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Generic Name: Lybalvi (olanzapine-samidorphan)

Lybalvi Reviews

For Bipolar Disorder "Lybalvi has reworked olanzapine into a masterpiece. The buzz is that when sandimorphan is approved as a standalone med, it will treat personality disorders and addictions. For my bipolar 2 disorder, it has shaved off my nervous edge. I like myself more. It offers the mania-busting calm of olanzapine but makes me feel like I belong in this world. My doctor has once again improved my life immeasurably by knowing what to prescribe."

For Bipolar Disorder "I like this medication. I was not sure I wanted to take it because Zyprexa caused serious weight gain. I gained about 13-15 lbs in a month, and that’s my only complaint. My irritability is much better. I have lost my libido, completely disinterested, and that would be why I stop this medication. Samidorphan is related to Naltrexone, by the way, so if you take medication for pain management or enjoy drinking alcohol, you may want to take another medication as it acts like an antagonist to the opioid receptors."

"I've had some constipation and dry mouth, but no other serious side effects so far. I have lost 25 pounds in about 6 months. I have noticed some restlessness and anxiety but my doctor is treating that along with insomnia with a different medication. Lybalvi has been great helping manage my bipolar symptoms since coming off of lithium after being diagnosed with CKD. I am on 20mg/10mg dose and feeling stable."

For Bipolar Disorder "I was on the lowest dose of Lybalvi and was switched to it from Olanzapine, because I was told that Lybalvi had the Olanzapine with the Sanadorphin to combat weight gain. While the Lybalvi did help to stabilize my mood and helped with my motivation, I did feel tired and had trouble waking up. Not only that, but I got to my heaviest weight ever because I always felt hungry. People claim this medication is the best, but I will never forget how its side effects ruined my confidence."

For Bipolar Disorder "I have had a good experience. I still have bipolar symptoms and supplement the Lybalvi with 10 mg of generic olanzapine. It has controlled the mania well. The depression is more difficult to manage. I started taking it in early July of 2022. I had been on Zyprexa for about 10 years and gained a lot of weight. I have lost 110 pounds since I began taking Lybalvi."

For Bipolar Disorder "I've been taking this medication for over 2 months. It helps me sleep, and it controls my suicidal ideations. It has done wonders for my mental health. I am on 20 mg of this drug. I have gained weight from the generic form of Zyprexa. My doctor told me that this drug should not cause any weight gain. I have not lost nor gained any weight since starting this drug. I hope to lose the weight that I gained from the generic form. I am happy with this drug."

"Not good for sleep. I suffered a traumatic brain injury 30 years ago and have a lot of problems with sleep. This drug seems to worsen my insomnia. I'm very active and have a difficult time stopping. I have had no hallucinations and voices in my head have stopped. I really miss sleep. The stopping of hallucinations and voices in my head is why I stay on the medication. If you need to be rested because of your daily activities, I would not recommend."

For Bipolar Disorder "My experience was great at first, it helped to get my mixed episodes under control with very little manic episodes. I loved taking it, but have since stopped due to the fact it raised my blood sugar levels and caused my PCP to believe I had type 2 diabetes. It doesn't run in my family and since I stopped taking it (sadly) my levels have returned to normal. I was on 5/10mg of Lybalvi, but after about 6 months I had to stop it. Kudos to those who can, cause it is very helpful in managing symptoms."

For Bipolar Disorder "I was on Zyprexa for 10 years, and it has given me an amazing life. I can't express my gratitude for this drug enough. Words can't express it. But I gained 50 pounds. I almost didn't care because I have a great life because of it. My psychiatrist got me Lybalvi, and in 2 months I have lost 21 pounds, and I'm still losing. It's amazing. I feel stable and well, just as I did on Zyprexa, except I have more clarity on Lybalvi. It's as if the little bit of fog I had has lifted. When it comes to eating, Lybalvi gives me the power to choose healthy foods because my feeling of hunger is taken away. My dose is 20/10, meaning Zyprexa 20mg and the other drug (the weight loss drug) is the 10."

For Schizophrenia "I'm in the second month of taking the drug. I was on Zyprexa alone for five years. This stuff has a punch. Don't drive cars. Hopefully I can get over the sedation in another couple weeks."

For Schizophrenia "Been on it for 5 months now. Was on Seroquel, but it stopped working. Great medication, it works wonders."

For Bipolar Disorder "Help me focus much better. No more hallucinations. Function and mood every day more calmly. My eating is less than before."

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: psychotherapeutic combinations
  • En español

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  • Lybalvi prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia