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Generic Name: Methadone for Chronic Pain (methadone)

Methadone for Chronic Pain Reviews

Dolophine (methadone) "I’ve been on the medication Dolophine for 18-20 years now. My dosage is 20mg twice a day. While taking the methadone, I’m able to function normally and walk without much pain from severe nerve damage. Now my health care provider and numerous other pain management clinics are refusing to dispense it anymore! They keep informing me that my regular dose is “way too high” and dangerous to prescribe anymore! It’s interesting how those same physicians and health care providers didn’t mind handing it out for all that time! Now they want me off of it with no “reasonable” alternatives!"

"I spent years on pain meds and found myself always in the same cycle. After a while, I would need a dose increase because it wasn't working anymore. I have 5 small children, 3 of which are 12-month triplets that my husband and I conceived naturally and completely unexpectedly. I couldn't drive the kids to their school or go to the grocery store without constant fear that if I were ever in an accident while on the pain meds, I would never forgive myself and be in a lot of legal trouble. I switched to methadone for pain almost 3 years ago. You never need a dose increase, and you can drive on it. I find that taking my methadone in the morning and not having to worry about anything else for pain all day is really amazing considering I have my hands full."

"I'm 61 years old. Nam veteran who was injured in combat. I'm a pro musician who has released 12 LPs and had to stop touring when I had a motorcycle accident 16 years ago, breaking my neck and back in several places. Since then, I've also had 2 heart attacks and 23 heart surgeries. I had two major surgeries, but both failed. I was miserable and couldn't strap on my guitar, so my career was over. I've been on disability for 16 years. Luckily, music was good to me, so money is no worry. I had many doctors who tried to make me a customer vs a patient. The key to all pain management is to make life tolerable! I left those doctors and got one who knew his craft. I take 10 mg of methadone and have 15 mg of MSIR for breakthrough. I'm never pain-free, but I can play again. Don't dig a hole you can't get out of!"

Methadone Diskets (methadone) "Ok, I was dependent on pain pills and other illegal narcotics. The other pain pills were working pretty good, to be honest, but they caused euphoria, and when it causes euphoria, you chase that euphoria, and I would run out of my script WAY too early and had to go out in the streets for more pain pills or other illegal narcotics. I discussed this with my doctor, he put me on 40mg of methadone, 2x a day, and I finally got my life back on track. You feel good every day on methadone, without raising your dose, like other pain pills. I can honestly say, methadone definitely saved my life. Thank you Methadone for saving me, my family, and my faith. Methadone is definitely a lifesaver!"

"I have several conditions that cause me to take pain meds. In 1999, the doctors didn't have a problem prescribing OxyContin. When one doctor put me on 80 mg a day, I said no more. I went to another clinic and asked if I could try methadone. I started with 20 mg three times a day. The new doctor now says he has to wean me down to 30 mg a day, but if it takes a year, he said he'll do it slowly. Cutting you off cold turkey can cause a lawsuit if you die. I don't think three times a day will help my pain. If not, I will come off it. But it is the best for pain, for me. I refuse to go back to any other drug. So, yes, the only way to fight back is to write, call, and get your voice heard. We are being ignored for our pain. I have notified everyone but the CDC, they are next! Go to your capital, make noise, or we are not going to have any pain management, period! Thank you."

"I decided to go into pain management because my pain was to the point that I couldn't even go to the grocery store anymore. Walking was too painful. After about 3 years of OxyContin, my doctor put me on methadone. The initial reason was because of the high cost of OxyContin. Methadone was MUCH cheaper and as I soon found out, MUCH better. I began to feel normal again. No more highs and lows. It is very difficult to get off of. Because of government regulation changes, I had to experience that. I'm now on 240 mg of morphine a day plus oxycodone. It doesn't compare to methadone. If the government had to live with the pain a lot of us are in, they would gladly approve methadone and encourage doctors to do what they went to medical school for."

"Excellent! I have used high dose methadone for severe chronic pain treatment. I love the relief level after long-term use. Maintaining unimpaired cognitive function (no 'high'), no compromised respiratory function, no compromise of GI tract (nausea, constipation), no withdrawal effects, even with sudden total stoppage of the med. I have used for ten (10) years after three (3) on high dose sustained-release oxycodone (OxyContin). I suffered severe multi-traumatic injuries from an explosion and four-story fall in 1999 after nineteen (19) years as a professional Firefighter/Paramedic and have experienced severe chronic pain since regaining consciousness. Methadone should be the front line go-to medicine for more patients by physicians."

"I've been fighting the pain management battle for about 6 years now, and I can finally say that I might have finally won. Just really don't understand why doctors waste people's time with anything else for actual chronic pain. Methadone is a godsend! If anyone is reading this and is in pain, do yourself and your family a favor and find a doctor that will prescribe this for you."

