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Generic Name: Meloxicam for Fibromyalgia (meloxicam)

Meloxicam for Fibromyalgia Reviews

Mobic (meloxicam) "This is amazing. I have suffered constant and varying levels of pain for over half my life (20 years). I have just started taking Mobic a week ago and am basically pain-free. I can exercise for much longer periods with more intensity and do not suffer any pain."

"I was prescribed Cymbalta for fibromyalgia and it was ineffective and expensive. A friend told me about Meloxicam and now I'm virtually pain-free. I only take it 3 days a week, the night before I go on a morning run. It started working within 2 days. Recently I didn't renew my prescription and the medicine's effect took about a month to wear off."

"I have had fibromyalgia for about four years now. The pain was so bad I couldn't even roll over in bed without hurting or tie my shoes without excruciating pain. I tried Neurontin, Lyrica, and Naproxen, none of which really helped. I was on Cymbalta for a while, and it did help with the aches and pains but gave me such bad diarrhea that I couldn't take it. I have been taking meloxicam now for about a month and cannot believe the difference. I used to not be able to walk a block without having to get someone to take me home. Now I can walk several blocks without the pain. This is a miracle for me, and there are side effects to every medication. The pain being gone is worth it to me."

"First, thank you for all of your shares. I just went on Meloxicam two days ago for fibro and degenerative disc in 5 discs. I've been in extreme pain for the last few months. Had MRI last week. Showed discs, pinched nerves, and the usual ache that goes with fibro. I took my first 15 mg dose, and within about 2 hours, I felt loose, so I did a few stretches, mild, and my girlfriend heard it snap so loud across the room. Since then, it has loosened up my body, and I feel fantastic. I just took my 3rd dose in 3 days, and I cannot believe the relief. I am reading a lot about ulcers, and I would like some candid advice. Can anyone share what their experience has been with different ways to take the Meloxicam to maximize results and minimize risk?"

Mobic (meloxicam) "Mobic changed my life. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 2 years ago. My good doctor was willing to let me try different medicines I had heard about but nothing was helping. I was ready to file for disability, it was so bad. I read about Mobic here at Drugs.com the day of my appointment. We talked about it, and I have gotten my life back. I can walk after sitting. I'm even hiking again. I can actually play with my children and let them sit on my lap instead of having to make them sit beside me. I highly recommend you talk with your doctor about trying Mobic."

"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a few years ago. I have taken several different medicines over the years. I was taking Cymbalta and loved it. But it was killing my liver. So I had to stop! I was given meloxicam and have really liked the way it has helped my pains! I am concerned about my stomach and liver effects, so I don't take meloxicam every day. I take 15mg at a time about 2-3 times a week. This helps me. Hopefully it will help you too."

Mobic (meloxicam) "Mobic has made an incredible difference to my fibromyalgia. This time last year, I could hardly walk and did not really care if I did not wake up the next morning. I was tired of the never-ending pain. Now I go for a walk 4 days a week, and I can move so much better. I can sleep at night as well."

"I've had an amazing experience with Meloxicam. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 2 years ago by a rheumatologist. He told me to go home, hire a maid, quit my job, and buy a hot tub. I did eventually quit my job, but the pain simply got worse. Enter a neurologist who gave me Cymbalta, which for me was a miracle. It took away about 70% of my pain, but I was still suffering. Enter yet another Rheumy, who put me on Meloxicam. It's been amazing and has taken away quite a bit of the leftover pain from Cymbalta. It's not perfect and I'm not sure that ALONE it would do as much for me, but in combination with Cymbalta, it's been phenomenal."

"I'm not so sure my condition was fibromyalgia, but it probably was. I was in excruciating pain in my muscles and tendon-joints for weeks. Ibuprofen, aspirin, or paracetamol did absolutely nothing. Codeine helped, but I am allergic to it. I was put on meloxicam by my doctor, and within a day the pain faded. Now I take two 7.5mg tablets a day, and I am absolutely pain-free, not even a minor ache anywhere. Meloxicam is a wonder drug for aches and pains, both minor and severe."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I have been on Mobic since 2000. I have asked about new medications (which we now have 2 new ones that came out in 2009) but the side effects are a real concern for me. I have not had a good experience with Mobic. It does get me through the day, but my pain increases every month. I am at the point now that it is really affecting my personal life with my husband, and he really does not understand the extent of the pain. I need a drug without harmful side effects. I want to protect my liver as much as possible. Please come up with a drug for fibromyalgia. I would hate to know that I have to live on pain pills the rest of my life."

"I have tried every single medication for my fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. My rheumatologist gave me meloxicam for non-specific joint swelling, and it actually was more beneficial for my fibromyalgia. Within 5 days, I stopped having morning stiffness, and my generalized muscle pain is almost completely gone! I am amazed and now have a much more optimistic outlook on living!"

"I have been on medication for lupus for 5 years - my regular MD prescribed meloxicam for me also and I can’t believe how much less pain I have been in . It has helped me so much however that being said my 85-year-old mother is on dialysis so I’m hoping it won’t affect my kidneys .But for right now it has really changed my life"

"It works quite well for me. I started on Naproxen and it didn't do anything but with Mobic you can't take anything else... So be very cautious on pain meds... It's only Mobic only for pain... Nothing else no Tylenol with it or asprin anything. Consult with a physician on other meds when mixing meds as well."

