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Generic Name: Praluent for High Cholesterol (alirocumab)

Praluent for High Cholesterol Reviews

"I thought I would follow up on my initial review that I left several weeks ago to give some hope to those who are having a bad reaction like myself. I literally couldn't stand for more than a few minutes, I was so weak. I had no core strength, no strength in my legs, and then in my arms. I lost my dexterity in my hands, had a bad cough, and my heart was beating wildly, etc. All these side effects started to dissipate approximately 2 months after my last dose. I am almost back to full strength. As my cough started to go away, all my strength started coming back, and my heartbeats calmed down. This stuff, Praluent, is insane. I will never take another one of these injectables again. The good news is that I'm about 90% better. Everyone leaves these comments stating that they are really in trouble on this medication but never follow up. For two months, I thought I was in trouble. I'm writing to let others know I'm almost back to normal after 2 months of a living nightmare. It still gets a one rating."

"I have Myasthenia Gravis and Praluent initially flared my condition within 3 days of taking this, this has subsided several weeks later. With respect to side effects, I have neck, shoulder, back, and leg pain, cramping, nausea, severe fatigue, weakness in legs, and finally can't leave out the cough. I had a similar reaction to Repatha. I thought I would give Praluent a go. Half-life is super long, 17 - 20 days... so, this will be fun. There's no way I will continue this. It's amazing how FDA could pass this stuff. I would like to sift through the clinical trial data... the real data."

"I’m 65 years old. I took two doses of Praluent over a 4-week period and experienced extreme fatigue and lethargy. It also impacted my cognitive ability (I’m a financial analyst). I’m troubled that the clinical trials focus on side effects limited to the injection site. I had far many more than this. The most pronounced was unusual tiredness and fatigue. I normally bike 10 miles every other day and could not bike any longer. As soon as I suspended taking this drug after three weeks (due to its long half-life), I was able to resume my exercise routine. I had high hopes for this drug because it initially reduced my bad (and good) cholesterol dramatically. My cardiologist did not want to hear my complaints. I am overall very disappointed in the experience. I’m still trying to find a medication that will work that doesn’t sap all my energy."

"I started Praluent 75 mg in June 2019 due to my high cholesterol 270 and LDL 191. I’m female, in my early 60s, and normal weight. It was recommended since I am allergic to statins and had muscle and joint pain from statins. I was so hoping the Praluent would work for me. I didn’t have any issues with the injection, but a day after both times I took the shot, my muscle and joint pain was awful. I could not sleep due to the pain, and even my stomach and ribs ached. My CAD showed 143 with calcification in my descending artery. I’m nervous about having a heart attack or stroke but don’t think I can continue these shots if I am so debilitated afterwards. My doctor wants me to try Repatha, but after reading the side effects and reviews, it sounds even worse. I may just have to try watching my diet. I really don’t know what to do. My cardiologist is surprised that I reacted to this drug."

"Took this for a month and a half and my PCP told me to stop. I made trips to my gynecologist thinking my problems were related to my estrogen, then to MedExpress for sinus issues, and the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. ER could not find anything. I had aches and pains, could hardly walk due to stiffness in ankles and leg pain. Heart palpitations and chest cramps. Trouble swallowing and the feeling of something stuck in my throat. Sweats and vision blurring. I had been off my blood pressure meds for 2 years and had to start taking them again. I've been off of it for about a month and still have chest cramps and something stuck in throat. I may not like statin drugs but with CoQ10 I can manage them. Never taking this med again. I would rather die."

"Have a strong family history of heart disease. Have had several stents placed. Have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Statins made me have severe muscle issues, most noticeable in my feet. My cardiologist had me try Repatha and I experienced severe muscle pains, cough, and leg swelling. I changed to Praluent with two injections done and experienced the same issues. Now I have severe pain in my hands and am unable to do fine dexterity movements with one hand. I will not take this injection again to see if symptoms subside. If this medication is causing the symptoms, beware before you take the drug. My next plan to lower cholesterol will involve more natural treatments. Has anyone had success with this?"

"Had GREAT results from using the Praluent for 6 weeks but the flu-like symptoms got worse after every injection (did the every other week). My numbers were fantastic but I decided it wasn't worth it. My doctor convinced me to try it but only once a month. Had my first shot four days ago and so far only a stuffy nose. Maybe for those having issues changing to only once per month would be a good compromise."

"I have been taking it for about 5 months. It lowered my cholesterol, but the pain I have in my hips and bones are not worth it. I can hardly walk, the pain is unbearable. They say it takes 3 months to get out of your body. Can't take anything without side effects."

