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Generic Name: Oxcarbazepine for Trigeminal Neuralgia (oxcarbazepine)

Oxcarbazepine for Trigeminal Neuralgia Reviews

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) "I have MS and experienced a severe relapse and spent a week in the hospital with chronic face pain. After determining it was Trigeminal neuralgia, my neurologist and I spent several weeks trying numerous treatments. Trileptal was the only one that gave me not only immediate relief, but I haven't had any face pain for months now!"

"This medicine was heaven sent! At first, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to tolerate it, but after a few weeks, it got into my system and leveled out, it was fine. My pain from TN is completely gone. I'm taking 600 mg at night. With no side effects :) With this medication and my Father God, I'm doing good :) Don't give up on this med, give it time to work! Hope this helps :)"

"My girlfriend has been on oxcarbazepine for about 8 months, and she has been hospitalized for low sodium three times before they figured out that oxcarbazepine was causing it. This is a very serious condition. I'm glad it works for some people, but be careful. It worked for her except for the side effects, unfortunately."

"I have been on this drug for 7 years. It is the only medication that works for the intense pain. I am on a very strong dose, 1200 mg 3 times daily, and even taking this dose, I still have some breakthrough pain (spring and fall). The only side effect I don't like is getting tired. However, I would rather have that than the pain."

"Diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia in 2011 after 2 root canals and 2 crowns. A new dentist sent me to an oral surgeon who knew what it was right away. Saw a neurologist, and he confirmed the diagnosis and prescribed oxcarbazepine. It took a number of weeks to ramp up the meds to the correct level due to nausea. Currently taking 900 mg at night. Really makes me feel loopy and drowsy. I have been pain-free for most of the past 6 years. I also play trumpet daily, which amazes my neurologist. However, I feel I am not as sharp as I used to be (just turned 60) and have memory problems to the point of literally not recalling details of recent things. (Long-term memory is fine.) There are also times during the day that I feel very sleepy."

"I was diagnosed with TN in January. Started out on a very low dose and frequency. Doctor gradually increased because it wasn't working. I was about to give up, but finally am taking a total of 900 mg/day and it's working! I was about to schedule a Gamma Knife procedure before it kicked in. I do get very sleepy in the daytime and am tired, but probably tired from the pain that wore me out!!!! Hang in there if you are just starting on this med."

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) "Stopped the incapacitating seizures. Side effects are bothersome but not as awful as the seizures: Sugar-sweet taste of all food, fatigue, occasional nausea, memory issues, sight issues, balance problems."

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) "This medicine has been a LIFESAVER for me, because quite frankly, facial nerve pain can drive a person over the edge. It can be very good for those suffering from Trigeminal Neuralgia. I give this medicine an A. Thank you."

"I was taking Tegretol for about 2 years and it suddenly stopped working. The pain was insane and uncontrollable. My neurologist prescribed Oxtellar XR, but it was too expensive so he gave me samples of Trileptal and it worked extremely well. He then prescribed oxcarbazepine which was less expensive. It is a lifesaver. I'm probably taking too high of a dose but it's out of paranoia of the pain. I'm looking into having surgery in case the medications stop working."

"This has helped me tremendously. No face pain at all having Trigeminal Disorder. The pain can make you crazy. No pain pills helped at all. Take 450 mg every night and go right to sleep. Slept in a chair for 6 weeks keeping my head up and not being able to lay down in my bed to sleep. Cried every night with pain. Feel a little drowsy, fatigued and weakness some days but I'd rather deal with that instead of the pain. It's been two months now and I feel so much better. Good luck to all."

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) "I have been taking 1200mg daily for a number of years, and there are times when I'm pain-free and times when I'm not pain-free. Interestingly, enough, the pain is usually worse in the morning, and if I ignore it as best I can, it subsides. But, it often comes back later in the day and around bedtime."

"Been diagnosed with trigeminal neuralgia (TN) since October 2108 and have tried 4 types of meds. I had really bad reactions with all of them and also didn't reduce the pain. Now I am taking 150 mg Trileptal with 100 mg Gabapentin, both of them in the morning and bedtime. The pain has reduced to a manageable level, like 3 out of 10. Am thankful for that, and I hope it will continue like that!!! I started going back to work and also enjoy life with friends!!!"

"I have had trigeminal neuralgia for 14 years. The condition is debilitating. If you have the condition, you know exactly what I mean. I take 1200 mg 3 times a day. Which is a lot! I have side effects such as tiredness, blurred vision, forgetfulness, weight gain, trouble walking because of double vision, etc. AND there is still breakthrough pain. However, I would rather be tired and forgetful than have the lightning shock pain 24/7. I think it saved my life in a way."

"Diagnosed May 2015 - left side typical TGN. Didn't want to take Tegretol because of the side effects, so tried Gabapentin with minimal effect even on 2700 mg per day. After 7 months of daily agony, I finally changed to Trileptal. Took two weeks to kick in properly, but have been pain-free for the last 6 weeks. Have come off the Gabapentin (hideous) and am now working up the courage to come off the Trileptal to see if it's gone into remission. The MRI I had has identified the offending blood vessels, but I really want to avoid surgery if I can. Medication is expensive, but I have had very few side effects - I'll take that over pain any day of the week!"