"10 years ago I went into septic shock after a minor procedure on my knee. The infection was so bad and traveled up and down my leg that a very extensive debridement was done. My leg was saved, however, I was left with horrible neurological pain, bone pain, and muscle pain. After 2 years of Percocet (3-10 mg/day) which did nothing except to leave me on my bed watching the clock till I could take the next one. Finally, my Dr. convinced me to give long-lasting methadone a chance. It saved my life. I was on 60-70 mg a day. Over the past 8 years, I have titrated back to 10 mg per day which has been way too much. I need 20-30 mg a day to be at a comfortable level of pain. For me, methadone is the best pain relief without feeling drugged at all."

Methadone Diskets (methadone) "Methadone is a lifesaver. It gives me that freedom to get through the day with the pain that I have. It is better than any other pain killer out there, hands down. I don't have to worry about needing more or cravings like other painkillers."

"I have been in pain management for 9 years. My oral morphine was 60 mg 3 times daily and had become insufficient. I was switched to methadone 30 mg daily. It is a wonderful analgesic and I don’t seem to need more of it over time. Not becoming tolerant to the analgesic effect seems to be unique to this class of analgesics, and that is a godsend to those of us that need chronic pain control. Also, it is inexpensive - who knew! Grateful!"

"I spent over a year begging doctor after doctor for help with my abdominal pain and was dismissed by all of them. I was told that I was in perfect health 2 weeks before I was rushed to the ER for emergency surgery. After 70% of my stomach was removed, the recovery/nursing home I was sent to ignored the amount of pain I was in and kept refusing to give me the little medication I was supposed to be on when I asked, even though they were due. I spent the next 6 months begging for help with the constant pain I was still in until I found the best Pain Management doctor. He wanted to put me on methadone, and although I was very skeptical because I thought it was just a drug given to drug addicts, I listened and agreed to try it out. I'm very elated that I did because I finally found some relief from the pain."

"This is a great medication for chronic pain, but please give it time to work. The first couple of weeks, it gave me insane headaches and mild nausea, forcing my pain management doctor to give me Fioricet for the headaches. However, after about a full month on methadone, the headaches subsided with using the Fioricet, and the pain relief is amazing. I was using OxyContin 30mg twice a day and Oxycodone IR 20mg three times a day as needed for breakthrough pain. When I began seeing my new pain doctor (insurance purposes), she really pushed the methadone on me hard, so I gave in. Huge difference!!! She wrote me Methadone 10mg every 6 hours as needed, and it lasts longer than the Oxy, which only lasted 3-4 hours at most, but be careful, the methadone is WAY stronger."

Dolophine (methadone) "I have several back and spine problems. I was in a car accident 34 years ago and was not expected to survive. The older I get, the worse the pain and more surgeries are needed. I've been on about every pain medication. After taking one for a while, they stop working. I've now been taking methadone for 15 years, and it still works. Of course, I still deal with pain, but methadone helps better than any other medication I have taken. It truly gives me my life back. I'm still taking it today and don't know how I'd survive without it."

"After spending 6 years in the army and a misdiagnosis of Crohn's disease, I had reached the point of being ready to quit. I thought that I had permanently ruined my body and that something was wrong with me, and I had to have pain medication just to live. I was eventually diagnosed with fibro, degenerative joint disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, PTSD, and a couple of other things. I had enough and went to the local methadone clinic and told this long story about what a junkie I was and how I couldn't go two hours without doing drugs! They fell for it and started dosing me, and I haven't felt this great in years!!! I have my life back! I'm currently off all medications, only taking methadone, vitamin D, and B12, and my mental health is better as well!"

Methadose (methadone) "I've taken Methadone for 20 months now for chronic pain due to fibromyalgia, neuralgia, back and neck pain, and migraines. This has helped me incredibly well. I've been able to function and gain my life back again! The only drawback is some weight gain...not a lot though...about 15 pounds over the time span, which is not a bad trade-off for crippling chronic pain. Although there is a stigma connected to methadone users, it's worth it to finally be nearly pain-free and be living again!"

"I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 20. I stopped school and went through many years of chemotherapy. For bone and nerve pain, I found methadone to be the best drug for daily use. It does help particularly with nerve pain. However, since its long half-life and milder symptoms compared to other opiates, it was easy for me to develop the drug into a daily routine. Eight years later, I am still taking methadone three times a day every day. Not so much for pain, but because of the horrible withdrawals (which can last for months) I experience if I miss a dose. I am now trapped in an addiction I never wanted. Before considering methadone for long-term use, please research methadone addiction. It's considered by many to be one of the hardest drugs to kick."

"Saved my life, and when I comment on this page, I'm commenting to people I assume are not self-medicating and not illegally using any drugs, but yes, a doctor put me on this medicine and it changed my life. I became a self-sufficient mother and wife again. I wanted to live again. No more thoughts of suicide because pain controlled my every step. I had tried mild to very strong medications, chiropractors, acupuncture, herbal, dietary, OTC medications, everything. Now 80 mg a day changed my life. My doctor moved and the new doctor will not prescribe it anymore. I've got a few to make it, I'm trying with all my might to find a physician. I'm scared, I'm real scared, I can't go back to the pain, it hurt too bad."

