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Generic Name: Omeprazole for Stomach Ulcer (omeprazole)

Omeprazole for Stomach Ulcer Reviews

"I was prescribed 20 mg of omeprazole for what I was diagnosed with last week as stomach ulcers. Within 4 hours, I had searing back pain. I’m talking labor pains strong. I thought my kidneys were having a bad reaction, so I drank and drank and drank water as much as possible. Another 4 hours later, it was 50% better, but then the panic and anxiety attacks set in. I thought I was crazy until I started doing research. If something seems odd, look up the side effects, as there are MANY!"

"Was on prilosec for two months. I started having gas and rumbling intestines. I quit cold turkey. Didn't realize that would cause horrible withdrawal. It caused lack of appetite, (6 months out I'm still not back to normal, and just now gaining a little bit of my weight back) insomnia, anxiety attacks, high BP, nausea, etc. Too much to list. Truly bad for me! I'm sorry I ever took it! I've lost work, sleep, and just enjoying life because of that pill. Please be careful! Wish I could turn back time."

"I was prescribed Omeprazole following treatment for a stomach ulcer, worked like a charm almost instantly with no more stomach pain, acid reflux and indigestion, fantastic ! I thought, however, as time as gone on (9 months) I feel absolutely rubbish!! My head feels "dead" with feelings of dizziness, I get tingling sensations in my arms and legs, very lethargic, every bone in my body seems to ache, bloated stomach, nausea and I am in an almost constant state of anxiety with mild bouts of depression and panic attacks, wish I had never taken it and waiting to speak to my doctor to come off it. It was great for my stomach at the time but the longer I have used it, the worse my well being has been."

"After 2 months of using this drug, I had symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, confusion, and loss of appetite, and I felt that I was not alone at all, along with depression, severe anxiety, and muscle spasms. This drug is awful and its side effects can last for months, even months, even after quitting. Avoid it if you can. It ruined my life"

"I was prescribed omeprazole in the past and it worked wonders. However, this time I have no end of bad side effects. I was having panic attacks for no reason at all I was having night sweats, extremely dry mouth, no appetite what so ever and lost 16 pounds in 11 days. I also had a constant headache along side with dizziness and couldn't even drink sips of water. I decided to stop taking the medication and three days off it now I haven't had any of these symptoms and I am starting to eat small amounts and feeling a lot better but not yet 100%."

"STAY WELL CLEAR OF THIS MEDICINE AS ITS NOT FOR ALL!!! I was only on omeprazole for 5 days and I was sweating at nights spaced out all day very dizzy! Can feel my heart beating! I thought there was something up with me but I now know it was the omeprazole. See your doctor if you have bad side effects to discuss other treatments."

"I’ve been on this medication one week and yesterday I woke up and I felt tired and run down, but I had been traveling so I let it go. As the day went on I started to have severe pain in my arms, legs, and hips. This morning I was in so much pain I could hardly walk and no energy whatsoever. I was ready to go tomorrow morning to be flu tested but I honestly believe it is this medicine!!! No more of this stuff for me!!!!"

"Well, after months of problems swallowing, up in the night I went to my GP, who prescribed 20mg Omeprazole and hey presto day 1 cured. On a month trial, but after a week just good as new, no side effects. Brilliant."

Prilosec (omeprazole) "I was told to take this after what turns out to only have been a nasty stomach virus. Hospital thought it was ulcer. By day four of a 14 day course, I developed severe gum pain and it hurt to chew, I had a horrible taste in my mouth that wouldn't go away, throat gurgles that kept me awake, and shoulder pain. A quick internet search prompted me to quit this drug."

"Gluten Contamination! Not safe for those with celiac disease! It should carry a warning! Zydus gave me the brush off when I called to speak with them. I knew I was having a gluten reaction, and starting this medication was the only change I made. Typically, they don't understand about how little gluten cross-contamination it takes for a celiac to have a reaction. On my own I found a 2014 Beyond Celiac study funded by the FDA showing that it causes gluten reactions in people with celiac. This site won't let me post the link, but just search Omeprazole gluten reaction. I found Walgreen's brand Lansoprazole, an OTC PPI that was gluten free and my doctor approved the switch. Finally the gluten reaction symptoms are easing. Don't take Zydus Omeprazole if you can't tolerate gluten!"

"I started taking 20mg omeprazole every morning after my Doctor suspected a stomach ulcer from aspirin overuse. I managed to take them for one week before being told to stop taking them. I had diarrhoea all week, painful bloating, feeling really easily full but extremely hungry at the same time. Burping A LOT, and it’s not listed as a side effect but I had really bad weakness and tiredness all the time. Since stopping this med, I have been looking up all about omeprazole online and this drug doesn’t seem good! Especially for long term use. I’m so glad I’m coming off of this and I hope my stomach starts to feel a little more normal in the coming days"

"Taking Omeprazole immediately gave me both acute and general stomach pain. Aside from the pain, it destroyed my healthy gut biome, and made me incapable of digesting fiber, especially insoluble fiber without pain. If I ate a salad, my next bowel movement was nearly completely undigested fiber. It took me months of eating probiotic foods to recover my gut health, after I took myself off Omeprazole. The goal of Omeprazole is to lower to stomach acid. There are probably a dozen simply, safe, holistic ways to do this, such as fasting or changing diet. I would highly encourage others to only use this drug as a last resort."