"I have been in pain for three years with headaches and trigeminal neuralgia, and I was taking Tegretol with not much relief. I just switched to oxcarbazepine, and it is like I am a new person. No pain. I'm thrilled. I hope the relief lasts, unlike my experience with Tegretol, where it worked in the beginning and then it had no effect at all. I am thankful to my new doctor for prescribing this for me!"

"I have been on this medicine for 5 days, and it has absolutely turned my life around... literally. I was trying Tegretol, and it worked for my trigeminal/occipital neuralgia, but made me off balance, slur my words, even on a low dose. The doctor gave me this based on those debilitating side effects, and I have almost no side effects so far and almost no pain! So hoping it will continue to work like this!"

Trileptal (oxcarbazepine) "I use it for trigeminal neuralgia and it is working great! I was first prescribed Tegretol, and it worked for about a year, but then the pain started to return. The doctor said the Tegretol was being metabolized at a faster rate, and she switched me to Trileptal. It worked in about eight hours! And, as others have noted, you do struggle for words and have a bit of short-term memory impairment, but the pain is gone! Also, so is your libido! Tegretol was like taking Viagra, it increased libido! But it's still a better life without the pain."

"Life-changing, and I would not quit taking this unless I was forced to. I tried Tegretol, and it was too severe for me. I have been on oxcarbazepine for 6 weeks now, and it has almost stifled my trigeminal neuralgia episodes to where I can function now. It does have its side effects, and I am often confused for the first few hours of taking my medication, which is 150 milligrams 2 times per day. I'm glad we are starting out on a low dose as I am down to 102 pounds. I am also taking 3200 milligrams of gabapentin. This combination has worked for me. My last episode of trigeminal neuralgia was in September 2015, and it lasted for 34 days. That was it for me. I'm so glad for this medication to be available to me. There is a trade-off, though."

"41-year-old female has TN associated with MS. Had the gamma procedure 3 years ago, and it worked wonders. However, it's back. As I sit here today, tears pouring down my face because it hurt to cry. I'm on Lyrica, Oxtellar, and Percocet. The problem is it hurts me to swallow anything, including these pills. Has anyone had that problem? I haven't eaten or had anything to drink for two days... assuming if it doesn't subside soon, I'll need to be hospitalized just to get hydrated. The pain is out of control. Like an electric drill on the side of my face. Please help."

"Female, over 70. Have had TN since 2007. Had MVD in 2013. Pain-free for a little over 3 yrs. Episodes have returned big time. Back on oxcarbazepine, but not totally effective. Prior to MVD, I tried upping the dosage from 300 twice a day to 300 three times per day, which caused false gallbladder symptoms and depletion of sodium. I am having some blurred vision at times and nausea. If I don't take the medication on time, the shooting, screaming, electric pains hit me with full force. I still have pains throughout the day, but can deal with those. I live in fear that the bigger pains are going to hit me any minute. I think the oxcarbazepine is effective with fewer side effects, from the information I've read."

"I used to suffer from facial nerve pain. I'm 34, and the doctors don't know why. I've been checked for MS. Anyway, I wanted to say this medicine has improved my life 100 times over, and quite frankly, I cannot function without it. To all who suffer from facial nerve pain, PLEASE try this medicine. It's not a lifesaver for everybody, but it's worth a try for those having pain so bad that words cannot express it. Take care, my friends, and try to maintain hope."

"I, like all of you, have had trigeminal neuralgia for years. Was on Tegretol for 2 years, then quite an unexpected breakthrough of magnitude 11 on a scale of 1 to 10, pains every 4 mins. My doctor prescribed Lyrica, useless, with side effects of a drunk, double vision, etc. In France, oxcarbazepine is not the medicine of choice, convinced the doctor to prescribe oxcarbazepine, in half an hour normal."

"I have had Trigeminal neuralgia now for 4 years and have had great success with Oxtellar XR. If your insurance will pay for this drug you will be very wise to try it. At first it made It made me a little sleepy and dizzy after a while I was ok. It has kept me pain free. Great drug, I take 1200 MG."

"I have phobia when it comes to meds but suffering with trigeminal neuralgia made me get over it! I prayed and asked the Lord for some relief & the Dr. gave me this prescription. Tried this med at 300mg hardly no side effects just a little drowsy but as I continued taking it I could handle it. Helps the pain a lot! One key to take away or decrease side effects is drink a lot of water after your dose!"

"I have had severe trigeminal neuralgia for one year, hospitalized 9 times in 9 months, the pain never left, I had it 24/7. I was taking up to one Tramacet every hour before I had microdecompression in February 2013. I have to say that all other treatments were not available to me as I had abhorrent loop trigeminal and the surgery was my last hope. The surgery was very difficult and was only 75% successful to date, whilst in surgery I actually had a major blood vessel that could not be decompressed. I have been on Trileptal since October 2012, and I have gained 50 lbs. I am hungry all of the time."

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  • Drug class: dibenzazepine anticonvulsants
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Patient resources

  • Oxcarbazepine drug information
  • Oxcarbazepine Extended-Release Tablets
  • Oxcarbazepine Tablets
  • Oxcarbazepine Oral Suspension

Other brands

Trileptal, Oxtellar XR

Professional resources

  • Oxcarbazepine monograph
  • Oxcarbazepine (FDA)
  • Oxcarbazepine Suspension (FDA)

Other brands

Trileptal, Oxtellar XR

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  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Anxiety
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Cyclothymic Disorder