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Generic Name: Mucinex D (guaifenesin-pseudoephedrine)

Mucinex D Reviews

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Took 1 Mucinex DM around 6 PM. My experience is like many here. It worked great on my congestion, but it is midnight and I am wide awake. I found this site searching for 'Does Mucinex DM keep you awake?' Yup, it does."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I read the reviews on Mucinex and was a little concerned, but I was also desperate. For 2 months, I had a thick postnasal drip that would cause me to constantly cough, especially at night. I had to sleep sitting up in my chair in the living room. I was wheezing, had a runny nose, and was coughing up tons of mucus or clearing my throat from it. I took one tablet at 8 a.m. and another tablet at 8 p.m. OMG, I can clearly breathe with no wheezing, congestion, or mucus getting in my way. I slept through the night, and when I woke up, my nasal passages and throat were clear."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I'm a 37 year old male. I've taken Mucinex D at some point each winter for the last few years; typically to help with a lingering cough/mucus after a nasty head cold. Taken as directed it works well for me, though I do get some of the racing heart/anxious feeling others have reported it does not keep me awake at night. One surprising side effect, is that every time I am on this medicine I become like a porn-star. I can make love to my wife for a solid 45 minutes to an hour before ejaculating. I don't know what particular ingredient in this medicine would cause that, but I've experienced it a handful of times."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I have been laying here all night after taking Mucinex D. My brain won’t shut down. I am wide awake. Mucinex D does help with nasal congestion. I do not have the jitters or the racing heart. After reading the other reviews, I know now why I can’t sleep. UGH!"

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I have bronchitis, was coughing nonstop with chest congestion. I bought a package of Mucinex DM; I took one tablet around 10 PM, fell asleep at midnight, woke up at 2 AM jittery, still completely wide awake at 6 AM. Good news is I can breathe clearly. I haven't coughed in 8 hours; it works, that's why I give it a 9. But this stuff is really powerful; I might be awake another 24 hours."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "It's 2:30 AM and I'm wide awake! At the suggestion of my doctor, she said to take Mucinex D ... BIG MISTAKE! I'm definitely breathing perfectly, but I'm jittery and unable to sleep! Mucinex D in the morning, Sinex at night!"

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I took two pills at 3:00 PM, I fell asleep around 10:30 PM and woke up wide awake at 1:00 AM! I'm still sneezing and coughing, but I'm feeling better than I was before, so it works. But now I'm wide awake and can't fall back asleep, and I feel funny, like my heartbeat is slower. I sure hope this feeling passes!"

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Can't help but laugh reading everyone's responses here. Yes, I guess the Mucinex helped my congestion maybe 20% more than if I hadn't taken it. BUT I'm wide awake as my mind is racing like I'm on crack. Paranoid. Can't sleep a wink. Never done crack, but if I had to guess, side effects would be similar. Bummer. Just another confirmation that all natural and a few days longer is better than watching the sun come up while random paranoid thoughts race through the brain. Wish I read the fine print before I started dosing."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "This medicine works great. I took two pills every twelve hours, and my congestion and pressure were gone within two days. HOWEVER, DO NOT TAKE THIS AT NIGHT. I am talking little to no sleep... tossing and turning, waking up every 30 minutes, etc. So just take two pills in the morning, and it will be all good!"