"I read a lot of negative comments online about Praluent, and quite frankly, the potential side effects were pretty scary to read. I've just taken my 2nd injection and can honestly say it's been fine. The injection itself doesn't hurt at all, and I haven't had any significant side effects, positive or negative. After each injection, I have felt a bit lethargic, but nothing to worry about. I'm sure those people who experience negative responses to this drug are experiencing real issues, but for me, it's been fine."

"I've had my 2nd injection at 150mg dose last week. Don't know my numbers yet, but the side effects are identical to when I started Crestor drug. My whole body hurts, hard to walk very far without severe muscle pain. Can't sleep because of muscle pain. I feel like death warmed over. Last dose for me."

"I have had high cholesterol, a genetic gift. I cannot take the statin meds due to debilitating muscle pain, so my specialist suggested I try Praluent. Initially, I was on it with amazing results in lowering my counts, but then the pain started… Everywhere. It would be tolerable after I was up and moving, but so bad it would wake me at night. And it wasn’t just one area, every single area of my body ached terribly. Getting out of bed was pure hell, laying in bed and moving was pure hell. Blood pressure was also elevated on this med, and I even lowered injections to once a month to hopefully use it with positive results. I have now been off of it for 2 months, and I will never use this again. I cannot believe this is put out there for the public to use, you have no life without pain on it. Hope this review helps someone out there. I’m a 65-year-old lady, high cholesterol since 28 years of age."

"I am a heart patient. I’ve had one heart attack and another one milder one a year ago. I have taken two injections with not too many noticeable side effects. Maybe some isolated aches and pains and maybe a little tightness in my chest. After the 1st week of the second injection, I checked my BP: 169/95, checked again on the 2nd day: 159/99. Way too high for a heart patient! Then it goes down too low: 95/69, etc. I have reported this to the FDA. I don’t need this. I called my doc and was told by a nurse to increase my BP meds but I told them NO! Not till I talk to my regular heart doc and primary care doc in person. I’m done with this med for now. If I am going to die, I would rather die from not taking this med. If I die from taking this med, what’s the point? I don’t think a long-range study on side effects from this med has been done. It hasn’t been out long enough."

"Horrible drug. If you think you have any kind of immune system issues, do not take this drug, Praluent. I have been dealing with Lyme disease issues for years but have had it under control. One dosage of this drug triggered some kind of autoimmune response and my Lyme symptoms came back. It’s been six months and I still feel like rubbish every day. Manufacturer denied anything is wrong with the drug."

"I'm a 64-year-old male. I have had 2 MIs (heart attacks)... first at age 46, the second at age 61 which resulted in me having a CABG x3 (Coronary artery bypass graft surgery - three grafts). I have been taking 75mg Praluent for about 5 months with twice-monthly injections. Over the last few injections, I have noticed a slight increase in muscle pain in legs and lower back. I also feel pain and discomfort in the abdominal area. Has anyone else noticed abdominal discomfort as well?"

"I was on Repatha for years with no problems. Insurance provider stopped coverage, but offered coverage for Praluent. Out of pocket cost to me for three-month supply of 0.75mg every two weeks is $720.00. Taken it twice. Sore in mouth, lower back pain, and weak legs to go with overall feeling of tiredness/weakness. Biggest concern is that my blood pressure and pulse have gone off the scale, which is something I did not previously experience and seem incapable of bringing it down regardless of what I do. Always had excellent numbers without medication. Had Afib three times in a two-day period. To put it mildly, I have severe reservations, the plus side of this medication is worth the side effects. Life without quality seems to be lacking in the basic tenant."

"I started taking this drug in Dec 2015 with amazing results! Within a few months, however, I noticed I was feeling ill and had sore muscles, particularly in my upper legs. Because I am a devoted walker, 3-5 miles per day, I began to wonder if it could be the Praluent. My doctor informed me that he had not heard of problems, so I continued to take it. In May this year, a problem arose with insurance availability of this drug for me. Because I was forced to stay off it for a month, all of a sudden, I began to feel better! I mean all tiredness, fatigue, muscle pain were just simply gone! When offered the meds again, I have refused. I was really, really sick from this medicine. This is my own experience. Since then, I have read a lot of blogs where others have experienced the same."

"I am a 63-year-old female with type 2 diabetes. I can't tolerate statins. I tried Repatha, and after the 3rd shot, I got severe back pain. I had heard about Praluent, so I tried that. After 1 injection, I had severe nausea and vomiting, headache, sore throat, and back pain on the right side only. I am going back to the doctor tomorrow because I feel so bad. Safe to say there won't be a 2nd injection. Hope this leaves my system quickly."

"79-year-old male, 10 days ago had one injection of Praluent 150mg, within 24 hours, right shoulder and back pain. Constant severe pain the first week could only sleep on my back. Up many times during the night, pain so severe. Four days after, went to the primary doctor, got anti-inflammatory medicine, steroid injection, which did nothing. Seven days after the injection, severe pain in the right shoulder, went to the ER, received a cortisone injection, got minor relief for a few hours. Now, 13 days after the injection, pain in the right shoulder is still bad, with minor moments of reduced pain. Hopefully with time?? I also cannot forget runny nose, cramps in legs, very weak as well."

"I am a 35-year-old male in very good shape with genetically high cholesterol. I have been extremely intolerant of statins and tried Praluent per my doctor's recommendation. I spoke with a pharmacist and got very little information about this medication as it is very new. I was hopeful, and my first injection went well. I had very minor flu-like symptoms for three days and then felt normal. Injection two came with typical statin-like side effects (achy joints, sore muscles, fatigue) along with irritability, sexual performance issues, and mild depression. The third shot was my last. It made statins seem nice. Symptoms all increased. I got sores in my mouth and became extremely depressed. Symptoms subsided 3 weeks after the last injection."

"This is an update to my April 29th comments. My numbers are great vs. last December 2019: cholesterol overall: 153 vs. 250, HDL: 65 vs. 56, LDL: 67 vs. 162, triglycerides: 107 vs. 160. Side effects: frequent muscle spasms, shorter in duration than muscle cramps, occurred during daily activity. Bend to tie my sneaker; spasm in my butt. Stretch to clasp on my bra; spasm in my midriff. These have subsided somewhat. I still have the same kinds of excruciating thigh/muscle cramps at night that I got on statins. The big difference is they aren't as bad or long-lasting. I still get cramps in my feet and the calves of my legs but, again, not as bad. My feet get sore and tired when I take my walks, which never happened 3-4 months ago. Overall, I would say if these side effects don't get any worse, I will likely continue on the drug. The outstanding results for my cholesterol are worth it, since I have cardiovascular risks, as well."

"I am a statin intolerant patient who was initially excited to try this new drug. It was easy to administer and seemed to be working with little side effects (minor cough and cold symptoms). Total cholesterol went from 203 to 98 after just two months. As I continued to use the drug, I developed severe shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Sadly, apparently I can't tolerate this drug either. After further research, there is little information on long-term side effects. My pharmacist told me that patients are reporting my same symptoms and even memory loss. Not the drug for me."

"I'm a 53-year-old female. I've had two heart attacks back in 2015. I'm also diabetic and have other chronic illnesses. My doctor prescribed this medication about four months ago. At first, I didn't take it, something made me wary. I don't tolerate statins. Just this week, I took my third dose. The side effects are horrible, the pain is unbearable. My memory is a mess. I can't literally hold a cup in my hands. Lower back pain, legs are weak, if I move an arm, it feels like it's being broken. My shoulders hurt, my neck hurts, literally, I'm not able to function at all. I will not take this medication ever again. I'm calling my doctor tomorrow and letting him know that I'm practically in pain 24/7. I refuse to be this ill."

"My dad is taking this med as no statin drug was tolerable for his high cholesterol. As other reviewers have noted, his LDL decreased quickly from 144 to 34. However, his HDL also had a significant decrease. It is now 34. We have a concern with this medication lowering both 'good' and 'bad' cholesterol. I think all individuals using this med are part of a bit of a continued experimental process given the controversial recent approval by the FDA to release. Sharing info on sites such as this can be useful. Please share feedback if others have similar experiences. My dad's doc told him to return in 2 months. He didn't seem too concerned about the low HDL number."

"Horrible. It has been 6 days since I could function. Severe neck and sinus pain. Arms so tired I can barely lift them. No fever. Bronchial pain and short of breath. Doctor said wait it out. Wait 3 weeks before next dose. There will NOT be another dose."

"My Cardiologist prescribed Praluent to control cholesterol. I had one injection in October of 2015. Within 24 hours, my joints swelled to the point where, for example, I could not safely grasp my steering wheel. My B/P rose by 52 points to 191/106. My Cardiologist made no diagnosis outside of it might not be the Praluent, but began to try every drug that was available. My new normal B/P is 161/98. I have contacted the manufacturer, talked generically for an hour, who cordially let me speak with their research person, and we but was unable to get any list of could be's or look for's. After perusing the Internet today, I find that the injection could have caused Vasculitis or Immunogenicity."

More about Praluent (alirocumab)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: PCSK9 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Praluent drug information

Professional resources

  • Praluent prescribing information
  • Alirocumab (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • High Cholesterol, Familial Heterozygous
  • Cardiovascular Risk Reduction
  • High Cholesterol, Familial Homozygous
  • High Cholesterol