"I took this med for about three years for what the Dr thought was a peptic ulcer. Worked for two years then I developed severe duodenum pain. Endoscopys and test ensued. They kept telling me to take it. I stopped on my own and six months worth of pain, bloating etc stopped."

"I was prescribed this drug as I was suffering from stomach pain whilst taking ibuprofen for a dental abscess. I took 3 doses over 3 days and then stopped it, as I was suffering from chest, shoulder and arm pain, anxiety, tearfulness, raised blood pressure and pulse and extreme heartburn, which I do not usually suffer from. I also felt extremely unwell. One week later and I am beginning to feel better, although still suffering from heartburn. This drug obviously does not suit me."

"I was given omeprazole 20mg for a suspected stomach ulcer. I had diarrhoea within 2 hours of eating anything, along with mild nausea and painful bloating, cramps and burping a lot. I also had occasional chills and tiredness. My doctor told me the side effects would subside so I stayed on it, but after 10 days I booked another dr app and was taken straight off the medication as I wasn’t keeping any food in me(maybe the reason for my tiredness). It took my stomach around 6 weeks to feel back to normal. Sorry for the TMI but my stools were white for quite some time after and my boyfriend said they smelled like a rotting corpse. The nausea and stomach pain took the longest to disappear. If you’re going through similar, your stomach should go back to normal. I never thought mine would at one point but after 2 months I was ok. My stomach didn’t get on with omeprazole."

"This medicine was absolutely no good for me at all. Doctor suspected an ulcer due to some ongoing pain in a specific area. Within days of starting this, my brain was completely foggy, I had constant severe stomach pain, both diarrhea and constipation, nausea, horrible gas pains, and serious headache that Advil couldn't even touch. I honestly felt so sick for so many days that I thought about going to the ER more than once, and it didn't make the original pain subside at all. I didn't immediately suspect the Omeprazole, but then realized that starting it was the only recent change. Sure enough, within one day of stopping it, I'm much better. Still not myself at all, but I'm hoping everything will subside with a few days."

"After taking omeprazole in the morning with food, I had a headache by the afternoon which escalated to a full blown wicked headache (migraine) the next morning. Other symptoms were tearfulness, nausea, and vomiting. Needless to say, I did not take it the next morning since I felt as if it was the end of me. I cannot imaging what would have happened if I took it the second day. At the end of the second day, I have a heavy-headed feeling. I had to take two Tylenol to get rid of the headache since I have a stomach ulcer (caused from taking 81mg of aspirin a day and had to be careful what to take for the headache."

"Prescribed Omeprazole to accompany Naproxen (protect stomach from naproxen side effects) - the naproxen prescribed to alleviate symptoms of Psioratic Arthritis in Feb 19. Worked, in that pain disappeared after starting course. Continued to take combined meds til Nov 19; concerns regarding the possible impact of taking Omeprazole over long period. Stopped taking drugs. Since, pain failed to re-appear, justifying decision. HOWEVER, now suffering unpleasant gastric effects - heartburn, reflux, constant throat clearing, sensitive stomach. Symptoms I believe of acid rebound hypersecretion - documented common amongst patients stopping PPIs after prolonged period. A month off Omeprazole now; still suffering symptoms...but determined to persist, as long term use of drugs like Naproxen & Omeprazole seems to simply be masking symptoms as opposed to providing a cure (impossible for Psioratic Arthritis), with potential consequent problems arising. Better stopped after 9 months than continuing."

"I am pregnant with my second child, and out of nowhere my midwife diagnosed myself with a stomach ulcer.. I was prescribed omeprazole (20mg) 2 times daily. Instantly the dull, achy, burning pain from the ulcer was resolved and tolerable. Unfortunately, it gave me the WORST anxiety. I already have an anxiety disorder that was manageable before the medicine, but not even a full week into taking omeprazole I was having constant racing, intrusive thoughts. I’d rather have the stomach pains than the anxiety... I’m currently weaning myself off the medicine to take something different."

"I love it! It cured all of my stomach ulcers in 3 months!"

"Stomach pain and cramps after 2 weeks."

"No problems and seems to help! Have been taking for a while for my Ulcer and GERD."

"I have stomach issues and within the first week I had worse stomach cramps and pain and throat gurgles. It made my symptoms worse."

Prilosec (omeprazole) "For ulcer, it worked but needed to be twice a day for at least 1 month"

"I take this after Biatric surgery had lots of stomach bleeds so l have to take this drug for the rest of my life"

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  • Reviews (490)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: proton pump inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Omeprazole drug information
  • Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules and Tablets (OTC)
  • Omeprazole Delayed-Release Capsules
  • Omeprazole Orally-Disintegrating Tablets
  • Omeprazole Powder for Oral Suspension

Other brands

Prilosec, Prilosec OTC

Professional resources

  • Omeprazole monograph
  • Omeprazole (FDA)
  • Omeprazole Magnesium Granules (FDA)
  • Omeprazole Tablets (FDA)
  • TopCare Omeprazole (FDA)

Other brands

Prilosec, Prilosec OTC

Related treatment guides

  • Barrett's Esophagus
  • Gastritis/Duodenitis
  • Erosive Esophagitis
  • Duodenal Ulcer