Mobic (meloxicam) "I've had fibromyalgia for over 8 years, and my doctor put me on Mobic 8 months ago, and it worked great. However, I am not sure if it is no longer working or if my myalgia is getting worse because I have had to change my medication recently. It works great for inflammation, but it doesn't work alone to help fight all the symptoms."

"Mobic has helped with my Fibromyalgia pain, but, one side affect is swelling, and my feet and legs stay swollen no matter how much water I drink. My orthopedic Dr prescribed it for my hip pain, he said stop taking it because of the swelling, boo! hoo! It really made a difference in my pain level!"

"Have been using this for about 3 months intermittently for fibro. It definitely helps that which is brilliant. The downside is I have just been released from hospital after 5 days of profuse bleeding. Ulcers??? I wasn't aware I had any. I urge caution with this medication"

"Three years ago, I started with fibro pain all over my body and could not move at all. I tried Celebrex, and it gave me a bad skin rash and did not take the pain away. Mobic, a miracle drug for me. I changed my life."

"I like the fact it helps with the pain but it knocks me off!!!! I get so sleepy I can barely talk if I take during the day I can’t get my head up can’t drive or do anything I feel high really impaired like when you get prepared for a surgery"

"I was just diagnosed with lupus three years ago. Come to find out it was actually fibromyalgia. I am taking cymbalta, xanax, and meloxicam. I feel a huge different with the cymbalta. My nerve pains immediately went away. But if you go a day without it the withdrawals are horrid. Meloxicam helps to an extent. I feel a slight difference in my joint pains but I still feel so bad I cannot walk. I would love to see stronger pains medications with less addicting properties."

Mobic (meloxicam) "It worked okay for my back pains, but during the time that I first started taking it I got a really bad sore throat and if it wasn%u2019t for Mobic, I would not have been able to get out of bed. My throat felt so bad that I could hardly talk or eat and drink, but after taking the Mobic, it took the pain away for about 3 to 4 hours before I had to take another. Therefore, if you have a bad sore throat or any inflammatory conditions try Mobic to see if it helps."

"I’m 22 years old and I was in two car accidents this past year. I found out I had dextroscoliosis at 19. And like all of the doctors out there, they don’t think I’m in any sort of pain and that I’m exaggerating because of my age. I’m so fed up; like if I wasn’t in pain why would I go to a physical therapy appointment. I don’t really see a huge effect with Baclofen. Naproxen some. I took Mobic at night and it gave me relief but it faded away by 3pm the next day. However, my doctor only prescribed me 14 pills with no refills. I’ll have to wait a bit. I think I have fibromyalgia, but I don’t think I’ll find out for real any time soon. I’m hypersensitive to touch, I get random pains in my knees, legs, and hands. Ive tried acupuncture but the drive up there stresses me out and only one person knows English."

"I have fibromyalgia. Meloxicam together with Naproxen, the only medicines that gave me considerable relief; although as expected, it is still not enough for fibromyalgia in particular. However, it is surprisingly good for a NSAID."

"I have both Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis. Meloxicam was prescribed for both. I am certainly better on meloxicam than off. I am unsure if it's due to RA or fibro... but I really don't care as long as I'm better!!!"

"I’ve been suffering from fibromyalgia. It’s all stemmed from a car accident before all this I had a normal athletic life. Now I can not sit long periods at work with out something tingling or becoming painful. I’ve got a tear in my lower L4-5 in spine and upper C4-5 have issues. I was ignored for two years. I put up with pain thinking it was in my head because that’s what everyone told me doctors as well. I saw a Med-Point24 dr he gave me Diclofenac 75 mg that helped however due to my IBS and chronic migraines I could not take this it constipated me. A new doctor I saw last week has prescribed Mobic. I’m still waiting for script to be called in. Doctor also put me on Linzess for IBS. Started the 72 mg one tablet. In less than an hours I could not stop going to the bathroom. FDA HAD WARNED ABOUT THIS DRUG please read about before taking. Needless to say I have back to her office the samples. Thank you."

"For me, Fybromyalgia symptoms are ON and OFF. The pain started in March for my right shoulder. Tried PT but didn't help. I was prescribed Meloxicam. I used Meloxicam for 5 days then I had sudden sensation in the sleep that I was spinning. It occurred 4 times. Along with the spinning sensation, I also had nausea, foot pain, passing gas with bad smell, and dizziness. I stopped Meloxicam medication, after 3 days I still have the dizziness. Doctor has mentioned the symptoms could be BPPV. Not sure, Meloxicam triggered the BPPV."

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  • Reviews (593)
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  • Latest FDA alerts (5)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Meloxicam drug information
  • Meloxicam (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Meloxicam Orally-Disintegrating Tablets
  • Meloxicam Capsules
  • Meloxicam Suspension
  • Meloxicam Tablets

Other brands

Mobic, Vivlodex, Anjeso, Qmiiz ODT

Professional resources

  • Meloxicam monograph
  • Meloxicam (FDA)
  • Meloxicam Capsules (FDA)
  • Meloxicam Oral Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

Mobic, Vivlodex, Anjeso, Qmiiz ODT

Related treatment guides

  • Inflammatory Conditions
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis