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Generic Name: Mycolog II (nystatin-triamcinolone-topical)

Mycolog II Reviews

For Cutaneous Candidiasis "My orthodontist prescribed this to me because of cracks in the corners of my mouth that developed while having braces. It’s a miracle cream. I dab a bit on the cracks before bed then it’s practically all gone in the morning. I use it one more night and I’m good to go. That was almost 40 yrs ago. Unfortunately the fungus still comes back a few times a year."

For Cutaneous Candidiasis "I have used this medicine in cream form and have excellent results."

For Cutaneous Candidiasis "I am a Nurse Practitioner. I prescribe this all the time for chronic cracking in the corners of the lips. Works great!!"

More about Mycolog II (nystatin / triamcinolone topical)

  • Check interactions
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  • Reviews (3)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical steroids with anti-infectives

Patient resources

  • Mycolog-II advanced reading

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Professional resources

  • Mycolog-II prescribing information
  • Mycolog-II Cream (FDA)

Related treatment guides

  • Cutaneous Candidiasis