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I've been plugged up literally for years and had found no relief until now. I had tried everything from frequently rinsing my sinuses with a neti pot system to prescriptions such as Nasonex, warm/moist heating pads, other over-the-counter medicines, etc. At this moment, I feel pretty great. I took my first Mucinex D tab yesterday late afternoon and my second one this morning. My nose feels completely clear, the pressure behind my eyes is gone, my head feels normal for once... even my ears feel less plugged and are not clicking and popping nearly as much as usual. I'm surprised I have not had the insomnia and jitters that it seems most others have experienced. No unpleasant side effects so far. I highly recommend this! The relief is worth the $$."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Took one pill before bed (about 8 pm) and was up, literally all night. Fell asleep the next morning at 9 am. The pill worked great on my sinuses, but I should have taken it in the morning. The packaging does not detail this side effect very well."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Whenever I use the 12-hour tabs, it helps almost immediately in satiating my urge to cough and/or does a good job of loosening whatever junk is in my chest. Grateful for that. However, it is now 1:46 AM -- been eyes wide awake since 12 midnight. I took 1 pill around 3 PM, fell asleep nicely by 9 PM, but BOOM - now jittery and think I'm going crazy, wondering why I can't fall back asleep. Praying. I will not take this anymore, or will only try to take a.m. dose & skip the p.m. dose. Glad the mucus is lessening, but so not glad about missing sleep."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I have suffered from allergic rhinitis all my life: dry, swollen sinus; sinus pressure; headaches; blurry vision; dizziness; lethargy; all sorts of cognitive problems because of the lack of oxygen to my body and brain due to thickened mucus in my respiratory system; not to mention frequent bacterial infections due to accumulated mucus secretions. I had tried every other medicine under the sun. Mucinex has taken all that away, and my quality of life has improved 150%. I strongly recommend Mucinex for those with sinus problems due to allergic rhinitis, or anyone who suffers from sinus or any sort of respiratory congestion."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I took mucinex d before bed because by sinuses were congested and I could feel mucus in my lungs making it hard to breathe. Shortly after taking the medication everything loosened up, my nose ran but I could breathe. Unfortunately it's now 6am and I haven't slept a wink and have had a rapid heart rate and anxiety. I have a headache and am too jittery to sleep. I did feel slight nauseous after I took the pill and very dry mouth now."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I'm having a very severe nasal congestion from a cold. My normal DayQuil/NyQuil were not helping at all. Tried Sudafed, also did not help. Went to chemist in search of powerful medication and got the highest dosage of Mucinex D at the pharmacist's recommendation. Was warned about possible insomnia so I took 1 pill at 5pm thinking it's still more than 5 hours to bed time and I should be fine. Well, the congestion was gone. But I was up for the next 28 hours straight. The congestion returned after about 15 hours which makes me think the medicines effect must have worn off and I can take a nap. But no. After being up for 28 hours I decided that if I'm not getting any rest I may never get over my cold so I took a sleeping pill."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I took this medicine (2 pills) at 9 PM. I went up to bed at 10:30 and was not able to sleep all night. I tossed and turned, felt wide awake, and I am now at work. It did clear my sinuses and my severe headache is gone. It also made me feel jittery or like I am experiencing anxiety. I am definitely only going to take this first thing in the morning."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Started taking this a week ago because of terrible congestion in my head and chest along with RX Tessalon Perles. I'd taken something years before with the same ingredients as Mucinex that helped immensely and thought that the money was worth it. I've been on it a week, every twelve hours, and haven't been able to sleep more than five hours a night (about 4am after taking it at midnight until 9 am.) I still have terrible congestion with heavy thick mucus. Just finally realized about thirty minutes ago that the Mucinex is the only change. I can't rest AND with the added jitters and insomnia I feel worse than before. I wish I hadn't taken it to begin with."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis and/or COPD. When I get a cold it usually goes straight to my chest and I end up coughing for days, Liquid Mucinex is the only thing that kept the cold out of my chest! "

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Calmed that annoying every 30 second cough buttttttt I barely slept a wink! I'm really happy to have relief from the cough so I can't complain to much. No jitters or anxiety - but I'm up at 5 am googling 'does mucinex DM keep u awake" lol it does absolutely keep you up it is the pseudoephedrine ingredient . I wouldn’t recommend the nightly dosage if you want to to sleep at all just in the morning. Had a quite a few hot flashes as well. Kept wanting to turn the airconditioner down lower than ever?"

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I was getting really sick but had to travel for work. My lungs hurt so badly I thought I was going to land myself in the ER. I got off a flight and grabbed some Mucinex at the airport and got to my hotel. I was having such a hard time breathing and was coughing so badly I hadn't slept in nights. I took the mucinex and slept all night long and woke up and got stuff out of my lungs and felt SO much better."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I have to say, I wish I had read this blog beforehand. I took a Mucinex D at 7 PM last night, and it's 9:30 AM. I haven't really gone to sleep. I tried to fall asleep around 11 PM, and after 2 1/2 hours of tossing and turning and CRAZY dreams where I wasn't really asleep but wasn't completely awake either, I got up and watched some TV to get my mind to settle down. Needless to say, I was never tired after that, so I've been up since. I noticed several people saying that you should only take one pill. The back of my box says to take 2 pills every 12 hours, so I'm assuming there are two different types. Just beware... not only did it give me insomnia, but the dreams were seriously weird."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Twice this year, I have had a cold and used this product. Both times, I took the two pills. It cleared my head, but it left me feeling restless, and I suffered from insomnia. I will try 1 pill the next time to see how I react. Maybe 2 pills are too much medicine for me."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "I have not slept in 2 nights. It's 4 am and I'm wide awake. I'm so glad I found this website because I thought there might me something wrong with me. Would have never thought Mucinex was the culprit! Although it has definitely cleared up all my congestion. "

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Avoid. I feel like I am on speed. In fact, I told this to my husband the night before, when I couldn't sleep. 9am, & I am on currently on night 3 of sleeplessness, as I only now thought to look up side effects. I am livid. Who on Earth would want to be unable to sleep when sick?!? I'm mad my husband didn't buy the medicine I requested! He actually told the pharmacist my symptoms, and this is what was recommended. It hasn't done ANYTHING except kept me awake for 3 days. I've been congested with terrible sinus headaches. This medication hasn't touched it... As a result, I still have this sinus congestion with terrible pressure headaches, only now I also feel extremely anxious, ALERT, and my eyeballs feel as though they're going to shrivel up."

For Cough and Nasal Congestion "Definitely helped relieve my sinus pressure and loosen up mucous. I did feel nauseous after taking mucinex D. It's 2:18am and I'm still up so I decided to google insomnia and mucinex D.. And here I am. At least my congestion improved."

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  • Drug class: upper respiratory combinations
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  • Mucinex

Related treatment guides

  • Cough and Nasal Congestion