"I've been on Methadone for 5 years due to chronic pain from diffuse scleroderma and acute myositis. I tried every possible OTC med, narcotics (including high doses of morphine and fentanyl), Neurontin, Lyrica, physical therapy and nerve blocks. Nothing helped and I barely functioned... could barely walk to the bathroom and thought suicide was my only option for relief. Fortunately, a new pain doctor recommended Methadone. Titrated up to 20mg 3 times a day with wonderful results along with oxycodone 30mg 3-4 times a day for breakthrough pain. I was able to walk 3 miles each day, no sedation or side effects. A new doctor tried to wean me off both with horrible pain returning... changed docs and back to previous doses. A Godsend drug!!"

"I became very addicted to opiates from chronic pain. I was taking about 10 30mg oxycodone in a day. Trust me when I say that methadone has saved my life and my pocket. I will NEVER go back to that life. Methadone keeps me pain-free every day, all day. It's the best by far. Hope your experience is as good for you as for me and many others."

"I was recently switched from 50 mcg of the Fentanyl patch (changed every 72 hours) to Methadone 10mg tablets 3 times daily for chronic pain. I was allowed to keep my Percocet, 10/325 up to 5 a day, for breakthrough. I did not want to switch off the Fentanyl patches, but I was told that even if it worked and provided no side effects, the CDC said that I don't have cancer. So I could take 50 micrograms of Fentanyl with no breakthrough meds or I could switch to Methadone. I have tried over 100 medications of all kinds and Fentanyl was the first to allow a life worth living. So far, the Methadone has been amazing! The downsides are: extreme constipation, some wheezing, and some Thanksgiving weight. I follow up in 2 days. Keep your fingers crossed."

"Over half of my life has been spent in chronic pain. I had 2 disks fused and a pinched nerve fixed 20 years ago. I've had a pain pump and been put on everything you can imagine. I can promise you guys something, nothing is as good as methadone to help pain, in my opinion. I've been on it for 16 years now. It is hard to get used to though. You will get very drowsy in the beginning. I can tell you it's hard to have a bowel movement in the bathroom also. I would recommend stool softeners if you take methadone for that. I got caught in between doctors once and the withdrawal is hellish, no joking on that. I've seen heroin addicts say it was worse. I thank God and my doctor I get to take my Lyrica and methadone for my pain."

"Due to a broken back & spinal fusion at age 14, I've developed arthritis, deg. disc disease & spinal stenosis. The intense pain started in my 20s & I was on all sorts of narcotics. I became addicted physically & mentally and eventually the Dr. stopped giving me meds, which brought me to seeking out street drugs. After many detoxes & going home in terrible, debilitating pain, I got onto Methadone. This med has helped tremendously with my pain so I could actually function & work, as well as refrain from any other narcotics. My back has worsened over the years & I now have Lupus as well. I take 35mg morning & night, which has been giving me lasting pain relief all these years & I haven't had to increase my dose."

"I was offered 20mg/day of this medication at pain management but was afraid to try it. I had gotten a hold of a few and tried one 10mg pill for extreme fibromyalgia pain because I ran 3 days short on my normal pain meds. 12 hours later and I am still pain free. I'd rather use this once a day than oxycodone 3-4x a day. Mind you, I did extensive research before using the medication. I like the fact that I have been pain free all day without feeling loopy or high. No cravings or discomfort from withdrawing from other pain meds. Would definitely recommend this for anyone with chronic pain or if you just want to detox comfortably."

"I have had 4 spine surgeries from degenerative discs and have fibromyalgia. I have had chronic pain for 20 years. I went through ALL pain meds. Methadone got me to a place I could function and live my life! Without throwing up all the time! I recently was able to slowly decrease the amount because I had gotten so high on the amount. The only downfall, when you have been on it as long as me, is you have to keep upping the amount. I also take Neurontin and that helps so much too! I take many vitamins, started exercising, and lost weight, so I could lower the amount of Methadone. It makes my life bearable. My doctor let me go as slow as I wanted, and over a year I decreased the amount from 200mgs to 80mgs. For severe pain, a must-have!"

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  • Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
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  • En español

Patient resources

  • Methadone drug information

Other brands

Dolophine, Methadose, Methadone Diskets

Professional resources

  • Methadone Hydrochloride monograph
  • Methadone (FDA)
  • Methadone Injection (FDA)
  • Methadone Oral Concentrate (FDA)
  • Methadone Powder (FDA)
  • Methadone Solution (FDA)

Other brands

Dolophine, Methadose

Related treatment guides

  • Opiate Withdrawal
  • Chronic Pain
  • Pain