have occasional flare-ups, things calm down when suppositories are used in conjunction with Lialda )"

"After 8 weeks on Lialda, it did not clear up the blood, still had abdomen tenderness, and caused me to have diarrhea. I did get a discount card which brought the cost down to $10. If you like this medicine, you should go to their website and see if you can get this card. I got it from my MD."

"Works fairly well on the ulcers, but the side effects are terrible. two days in my knee swelled to twice the normal size and I can't stand on it. Fever and headache constant. ache all over. eyes hurt. Going back to Colazol."

"PT 1: Took Lialda after being diagnosed with UC in 2010 with visible ulcers in the ascending and transverse sections of the colon. I was having severe bleeding with stools, frequent abdominal cramping and gas after meals, frequent diarrhea and BMs with constant urgency. I took it for 3 years and in combination with adjusting diet it cleared the UC symptoms and got me back to normal. I didn't have any severe side effects, it might've made me feel lethargic and overweight at times which is why I wanted to get off it as soon as I felt better. I had remission for 5 years after I stopped taking it. PT 2: Microscopic colitis came back in the lower colon and I’ve had no luck with Lialda (generic and brand versions) or Apriso. Had to go on Prednisone twice for flares and have had constant gas, bloating, constipation and urgency issues for 3 years now. Looking at switching to a biologic pill like Zeposia or Imuran because Xeljanz is now on FDA watch for blood clots."

"I was diagnosed with UC at 18 years old. After a week in the hospital they came up with the final diagnosis and after a few tried meds they landed me on Lialda and it worked great for me for 7-8 years, only experiencing flare ups if I were to drink too much alcohol and lose sleep which was rare but in that case I would need to use prednisone to get back into remission. Healthy diet, sleep, exercise, and Lialda kept me normal! I am 26 now and I feel my body has built up a tolerance, for the past year I have been on a low, going to the restroom more than 5 times a day. Up until now Lialda was perfect. With the Shire card and health insurance it was only $10 a month."

"This caused gas, bloat, cramps and slight nausea I have no idea why this med didn't work. I figured at 76 years old who needed the extra pain and agony Oh I also had diarrhea was not good either never stopped"

"I love Lialda. I live as if I do not have UC (when I exercise the self-control to properly modulate my diet and habits). I am incredibly grateful."

"I have been on this medicine for approximately one and a half weeks and it has improved my colitis immensely so far but I don't think I can continue to use it because of the cost. "

"I have taken Lialda for 3 years and it works very well for me. The company that makes Lialda has a discount card so that the cost is $10.00 per month for me after insurance."

"I have taken Lialda for a month and my symptoms have stopped. I have side effects of leg cramps. My Dr did not know about this site effect. Makes me wonder about him."

"It says not to crush or chew. Then they should make them smaller! They are way too large! Having trouble getting them to go down."

"took Lialda and was fine for 3 months. No bleeding and had normal stool. Then suddenly I had skin rash and acne."

More about Lialda (mesalamine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: 5-aminosalicylates
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Lialda drug information

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Lialda prescribing information
  • Mesalamine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

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Related treatment guides

  • Ulcerative Colitis, Active
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance
  • Ulcerative Proctitis